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The development of Local Cultural Strategies was recommended to all local authorities in England through the publication of a guidance document, Creating Opportunities, by the Department of Culture Media and Sport (DCMS, 2000). Although not a statutory duty, by the end of 2002 Local Cultural Strategy development was strongly encouraged by the government, and the adoption of a strategy became part of performance review for local authorities under Best Value Performance Indicator BVPI 114. This recommendation encouraged local authorities to formalize and publish plans for the strategic development of their cultural and culture-related services. These used a broad definition of culture and recognized of the value of partnership working within localities, regions and sub-regions in which local authorities were taking the ‘lead’. It also reflected the advocacy of a cultural planning approach by central government for local government.

Cultural planning encourages a culturally sensitive approach to local cultural development, focusing on a diverse range of ‘cultural resources’, including leisure and sports facilities, qualities of natural and built environment, youth and ethnic communities and communities of interest, as well as the need for different local authority service departments and private, voluntary and other public sector partners to be involved early on in strategic development. According to this approach, culture is broadly defined as a ‘way of life’, and DCMS's guidance states that Local Cultural Strategies should promote cultural well-being and the quality of life in their designated areas.

As a result, Local Cultural Strategies have been developed at all tiers of English local authorities, including district and borough, metropolitan and unitary authority, county and regional levels. This article discusses the development of Local Cultural Strategies in England and reviews information on those strategies that have been developed. It examines the different approaches local authorities have taken towards this task, the methodologies for consultation employed, the frameworks for monitoring and the evaluation of cultural provision they offer. It considers the benefits and problems associated with the production of Local Cultural Strategies as strategic development frameworks for local culture, and questions the future of this process following their ‘subsumption’ into Community Strategies as part of a broader package of reforms for local government. In doing so, it examines how these documents offer an opportunity to examine local approaches to cultural planning.  相似文献   

"中国的图书馆学"的建设与中西文化交流   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
张清菊 《图书馆杂志》2005,24(7):3-5,16
回顾百年历史,中国图书馆学的发端、发展过程不仅是一个引进西方文化或西方科学的历程,而且也是中国人思考如何创建中国自身的图书馆学的历程。在这方面,梁启超所提出的“建设中国的图书馆学”的思路,至今依然具有不可磨灭的思想意义。本文以梁启超在中华图书馆协会成立大会上的演说辞为切入点,在中西文化比较的视野下探讨了这一思路的内容,及其所包含的深刻寓意。  相似文献   
论《伟大的代码》的文学批评特色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宗教学与文学是文化范畴中的两大学科。加拿大著名文论家诺思罗普·弗莱在他的《伟大的代码》中通过对圣经的研究将二者进行跨学科的比较,对圣经的宗教内涵与它的文学表现形式加以系统的剖析研究,指出其内在的联系以及它在宗教与文化两方面的双重意义,使之上升到超学科文化比较的高度,为文学评论界开辟了一条崭新的途径  相似文献   
杜亚泉的文化思想--兼评杜、陈文化论争   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杜亚泉是“五四”时期“东方化派”的代表人物之一,其思想主张在当时产生过较大影响。在东西化对比上,他提出化“动静说”;在新化建设方面,他主张新旧调和,用中国固有明统整西方物质明,有合理的一面,也有保守的一面。杜陈化论争,拉开了东西化问题论争的序幕,这次论争在中国现代思想史上具有深远的历史意义。  相似文献   
健美操与体育舞蹈有机结合的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用唯物辩证法的矛盾观点,对体育舞蹈和健美操之间存在的共性和个性进行分析,探讨二者有机结合的可行性,以解决“课程方案”中做为必修课程的健美操和体育舞蹈均存在的课时少、内容多等问题。  相似文献   
网络信息传输与文化发展的忧患意识   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黎莉 《情报科学》2000,18(6):507-508,517
针对网络信息传输中可能会形成全球性的单一文化、其它一些非西方文化和哲学将会消失的问题,从网络发展的不平衡性与控制性以及文化发展的入侵性和矛盾性两个方面的视角,综合分析中外专家学者对此的述评,并就弘扬传统民族文化,消除网络忧患意识进行略论。  相似文献   
文化属性意识与东南亚华文文学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文内容包括三方而(1)文化属性概念辨析;(2)东南亚华文文学学者的文学属性论述;(3)文化属性概念在东南亚华文文学研究上的应用尝试.  相似文献   
依据1978年中美《建交公报》和1979年美国通过的《与台湾关系法》,美国对华从法理层面上开始正式形成和实施“双轨制”政策,一轨指向中国大陆,一轨指向中国台湾;一轨看重战略安全与军事领域的协调,一轨强化经贸文化领域的交流与合作;一轨聚焦实惠与效用为特征的现实主义政策效果,一轨注重道义与精神追求为特色的理想主义政策成效。而且还是错综复杂有机地糅合在一起同步实施的。表面上看该政策似乎能够最大限度地维护和扩展美国的国家战略性利益,但是,由于其自身内部的矛盾与冲突,外加具体实施中的伸缩空间受限严重,从根本上来看,最终与美国在亚太地区特别是在中国的根本性国家利益是完全背道而驰的。  相似文献   
公共文化服务供给是现代政府的核心职能之一,文章以保障百姓公共文化需求为出发点,通过对乐山地区公共文化服务供给和需求情况的研究,了解目前乐山地区公共文化服务供给过程中百姓需求表达机制的方式、路径中存在的问题和不足,并提出建立公共文化服务百姓需求互通机制的必要性和建议,对提升乐山地区公共文化服务供给水平做出积极的探索。  相似文献   
文章以历史性逻辑为研究方法,以传统耕读文化为“母本”,观照其在时代变迁过程中的因循与发展,从遗产保护、价值传承、机制创新三个方面,为新时代乡村振兴视野下构建“新耕读文化”提供理论参考和实践创新思路。  相似文献   
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