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The purpose of this paper is to investigate factors influencing employees’ knowledge-sharing behavior on social tagging supported systems. Using the strong theoretical background of the well-known technology acceptance model (TAM), this paper proposes and empirically validates a model that fits the social and technical nature of social tagging tools within the public sector. The analyses in this paper were based on data collected from a large survey of more than 480 respondents working for two public organizations in the United States. The findings demonstrate a significant impact of the role of social presence in encouraging employees to create and share content. Further, there is a strong relationship between the benefits employees receive from using tagging tools and their creation and sharing of tagged content. Specifically, the following factors showed a significant impact on employees’ creation and sharing behavior, specifically their attitudes towards and intentions to create and share tags: perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, social presence, and pro-sharing norms. For researchers, the paper offers an opportunity to further study knowledge-sharing behavior regarding social media technologies. The findings should motivate practitioners to inject these tools with a social aspect so that employees are encouraged to share content.  相似文献   
《Sport Management Review》2020,23(4):615-625
The purpose of this study was to investigate influences of environmental and personal factors on volunteers’ behavioral intention. More specifically, the authors examined the relationships among work climate, intrinsic motivation, attitude, emotional exhaustion, and continuance intention through the lens of environmental psychology model. Survey forms tapping the interested outcomes were collected from 924 volunteers of a national sporting event in China. Results of structural equational modeling supported all hypothesized relationships, except the negative relationship between emotional exhaustion and continuance intention. This study expanded the understanding and application of the environmental psychology model in the context of volunteerism in sport.  相似文献   
This study explores post-recovery satisfaction and post-purchase intentions with service recovery of online shopping customers from the perspectives on perceived justice and emotions based on twenty scenarios that combine five service failures and four recoveries. Analytical results indicating that in addition to enhancing post-purchase intentions and post-recovery satisfaction among customers, distributive justice increases positive emotions and decreases negative ones. Additionally, procedural justice enhances post-recovery satisfaction as well as increases positive emotions and decreases negative ones, while interactional justice only increases post-recovery satisfaction of customers. Moreover, while positive emotions increase post-recovery satisfaction, and vice versa. Post-recovery satisfaction positively affects post-purchase intentions. Results of this study provide a valuable reference for operators and managers of online shopping websites.  相似文献   
金永生  田慧 《现代情报》2016,36(10):107-112
伴随着互联网+与体验经济时代的到来,体验营销在网络购物中的作用更加突出,很多电子商务网站日益重视体验营销在吸引消费者方面的作用。以淘宝购物网站为研究背景,基于心流体验视角,分析电子商务网站特征对消费者口碑传播意愿的影响。通过建立理论模型、收集并分析调研数据,结果表明,社会交往性、内容有用性、娱乐休闲性有助于提升消费者网购过程中的心流体验,进而形成网络口碑,而心流体验在不同的网站特征与口碑传播之间起着不同的中介作用。研究结论为电子商务网站有效地刺激消费者口碑传播提供了一定的理论依据。  相似文献   
构建影响本科生创业意愿8因素假说模型,在问卷调查数据基础上,运用loot模型对该假说模型进行验证分析。根据实证结果将8因素假说模型修正为7因素模型。研究表明,影响本科生创业意愿的7个因素分别是个性特质、家庭住址、创业动机、创业环境认知、社会实践经历和就业压力认知。并根据研究结论对高校创业教育提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   
根据关联翻译理论,以《浮躁》英译本为个案,探讨汉语独特文化意象英译的翻译方法。研究表明,当原文读者的认知语境在译文读者的认知语境中缺失的情况下,译者只要根据上下文语境推导出原文作者的交际意图,通过直译加注、舍去形象意译或者转换形象都可使译文达到最佳关联。  相似文献   
经过三十多年的快速发展,我国家族企业正在进入传承的高峰时期,而家族传承是家族企业最显著的特征之一;网络战略是家族企业成长的重要方式和策略选择。采用对浙江和重庆家族企业的调查数据,实证检验家族传承意愿对家族企业网络战略选择的影响,并分析伙伴间信任关系在家族传承意愿与家族企业网络战略选择之间的中介作用,结果表明:(1)家族传承意愿正向影响家族企业网络中心度和密度,负向影响网络关系持久度和开放度;(2)伙伴间信任关系在家族传承意愿与家族企业网络中心度之间起完全中介作用,而在家族传承意愿与家族企业网络密度之间起部分中介作用。家族企业网络战略选择应与家族传承意愿相匹配,着力培育相互信任的伙伴关系,并加强对伙伴间关系的维护和管理。  相似文献   
体育仲裁院(CAS)仲裁庭认定俄罗斯著名运动员莎拉波娃的兴奋剂违纪行为并非故意,且不构成重大过错,将她的禁赛期由2年减缩到15个月。但该案的裁决存在若干问题。运动员在没有医药专业背景或专业人士的帮助下自行核对兴奋剂禁用清单存在重大风险。适用于马术案件的“委托理论”对其他体育项目内的兴奋剂案件并不合适,代理人的错误应当由运动员本人承担责任。运动员在兴奋剂检测时故意隐瞒自己的药物使用情况可能构成重大过错的证据之一。由于运动员有义务知悉禁用清单的内容,体育组织未能即时告知禁用清单新修订的情况并不能减轻运动员兴奋剂违纪的过错。违禁物质的代谢时间长可能会对判断运动员的过错程度产生影响。在认定运动员兴奋剂违纪的故意时,以客观主义的解释方法代替主观主义的解释方法,来分析运动员对兴奋剂违纪高风险的认知程度,更有利于打击兴奋剂违纪行为。  相似文献   
魏烨 《体育科技》2014,(1):102-104
探讨影响大学生参与休闲体育行为意向的因素,采用问卷调研法对354名大学生进行测量,将影响大学生参与休闲体育的因素,运用计划行为理论与线性结构方程式统计分析,找出影响大学生参与休闲体育行为意向构面的影响力度。实证结果:态度、主观规范和知觉行为控制对行为意向有直接的显著影响,可以解释其参与休闲体育行为意向的0.37;情感性信念和工具性信念对态度有显著影响,可以解释其参与休闲体育态度的0.22;主体群和次体群对主观规范有显著影响,可以解释其参与休闲体育主观规范的0.35;便利条件和自我能力对知觉行为控制有显著影响,可以解释其参与休闲体育知觉行为控制的0.68。研究提出了提高大学生参与休闲体育的行为意向策略。  相似文献   
以中国国家女子马拉松队7名运动员为研究对象,对运动员在备战柏林世界锦标赛期间平原准备阶段、高原训练阶段和赛前平原准备阶段的血液指标(白细胞、血红蛋白、血清睾酮、肌酸激酶、血尿素)和机能指标(血压、晨脉)进行监控。总结在备战柏林世锦赛期间生理、生化指标的变化特点,探索适合我国女子马拉松运动员的训练模式。研究发现,高原训练期间要有节奏地安排训练负荷,不同训练负荷性质的内容要穿插进行,尤其是在高原训练的强化期,生理生化指标的变化较为明显,应当增加训练监控的密度,避免过度训练的发生;同时赛前高原训练阶段、赛前平原训练阶段大负荷强度的训练,必须建立在雄厚的有氧代谢能力基础上,否则运动员很难完成持续性的高强度的训练负荷。  相似文献   
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