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The paper analyses the identities of Indian women engineers in the gendered organizational context of US engineering programmes. Participant narratives discuss the ways in which women are subjected to identity struggles in India due to gendered patrifocal norms that impose structural, societal, and familial pressures on women. Subsequently, when these women enter US engineering programmes, they encounter a highly masculine organizational and cultural space. Participants discuss identity dislocations, transformations, and assimilation as they seek to meld into the existing structures and find a career trajectory. I draw upon liminality theory to explore the cultural transitions, identity restructuring, and negotiations of Indian women engineers, navigating the intersections of competing and intersecting cultural norms of gender and engineering in India and the US, work, and family. The findings indicate the layers of gendered ideology that constitute engineering education in India and the US, the societal pressures of marriage and family rooted in patrifocal Indian norms, the barriers to finding an engineering job, the resources within the structures that support women, and the identification of patriarchy as the enactment of agency and as a site for change.  相似文献   
中华民族的古老哲学中以《易》文化最为璀璨,《易》文化中探寻了宇宙中天体的运行规律,然后经验的总结出这些天体运行对地球以及人类的巨大影响,提出人类在体育运动中要遵循一定的天体运行原理和自然变化原理才能够获得人类自身的健康和发展的哲学思想.从易文化中阐述的五大行星运行、春夏秋冬四季运行和月球运行对人体的影响中割析了人体体育运动要遵循的运动原理,总结出人体在从事体育运动时要在一定的时间遵循一定的运动原理才能达到人体正负能量的交替滋长,达到身体的和谐和健康发展.  相似文献   
徐刚 《北京体育大学学报》2016,39(9):119-125+131
摘要:为了更好地促进我国冬季运动项目的持续发展,通过文献资料、专家访谈等方法,对我国冬季项目的竞技发展问题进行专门研究。研究发现,近年来我国冬季项目取得了重要发展,同时也还面临诸多问题。我们要充分利用好2022年冬奥会在中国举办的历史契机,继续坚持全面发展与多点联动的基本原则,系统梳理新时期的竞技发展思路,力争实现潜优势项目与优势项目的共同发展,有序推进冬季项目“南展西扩”工程,逐步形成“东北地区-京津冀地区-西北地区-南方省份”协同发展的区域格局,全面提高我国冬季运动项目的竞技水平。  相似文献   
清末直隶师范学校在教育理念、课程设置、教师的文化素养、教育环境以及各种制度上都特别重视传统文化。在教育理念上,注重弘扬传统文化;在课程上,增设修身课、经典研习课,加大文史类课的比重,增开礼仪教育课;在教师方面,增强师范学校教师的传统文化素养;在校园环境方面,加强师范学校的人文环境建设;在教育实习上,强调知行合一,在实践中传承传统文化的精华。  相似文献   
孙中山有关中国传统法律文化问题的阐释集中反映在其核心思想理论体系“三民主义”中民族和民权两大主义的相关论述。为了探索救亡图存的道理和民族的独立自强,孙中山主张恢复民族精神。为此,他对中国传统法律文化进行了提炼和阐释,通过古今中外纵横比较,肯定和赞扬中华民族悠久而光辉的文明成就,应发扬优秀的传统文化因素成为实现民族主义或民权主义的基本路径和具体办法,从而将其转化为为现实革命服务的救国理论。孙中山立足于中国传统的根本取向,同时又顺应世界潮流开放辩证地对待中西文化的科学态度值得我们深思和借鉴。  相似文献   
Cartilage injuries are often devastating and most cannot be cured because of the intrinsically low regenerative capacity of cartilage tissues. Although stem-cell therapy has shown enormous potential for cartilage repair, the therapeutic outcome has been restricted by low survival rates and poor chondrocyte differentiation in vivo. Here, we report an injectable hybrid inorganic (IHI) nanoscaffold that facilitates fast assembly, enhances survival and regulates chondrogenic differentiation of stem cells. IHI nanoscaffolds that strongly bind to extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins assemble stem cells through synergistic 3D cell–cell and cell–matrix interactions, creating a favorable physical microenvironment for stem-cell survival and differentiation in vitro and in vivo. Additionally, chondrogenic factors can be loaded into nanoscaffolds with a high capacity, which allows deep, homogenous drug delivery into assembled 3D stem-cell-derived tissues for effective control over the soluble microenvironment of stem cells. The developed IHI nanoscaffolds that assemble with stem cells are injectable. They also scavenge reactive oxygen species and timely biodegrade for proper integration into injured cartilage tissues. Implantation of stem-cell-assembled IHI nanoscaffolds into injured cartilage results in accelerated tissue regeneration and functional recovery. By establishing our IHI nanoscaffold-templated 3D stem-cell assembly method, we provide a promising approach to better overcoming the inhibitory microenvironment associated with cartilage injuries and to advance current stem-cell-based tissue engineering.  相似文献   
[目的/意义]保护敦煌文化遗产,为敦煌壁画提供移动视觉搜索服务,以助用户高效、便捷地获取敦煌壁画丰富知识资源。[方法/过程]构建基于BoW的图像底层特征匹配和基于主题标签的高层语义关联的移动视觉搜索模型,用SIFT提取图像局部特征,K-means生成有K个视觉单词组成的视觉词典,计算图像映射到视觉词典的TF-IDF向量,通过内积计算相似度匹配图像并排序;根据图像主题添加语义标签,提取最匹配图像的标签实现语义关联搜索;最后收集1200张敦煌壁画图片验证模型的有效性。[结果/结论]在视觉单词数为1000时BoW+SIFT的图像搜索耗时163ms,且图像大小在0.5-2.5倍范围的准确率在83.7%以上,可有效搜索主题语义关联图像。  相似文献   
优秀文化传统的教育能帮助学生获得正确的认识社会的能力和素质,帮助学生对市场形成正确的理解能力和素质,有利于培养进入市场应具备的人格素质。优秀文化传统的教育方式可以通过弱要求强内化的教育机制、强要求强内化的教育机制和课堂教学灌输三种方式进行。  相似文献   
非语言交际在人与人之间的交往中起着越来越重要的作用,它逐步受到英语学习者的重视,对它的研究有着十分重要的意义.在着重分析体态语中的人与人之间保持的空间距离的基础上对中国文化和英语国家文化进行对比,得出汉英文化非语言交际的差异是中国文化的聚拢性和英语国家文化的离散性.  相似文献   
大学何以要倡导和守护理想主义   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
眭依凡 《教育研究》2006,27(2):11-15
大学的理想主义是大学对客观世界、社会生活以及大学自身寄予的美好期望所持有的观念体系,亦是大学对自身使命、责任、目标和操守所持有的一种既符合大学规律又有崇高要求的价值认定和信念追求,更是大学之为大学所必须固守、薪火相传并不受外界干扰的精神向往和文化灵魂。大学本身就是充满理想主义的人才培养和探求学问的场所,理想主义是大学不可或缺的对人具有深刻影响的文化精神,但不少大学已经呈现出与大学崇真、向善、求美之宗旨、之属性相悖的过度功利和势利。倡导和守护理想主义,其意义在于为大学的办学和发展及大学的教育者和被教育者提供一种美好的、纯洁的、积极的、向上的参照和追求。  相似文献   
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