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喻敏 《海外英语》2011,(10):300-301,309
Said’s Orientalism points out that the Occident is the interpreter and the Orient is the interpreted. The Occident has the privilege to interpret at will the history, culture, character and tradition of the Orient, in which the Occident finds its legitimate excuse in dominating and seizing the Orient. The paper presents an analysis of Coleridge’s Kubla Khan in which China has been constructed as the ’Other’. In addition, it also demonstrates that cultural hegemony participates in the process of colonizing the world.  相似文献   
萨义德的《东方主义》一书在方法论上主要借用了福科的权力—话语理论、葛兰西的霸权理论以及德里达的解构策略。但是萨义德在借用这些理论的时候存在诸多误用与自相矛盾。在借用权力—话语理论的时候重新陷入西方话语霸权的泥潭;在操用解构理论的时候落入结构主义的困境;在借用葛兰西霸权理论的时候误入折中主义立场。  相似文献   
在以多元文化并存和全球化趋势为显著特征的后殖民时代,"换语之人"异军突起,成就斐然.其代表人物拉什迪从"边缘"到"中心",成为世界文学明星.但是,他在前宗主国文化的影响下,背离了本民族的传统文化,文化身份发生质变,成了东方主义理论的传声筒,起列了加剧东西方文化冲突的消极的文化功用.他的悲剧具有警世意义.  相似文献   
当代美籍华裔作家邝丽莎所著的<雪花和秘密的扇子>以独特的中国女书文化为背景,展现出深刻的东方女性主题.以萨义德的东方主义理论为基础,分析其创作主题、叙述特点,探讨新时代的华裔作家是如何通过文学文本来碰撞和超越东方主义的.从而发现,在跨文化背景下,华裔外籍作家仍难彻底摆脱东方主义的影响,尊重与理解异质文明,求同存异,应是...  相似文献   
本文通过对戏剧《蝴蝶君》中伽里玛对东方女性的优越感及其带有东方主义的偏见的解读,以此为例进一步分析了西方对东方长期以来的傲慢及根深蒂固的偏见,揭示了东西方之间在对话中不对等的关系,旨在阐明东西方平等对话的必要性。  相似文献   
小说《消失的地平线》的贡献之一就是首次将香格里拉这一“乌托邦”和“天堂”的代名词引进西方人的词汇和意识中。文章通过对小说中中西文化杂糅现象的分析,力图揭示作家文化多元的意图无法掩饰其强烈的文化优越感,西方对香格里拉的接纳和认可是以对西方文化的尊崇作为前提。只有通过与西方文明的交织才能实现中国文化这一被边缘化他者的真实价值。  相似文献   
This article challenges the common-sense observation that Japanese and American education have been moving in “opposite directions” in recent times. Drawing on postcolonial discourse studies and cultural studies, the article extracts from this observation an Orientalist binary epistemology that continues to set discursive limits on the way Japanese and American observers make sense of each other's education. It is argued that the predominance of this Orientalist binary paradigm in comparative discussions of Japanese and Anglo-American education has resulted in the unfortunate lack of scholarly efforts to take full account of the common global structural changes in education driven by neo-liberal and neo-conservative impulses. As a crucial step towards the critical, reflexive engagement with the continuing colonial legacy, this article proposes a structurally oriented research paradigm that enables us to discuss localised and nationalised differences in education changes within the common frame of global structural changes in economy, state and education.  相似文献   
黄哲伦的《蝴蝶君》对普契尼歌剧《蝴蝶夫人》的解构和颠覆,反映了美国华裔作家对西方文化的东方主义构想的抵制与反抗。但《蝴蝶君》呈现的另一种东方主义,让我们看到了身处两种文化冲突中的美国华裔作家既要力图摆脱西方主流文化强势影响,寻求自身文化主体地位的准确定位,又要争取主流文化认同的矛盾心态。《蝴蝶君》是黄哲伦文化策略的体现。  相似文献   
论黄哲伦在《蝴蝶君》中对东方主义的不完全解构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美籍华裔剧作家黄哲伦从其特殊的文化身份出发,创作了剧本《蝴蝶君》。该剧倒置了东方主义长期以来构建的东西方关系,颠覆了西方人眼中的东方女子刻板印象,讽刺了西方白人对东方女子不切实际的幻想,向西方文化霸权提出挑战。但作为自幼接受白人主流文化教育的第二代华裔移民作家,黄哲伦对东方主义的解构又是不完全的。这种不完全解构是作家所处的社会历史环境、个人经历及民族文化身份共同作用的结果。  相似文献   
Studies of the image of Muslims or ‘the Other’ in general have been done to a certain extent by Western scholars showing that stereotyped images have been prevalent. In the case of Islamic studies, the long tradition of Orientalist scholarship is a clear example of this, but, as researchers have shown, generalisations and stereotypes are still apparent in school textbooks. This article discusses some general and problematic areas that pertain to textbooks. The focus is on what critical issues we need to take into consideration when discussing or performing textbook production and how we can think about these.  相似文献   
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