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观察对写作具有重要作用,是获得写作材料的主要途径。要培养学生的观察能力,教师就要引导学生做生活的观察者和参与者;培养学生的观察兴趣;指导学生从不同角度观察事物的来龙去脉;善于把观察的任务具体化;必要时对事物进行反复观察、仔细研究。  相似文献   
Teacher evaluation commonly includes classroom observations conducted by principals. Despite widespread use, little is known about the quality of principal ratings. We investigated 1,324 principals’ rating accuracy of six teaching practices at the conclusion of training within an authentic teacher evaluation system. Data are from a video-based exam of four 10-minute classroom observations. Many-Facet Rasch modeling revealed that (1) overall principals had high accuracy, but individuals varied substantially, and (2) some teaching episodes and practices were easier to rate accurately. For example, promotes critical thinking was rated more accurately than uses formative assessment. Because Many-Facet Rasch modeling estimates individuals’ accuracy patterns across teaching episodes and practices, it is a useful tool for identifying areas that individual principals, or groups, may need additional training (e.g., evaluating formative assessment). Implications for improving training of principals to conduct classroom observations for teacher evaluation are discussed.  相似文献   
文章以具体的教育一线的质性研究为案例,通过对研究过程的反思,详细阐述了质性研究结合量化手段应用工艺学记录方式来收集和分析材料的科学性、可信性,探索了教学中应用质、量结合的具有人文关怀的研究方法的理论基础。  相似文献   
从5届全国中小学体育教学观摩展示活动分析中可以看出中小学体育课堂教学发生了变化:体育教学目标维度设置更准确、表述渐趋清晰;课堂教学内容选择更加多元,增加了“课课练”内容;课堂教学策略更加多样,实现了现代与传统的融合;教学设计结构要素趋于集中,设计脉络更清晰;课堂教学评价具有发展性,评价更真实有效。  相似文献   
观察是人们认识客观世界的基础,它也是写作练习中重要的一步。观察是一种能力,要培养这种能力就需要循序渐进、按部就班地训练,本文便着重介绍了培养观察能力的方法与步骤。  相似文献   
2012年开始将“教育专业观察”作为一门独立的专业必修课程列入了小学教育本科的人才培养方案,现在本课程的培养目标基本明确,内容体系基本形成,实践场所与教学设备基本健全,考核办法也基本规范。  相似文献   
Several recent, large-scale observations of naturally occurring classroom instruction have found consistent patterns in how teaching quality systematically varies across domains of instruction, patterns not found in student survey measures. Teaching quality is highest when examining aspects of classroom management; moderately high when examining aspects of student support; and low when focusing on the quality of the instructional support provided to students. This paper problematizes this interpretation, arguing that observed data patterns could result from dilemmas inherent in measuring teaching quality through observation. In problematizing these conclusions, we highlight the complexity of trying to measure instruction at scale, arguing for the need for caution and consideration of the complexity of measurement when interpreting scores from observation systems.  相似文献   
在软土地区修建高等级公路,沉降与稳定是最突出的问题,所以在施工过程中要进行动态观测,以保证路堤施工过程中的安全与稳定。本文结合江苏省数条修建于软土地基上高速公路沉降观测的实践,对实测沉降数据特征进行分析,并指出产生这些特征的原因以及应该避免的问题,旨在为从事软基沉降变形观测和利用实测数据进行施工控制,沉降预测、参数反演的技术和研究人员提供参考.  相似文献   
长江三峡库区横跨川鄂褶皱带中段和川东弧形褶皱带东段,自然地质条件复杂,暴雨、洪水频繁,是我国滑坡等地质灾害高易发区之一。重庆市万州区是三峡库区地质灾害多发地区之一,付家岩滑坡为其中具代表性的一个,该滑坡对已建的移民迁建工程构成了严重威胁。本文在详细调查研究滑坡形成的地质环境条件、滑坡特征的基础上,通过监测数据的综合分析,深入系统地分析了该滑坡的变形特征、诱发因素和形成机制。  相似文献   
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