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There still appears to be a gap between what online learning promises and what it can deliver in terms of student learning. Developments in online pedagogies and professional learning appear to lag behind the developments in technology and the promised benefits of technological transformation may not be realised. In this paper, we bring together perspectives that highlight vital aspects of online group-learning by reviewing the group-facilitation literature and the latest online learning literature to interrogate the pedagogical theories and practices currently used in online group-learning in higher education. We specifically focus on the interpersonal interactions between teachers and students, which are described in the online learning literature using the terms instructor immediacy, teaching presence, and social presence. We note differences in the literature regarding how teacher presence is interpreted and enacted and we expound the importance of the personal characteristics of the online teacher. Finally, we provide some signposts that might help course designers and teachers to improve online group learning: the intentional use of effective online learning pedagogies; a deeper understanding of what constitutes teacher presence; and strategies to enact that teacher presence with online groups. Recommendations for further research in online group facilitation are provided.  相似文献   
我国有各级各类学校51.88万所、专任教师1672.85万人、在校生2.76亿人,教育系统在疫情防控期间面向全国亿万学生开展大规模在线教育是历史上从未有过的创举,在全球也属首次。我们可能正在经历一个全球最大的信息化基础设施升级改造工程和一个师生信息素养提升培训工程,一次全球最大的信息化教学社会实验和一次开放教育资源运动。面对新型冠状病毒疫情防控期间各级各类学校在线教学开展中遇到的各种难题,基于网络研讨会的专家观点和校长、教师和局长对一线在线教育实施情况、困难、经验和建议的分析,本文从超大规模互联网教育组织的视角出发,围绕流畅的通信平台、适切的数字资源、便利的学习工具、多样的学习方式、灵活的教学组织、有效的支持服务、密切的政企校协同七个要素,论述了在线教育如何有效支撑“停课不停学”,以期为政府及各级各类学校制定相关政策方针提供理论依据,为一线教师和学生开展在线教学提供操作指南,为相关企业、家庭、社会等多方参与和支持在线教学提供思路和方法。  相似文献   
The aim of this study is to investigate how a community of practice focused on becoming a teacher of secondary school mathematics emerged during a pre-service teacher education programme and was sustained after students graduated and began their first year of full-time teaching in schools. Bulletin board discussions of one pre-service cohort are analysed in terms of Wenger’s (1998) three defining features of a community of practice: mutual engagement of participants, negotiation of a joint enterprise, and development of a shared repertoire for creating meaning. Emergence of the online community was associated with our own role in facilitating professional dialogue, the voluntary and unstructured nature of participation, initial face-to-face interaction that created familiarity and trust, and the convenience of using email rather than logging on to a website. The study shows that the emergent design of the community contributed to its sustainability in allowing the pre-service and beginning teachers to define their own professional goals and values.
Merrilyn E. GoosEmail:
In this study, seven graduate students were interviewed and 187 (91 online; 96 traditional) graduate students were surveyed about perceptions of differences in instructors' demands and support and student' motivation, self-regulation, satisfaction, and perceptions of learning in these environments. Results indicated significant differences in students' perceptions on all variables except self-efficacy. Results indicated a strong effect for differences between perceived instructor affective support in online and traditional classrooms. Although students in traditional classrooms ranked instructors' affective support higher, the variable had a stronger relationship with online students' satisfaction. Differences between online and traditional students' reports of instructors' academic support, instructors' demands, and students' satisfaction were significant with medium effect sizes. Results are important because they provide information about students' perceptions of the differences in environments created by instructors that relate to students' affective outcomes.  相似文献   
生性玩劣而又神通广大的孙悟空为何会被手无缚鸡之力的唐僧所收服?这不仅是得益于外界神仙的帮助,更是体现了中国传统道家文化中“以柔克刚”的精神。在这个取经团队中,“山”的顽强,“水”的柔韧更实现了一种相互制约和补充的关系。  相似文献   
Recent privacy-related incidents of mobile services have shown that app stores and providers face the challenge of mobile users’ information privacy concerns, which can prevent users from installing mobile apps or induce them to uninstall an app. In this paper, we investigate the role of app permission requests and compare the impact on privacy concerns with other antecedents of information privacy concerns, i.e., prior privacy experience, computer anxiety, and perceived control. To test these effects empirically, we conducted an online survey with 775 participants. Results of our structural equation modeling show that prior privacy experience, computer anxiety, and perceived control have significant effects on privacy concerns. However, concerns for app permission requests have approximately twice as much predictive value than the other factors put together to explain mobile users’ overall information privacy concerns. We expect that our findings can provide a theoretical contribution for future mobile privacy research as well as practical implications for app stores and providers.  相似文献   
This study explores post-recovery satisfaction and post-purchase intentions with service recovery of online shopping customers from the perspectives on perceived justice and emotions based on twenty scenarios that combine five service failures and four recoveries. Analytical results indicating that in addition to enhancing post-purchase intentions and post-recovery satisfaction among customers, distributive justice increases positive emotions and decreases negative ones. Additionally, procedural justice enhances post-recovery satisfaction as well as increases positive emotions and decreases negative ones, while interactional justice only increases post-recovery satisfaction of customers. Moreover, while positive emotions increase post-recovery satisfaction, and vice versa. Post-recovery satisfaction positively affects post-purchase intentions. Results of this study provide a valuable reference for operators and managers of online shopping websites.  相似文献   
Focusing on the online Chinese fans of Japanese TV drama, this paper explores the way in which the fan subculture, in connection with digital technologies, has carved out alternative practices in the circulation, production and consumption of Japanese TV drama. As ‘minority audiences’ who are not targeted as the objects of capitalist interests, online Chinese fans invent spaces for Chinese transnational networking with self‐help and sharing, as a way of resisting the aloofness from marketing strategies of Japanese TV distributors in Asia. This case study reveals that the online Chinese fan clubs, the websites for downloads, pirated VCD markets, digital file conversion, and private VCD burning – all of these have linked endless networks for the digitalized circulation and consumption of Japanese TV drama. The online Chinese fans are guerrilla fighters in the politics of autonomy, network and low‐cost digital technology; they are attempting to break down time–space constraints and the official distribution hierarchy. Such fan practices shed light on the new trends of audio‐visual consumption via digitalization.  相似文献   
Drawing on eight years of observation and correspondence from the Aropä project, we report on the issues important to academics who conduct on-line student peer-review activities, and the features they request to support their own instructional designs. The Aropä project is unusually broad, having so far supported over 100 instructors at 20 institutions across nine countries, almost one thousand activities, and more than 36,000 individual students. As the designers, developers, maintainers and advisors of an evolving and widely used tool, we use our unique position to report on the perspectives and priorities of instructors and students in this important and developing field.  相似文献   
本文综合分析了目前基于互联网开发的体育旅游方面的相关网站现状,根据中国网民数量逐年激增的现象,提出关于时尚体育家园自动化管理的概念,融合体育产业、旅游产业、动漫游戏产业于同一参照系中,形成紧密互动、互为补充、资源整合的统一体,并以此构建起服务于体育旅游产业的互联网三维公共服务平台,以期在更广泛地虚拟世界中聚集网民的注意...  相似文献   
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