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南北朝时期,政权林立,各政权为自身发展的需要都积极从事外交活动,于是对使者的选择非常重视,不仅要求其博学、机辩,还要容止可观,并能坚持使者气节,使之作为本国政治、文化、学术和礼仪的形象代表来进行政治、文化等各方面的信息交流,达到完善本国政权建设的目的。  相似文献   
北宋威远镇圈子阖石碑文献稽考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考释了威远镇北宋石碑,展现了那个时代秦陇地区的历史风云和化经络,欣赏到一代才人神来之笔的生动歌唱。  相似文献   
魏晋南北朝时期是我国历史上战争频仍,社会动荡,政局最为不安的时期,但随着战乱的暂时沉寂,政治环境的稍许安定,农业和林、牧、副、渔各业不同程度的发展,为饮食文化的发展提供了现实的物质基础;科技文化的进步,对提高饮食文化水平起到了积极作用;思想领域的解放,民族之间、中外之间的经济文化交流,也是饮食文化发展变化的重要原因。  相似文献   
论北宋蔡京经济改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡京经济改革是在宋徽宗寻求新的治国之道失败后,重归绍述轨道的背景下产生的。蔡京改革的特点是取利荷严、聚财于京师和频繁变动。蔡京改革能够持续二十年之久的原因在于他以绍述的旗帜钳制上下,以利事君。而其部分措施能被南宋及元明所继承,则源于其顺应了商品经济发展、财政结构转变和中央集权强化的新形势。  相似文献   
牂柯江是考察古牂柯、古夜郎的一条重要线索。司马迁在《史记.西南夷列传》中不但首次记下牂柯江的名称,而且也说明了牂柯江的大致处所、流向。但由于记载粗略,因此后来提出的说法众多,有的明显不是《史记》所说的牂柯江,有的看似牂柯江而又与《史记》所述不符。这些观点所申述的理由似乎可信,而细加推绎,则让人莫衷一是。于此结合《史记》来比较分析,牂柯江有广义、狭义之分。广义的牂柯江指整个盘江,狭义的牂柯江指现在的北盘江。这符合《史记》所提供的情况。  相似文献   
通过分析唐都长安与宋都汴京市场中商人群体的构成,可以看出唐长安市场和北宋汴京市场除了有富商大贾、官商、中小商人、牙商等商人群体外,唐长安市场上还存在大批的胡商和外商,北宋汴京市场上则出现有纲卒、僧侣、道士等商人群体。这一时期商人群体的构成日益趋向复杂化、多元化。  相似文献   
Conceptualisations and constructs of children and childhood are temporally and contextually grounded. Historical documents are rich sources of insight and understanding regarding how children were understood, valued and treated at various times by particular societies. This article explores the conceptualisation of children and childhood in the 26-county Irish Free State (South) and the 6-county Northern Ireland (North) in the 1920s following the partition of Ireland, through the lens of educational documentation, primarily national primary school curricula. The focus on both jurisdictions is interesting in the context of partition, exploring the sometimes divergent and often convergent ways in which children were conceptualised across borders and boundaries. This article reveals, using Sorin and Galloway’s framework as a conceptual and analytical tool, that conceptualisations of children were broadly similar in the North and South but differed in their focus and enactment in both fledgling states. These disparities are largely attributable to the very different political, social and religious orientations of both jurisdictions and the use of education as a vehicle for nation-building, as well as identity and gender formation. The article also explores alternative conceptualisations of children in education policy in the North and South by presenting case study ‘outliers’ of educational provision. A century since partition, conclusions and implications are noted that resonate with contemporary elements of convergence and divergence on educational policy and the conceptualisation of children across the island of Ireland.  相似文献   
通过列举实例,对乐府诗集中南北朝民歌之情歌产生的历史背景进行分析,对其中反映的男女情爱、性爱状况进行分类阐述,指出南北朝民歌的艺术价值。  相似文献   
北朝散文经历了一个从沉寂到复苏,再到繁荣的发展过程。其发展动因主要在于帝王的好尚和重视、南北朝间的文学交流、北朝举秀才考试、北朝儒学兴盛等。  相似文献   
北魏建国不久后,道武帝拓跋王圭为防母后及外家为乱,制定了子贵母死制度。但是,北魏前期、中期仍然不断出现太后干政的现象,直到文明太后冯氏更是发展成为临朝听政。这些太后的干政对北魏政权前期、中期的政治产生了重要的影响,一定程度上推动着北魏社会向前发展。这种局面的形成与诸多因素密切相关。  相似文献   
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