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This meta-analysis (148 studies, k = 197, N = 31,718) examined the relationship between motivation and transfer in professional training. For this purpose, motivation was conceptualized in the following nine dimensions: motivation to learn, motivation to transfer, pre- and post-training self-efficacy, mastery orientation, performance orientation, avoidance orientation, expectancy, and instrumentality. Population correlation estimates ranged between −0.11 and 0.52. Three moderator effects were estimated. First, correlations were higher when the training focused on declarative and self-regulatory, rather than on procedural, knowledge. Second, learner-centered environments tended to show greater numbers of positive correlations than did knowledge-centered environments. Third, when compared with external, supervisory, or peer assessment, self-assessment of transfer produced upwardly biased population estimates irrespective of the transfer criterion. These findings are discussed in terms of their implications for theories of training effectiveness and their significance for the practice of training evaluation.  相似文献   
《文化批判》作为后期创造社“方向转换”时期的重要刊物,试图确立一种新的文化意识形态,为青年人的革命实践提供思想武器。文章从文学传媒的视角出发,对《文化批判》推动“革命文学”发展的策略进行了分析,着力从理论与旗帜、出版部与阵地、论战与影响力、读者与互动四个方面展开论述,多方面考察《文化批判》是如何发挥媒介手段的力量,成功推动“革命文学”在中国发展的。  相似文献   
江苏省大丰市图书馆以创建省公共文化服务体系示范区为契机,以推进文化惠民、改善文化民生、突出全市城乡公共文化一体化为重点,积极探索实现公共文化服务普惠、均等的路径、方法,不断完善公共文化服务体系,有力地促进了公共图书馆事业的繁荣发展、均衡发展与和谐发展,其成功经验可鉴.  相似文献   
杨选辉 《科技广场》2014,(8):117-121
随着信息技术的飞速发展和互联网的普及,以网络为载体的文化传播模式开始兴起,尽管网络文化产业的发展岁月短暂,但已经成为世界各国争相发展的核心产业。本文运用SWOT分析方法找出了江西省网络文化产业发展的优势、劣势、机会、威胁,并针对江西省网络文化产业的发展制定了一系列切实可行的对策,为其发展指明方向。  相似文献   
运动素质是可以相互转移的,各个运动项目需要的身体素质不尽相同,但他们之间都是可以相互转移的。通过描述了多个运动项目之间的身体素质之间的关系和转移,主要介绍了竞技健美操与体育舞蹈之间素质的转移,说明,每个项目需要的身体素质不同,运动员都要朝着正迁移的方向来进行训练。  相似文献   
When cybercriminals communicate with their customers in underground markets, they tend to use secure and customizable instant messaging (IM) software, i.e. Telegram. It is a popular IM software with over 700 million monthly active users (MAU) up to June 2022. In recent years, more and more dark jargons (i.e. an innocent-looking replacement of sensitive terms) appear frequently on Telegram. Therefore, jargons identification is one of the most significant research perspectives to track online underground markets and cybercrimes. This paper proposes a novel Chinese Jargons Identification Framework (CJI-Framework) to identify dark jargons. Firstly, we collect chat history from Telegram groups that are related to the underground market and construct the corpus TUMCC (Telegram Underground Market Chinese Corpus), which is the first Chinese corpus in jargons identification research field. Secondly, we extract seven brand-new features which can be classified into three categories: Vectors-based Features (VF), Lexical analysis-based Features (LF), and Dictionary analysis-based Features (DF), to identify Chinese dark jargons from commonly-used words. Based on these features, we then run a statistical outlier detection to decide whether a word is a jargon. Furthermore, we employ a word vector projection method and a transfer learning method to improve the effect of the framework. Experimental results show that CJI-Framework achieves a remarkable performance with an F1-score of 89.66%. After adaptation for English, it performs better than state-of-the-art English jargons identification method as well. Our built corpus and code have been publicly released to facilitate the reproduction and extension of our work.  相似文献   
城市体育文化记忆是城市体育文化历史和传统的继承、延续及其发展的内在机制,是城市体育文化 基因遗传进化的通道,具有丰富的内涵、重要的理论价值和实践意义;其特征是文本性与诠释性共存、记 忆与遗忘的互动、持续性与重构性相溶;基本类型有口语类、智力类、记录类、实物类、实践类等。  相似文献   
程向明 《科教文汇》2014,(34):70-71
“热质交换原理与设备”是建筑环境与能源应用专业的专业基础课之一,是将专业课程中有关流体的传热传质原理及相关热质交换设备的内容取出,经整理归纳而形成的一门技术基础课。基于该课程的特点,对这门课程的教学实践做了总结,本文提出了符合新教学大纲要求的“四个结合”的教学方法,以便进一步提高教学质量和教学水平,经过教学实践的检验,这种教学方法收到很好的效果。  相似文献   
女性缠足是中国古代特有的文化现象,它之所以在唐宋之际出现,除了受到一般性的男性征服心理影响之外,还和特定的社会制度相关联。唐代小说呈现了男性书生化的倾向,男性的书生化必然导致女性的柔弱化,这种柔弱化集中体现为词体文学中的女性柔弱形象,从而改变了先唐诗歌中表现女性自然美、健康美的传统。“三寸金莲”文学意象的频密出现只是当时女性柔弱化表现之一端。  相似文献   
文章对我国体育教师在国家文化软实力建设中的角色进行了探讨,以期为国家文化软实力建设提供理论参考。研究发现,今天的体育教师承担了更多的时代价值与历史使命,并在国家软实力建设中越来越具有更多的社会功能价值:中国体育助中国提升文化软实力,体育教师成就了中国体育。  相似文献   
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