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北宋是继唐末五代混乱之后的又一次统一 ,在统治时期里 ,其政风由最初的清静无为变为固守祖宗之法 ,旋又转为积极变法 ,后期则政风动荡 ,国家处于风雨飘摇之中。关于北宋政风的演变 ,民国时期学者刘咸灯斤在《史学述林·北宋政变考》中有一个整体的概述 ,本文拟就此试做论述 ,以供诸家指正。  相似文献   
目前学术界对陈独秀的北伐观有不同的看法,有褒有贬,莫衷一是。其实,陈独秀并非从根本上反对北伐,而是持“缓进北伐观”。这一观点的形成有其主客观原因。  相似文献   
北魏爵禄制的实施,经过了一个漫长的准备阶段,是在财政税收逐渐改善的基础上完成的。实封制下,各级开国爵主名义上是整个封区的国主,却没有治民权,封户与他们之间也不存在特殊的依附关系,其所食爵禄相当于官俸。  相似文献   
北朝是少数民族为主体的政权,他们有重视数学的传统,出现过不少精通数学之士.中国古代数学典籍《算经十书》,有六部出自北朝.  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to examine how teachers teach and students learn about citizenship education in two faith-based schools in Northern Ireland. The data show that participants in the Catholic school were confident in their own identity; teachers encouraged active engagement with contentious, conflict-related debates and students displayed empathy with other racial and religious groups. In the Protestant school, teachers avoided any reference to identity and conflict and students seemed to have limited knowledge of these issues. The findings emphasise the extent to which separate schools embody the cultural norms prevalent within each of the communities that they serve and reveal the influence which these norms have for teaching and learning about citizenship.  相似文献   
陕北民歌是陕北人苦乐生活的艺术结晶,对生于斯长于斯的现实主义作家路遥的影响是极为深刻的,路遥的绝大部分作品都被陕北民歌所浸淫。在路遥的小说中,贯穿着理想与现实、浪漫与悲情的矛盾与纠结,悲情基调与浪漫气息的交织便成了路遥作品最显著的风格特征和艺术张力之所在。文章探讨了陕北民歌在路遥小说这一风格特征形成过程中所起的重要作用。  相似文献   
宋帝作为南朝时期在位时间较长的君主,他在义方面的提倡对于南朝学的发展有着重要作用。作为一代守成之主、治之君,宋帝无疑是成功的,但其过于宽恕乃至宽纵的性格特征也是他北伐失利以及身遭屠弑的主要原因之一。  相似文献   
魏晋南北朝是中国历史上继春秋战国之后又一个思想大解放的历史阶段,儒学衰落.玄学兴起,士人们从庙堂政治的桎梏中解脱出来并走向历史的前台.在大起大落、盛衰荣枯频繁交替的时代里,士人们在或超脱、或悲痛、或忧愁、或歌、或哭之中凌空高蹈、张扬个性,演绎了时代人与文的丰富主题,呈现丰富多样的审美形态;文士们骋才使气,扬葩振藻,为我们展示出一幅独特的文坛画卷.  相似文献   
在北宋与西夏对峙的167年间,双方的商业贸易既不同于传统中原王朝与周边少数民族的商业贸易,又不同于它和其他少数民族间的商业贸易,且呈现出新的特点。择其要者有四:商业贸易物品种类繁多,商业贸易的不连续性和间断性,商业贸易的有限性,走私活动屡禁不止。  相似文献   
There has been much international debate on the role of the university tutor in the supervision of student teachers during school-based work. This study focuses upon the Irish context, where there has been little research. It involves a comparative study of the views and attitudes of university staff, student teachers and class teachers from the Irish Republic and Northern Ireland. Data collection methods comprised questionnaires to university tutors, class teachers and students (n = 150), focus groups and one-to-one interviews. This project reveals a reservoir of goodwill between tutors, teachers and students, along with a willingness to engage in dialogue and collaboration. Importantly, this study concludes that it is the university tutor who should have the lead role in collaborative models of school-based work partnership, with significant consultation and input from the class teacher and consultation with the student in the evaluation process.  相似文献   
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