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吴俊  马宏忠 《出版科学》2010,18(2):65-69
通过对CSSCI中宗教学领域论文引用图书的情况进行统计与分析,以被引频次为依据排序,选取了在宗教学领域最具学术影响力的100家大陆出版社,并对其进行分类分析。另外,还对我国港澳台地区出版社及国外出版社之于大陆宗教学研究的学术影响力做了概要分析与评价,以作为分析大陆出版社学术影响力现状的参照。  相似文献   
徐鹰 《海外英语》2012,(14):189+191
In terms of Christian allegory,this article is to discuss how the old man enacts Hemingway’s"Religion of Man".  相似文献   
运用民族学、体育史学、社会学等方法,以原始宗教和文化生态学为研究视野,对居住在“三江并流”区域内云南西北部怒江州傈僳族民族体育的产生和发展、具体形态以及影响机制进行研究分析。结果表明:傈僳族民族体育具有独特的地域性和民族性;原始宗教和生态环境是傈僳族民族体育产生和发展的主要影响机制;傈僳族的生产生活与精神财富集中反映在其绚丽多彩的民族体育文化中。根据史料记载以及对傈僳族民族体育现存形态的考察,都表明了云南傈僳族民族体育与原始宗教以及生态环境有着密切的联系。  相似文献   
It is increasingly acknowledged that for individuals to participate in a pluralistic and democratic society, they must understand religious conviction and difference. In educational literature, the discussion surrounding education and religion focuses on the implications for students. It is important to consider what this may mean to the teachers, as teachers directly influence student learning. This article uses literature on religion, multiculturalism, teacher identity, and popular culture to connect teachers' private religious identifications to their professional identities in public school classrooms. It supports future research in this area and provides a theoretical framework for subsequent studies.  相似文献   
This investigation provides an extensive review of scientific, religious, and otherwise non-scientific factors that may influence student acceptance of biological evolution. We also measure the extent to which students' levels of acceptance changed following an educational experience designed to address an inclusive inventory of factors identified as potentially affecting student acceptance of evolution (n = 81, pre-test/post-test) n = 37, one-year longitudinal). Acceptance of evolution was measured using the Measure of Acceptance of the Theory of Evolution (MATE) instrument among participants enrolled in a secondary-level academic programme during the summer prior to their final year of high school and as they transitioned to the post-secondary level. Student acceptance of evolution was measured to be significantly higher than initial levels both immediately following and over one year after the educational experience. Results reported herein carry implications for future quantitative and qualitative research as well as for cross-disciplinary instruction plans related to evolutionary science and non-scientific factors which may influence student understanding of evolution.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to investigate the nature of students’ responses to a cross‐cultural science unit entitled “Maintaining health.” The unit was designed to help students to build bridges between their traditional practices and beliefs and western science concepts. This paper reports students’ responses to a pre‐test and post‐test, and their reflections on their learning. The responses were analysed using the collateral learning model. There was evidence of parallel, dependent, and secured collateral learning. The implications for science teaching and for assessing science learning are discussed.  相似文献   
理性是启蒙思想的核心。在启蒙运动中.它主要被运用于科学领域、政治领域和道德领域,并造成了不同的后果。现代思想家对此进行了激烈的批判,借助于这些批判,启蒙理性不断超越自身。  相似文献   
彝族原始宗教方面的论著不算少,但全面系统深入有创意的专著不多。近年出版的《彝族原始宗教研究》一书,可谓集彝族原始宗教之大成。该书概括为以下四大特点:内容博大精深,涵盖多学科、多元文化;理论上的概括与创新;资料丰富详实、全面系统;研究方法上有突破与创新。该书不仅为彝族原始宗教的深入研究提供了线索,拓宽了研究空间,而且对促进社会稳定和谐、增进民族团结有着长远意义。  相似文献   
裕固族活佛转世的形成距今已有近三百年的历史,至解放初有以噢尔加喇嘛、顾嘉堪布、智华活佛、长毛喇嘛等为主的十几个转世系统。在长期发展、演变过程中裕固族地区活佛转世制度产生了与蒙藏地区相同或相似之特征,也表现出一些不同之处。  相似文献   
文章主要阐述在历文教学中要有针对性地解决学生提出的宗教问题,引导学生正确地看待宗教在社会主义社会的存在,认识宗教与迷信、邪教的区别,认识宗教与科学的关系。  相似文献   
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