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中、外短跑运动发展趋势的对比研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
中、外短跑纪录的接近率、1999~2002年度最好成绩和最好成绩前10名平均成绩接近率,是衡量国内外短跑运动水平差距的指标之一。短跑运动员良好的身体形态、年龄特征是掌握运动技术和提高成绩的基础,短跑运动员的技术特征是反映技术有效性的最佳指标。通过对以上诸因素的比较研究,为短跑运动员的科学训练和选材提供参考。  相似文献   
传统观点认为荷马时代是“黑暗时代”。从20世纪90年代开始,我国学者根据新发现的证据对这一观点进行了修正思考,认为荷马时代的诸多城邦发展的程度是不一样的,大多数城邦正向着城邦制发展,有的已逐步进入了城邦制阶段。  相似文献   
伊迪丝.华顿(公元1862-公元1937)是19世纪末20世纪初美国著名的女作家之一,她的大部分作品都是以她出生,成长的"老纽约"为创作背景。在《纯真年代》里华顿以其独特的视角,描写了一个"新鲜又独特"的老纽约社会,并揭示了美国上流社会在商品经济冲击下的道德危机,以及他们为自己的保守和虚伪所付出的沉重代价。文章旨在用亚里士多德的悲剧理论来解读其代表作《纯真年代》里主人公的悲剧性命运。  相似文献   
Age curves, which relate age to creativity or exceptional achievements, seem to take two forms: some artists bloom early (Picasso), others later in life (Cézanne). We argue that this objective fact is not related to their mode of creation according to which some artists proceed by drawings made prior to the painting's execution, while others are more likely to imitate and achieve this through color and the process of painting itself. JEL numbers:Z10,Z11A very preliminary version of this paper was presented as a discussion at the conference Measuring Art: A Scientific Revolution in Art History, University of Chicago and American University of Paris, June 2003.  相似文献   
通过对部分项目 1 2名世界级顶尖运动员的年龄特征的研究发现 ,他们的运动寿命特长 (平均为 1 7年左右 ) ,竞技能力始终能保持在较高水平 ,但竞技能力并不总是处于颠峰状态 ,而是在一定的年龄范围内有峰有谷。因此 ,提出了“运动员的竞技能力不只有一个高峰期”的观点 ,以及重视老将的作用使之梅开二度 ,再创佳绩。  相似文献   
本文在分析老年阶段解剖生理特点的基础上 ,研究参加运动锻炼对增进身体健康、预防衰老、延年益寿的作用 ,提出老年人在运动锻炼中应注意的事项。  相似文献   
This study examined the metacognitive developmental patterns of Hong Kong school students. Students rated their own metacognitive competencies by responding to an inventory of six motivational‐ and cognitive‐metacognitive subscales. Results showed that students' metacognitive competencies decreased with age—from primary 4 (age 9) to secondary 5 (age 17)—with a sharp decline noticeable at the primary/secondary school transition. Age had a more powerful effect than gender on students' perception of their metacognitive competencies. This decreasing pattern of Hong Kong students' metacognitive competencies is contrary to the developmental trends found in Western countries. However, the comparatively high academic performance of Hong Kong students also suggests some different recommendations about student learning.  相似文献   
重复作为刘震云小说的叙述模式,体现出作家对于人生荒诞感的认知。《吃瓜时代的儿女们》和《我不是潘金莲》是刘震云荒诞书写的代表作品,但小说人物存在符号化、简单化倾向和"想当然"意味,偏离了五四"人的文学"的传统。同时,小说结尾将主人公的悲剧置换为另一批人的喜剧,具有较为强烈的悲观主义色彩,降低了作品的思想启蒙力量。《吃瓜时代的儿女们》和《我不是潘金莲》两部小说体现出刘震云在运用西方文学资源本土化方面的不足之处,对于中国当代作家的创作,具有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   
毛泽东关于“政治家办报”的思想,在今天仍然具有十分重要的理论和现实意义,具有强烈的指导性,并不因为形势和任务的变化而改变其价值。  相似文献   
The serum PSA is universally accepted as the useful and clinically relevant tumor marker for monitoring therapy and identifying early recurrence in patients of carcinoma prostate throughout the world. However, application of serum PSA is limited to screening for early adenocarcinoma prostate among males above fifty years of age. Serum PSA concentration varies from one population to another in different parts of the world. Many groups of workers have selected 4 ng/ml of serum PSA as upper limit of normal range without giving due consideration for age specific increase in serum PSA. There is no single report available on normal decade wise age specific reference intervals for serum PSA in Indian males. The present study is undertaken to establish age specific reference intervals in healthy Indian males from 20–89 years belonging to subpopulation of Andhra Pradesh from South India. Our results revealed lowest concentration of 95 percentile serum PSA in Indian males compared to other populations globally. Contrary to this, healthy Afro Americans were found to have highest concentration of serum PSA compared to all other populations.  相似文献   
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