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Numerous events have provided evidence that the cultural values and assumptions of intercollegiate athletic departments are often incongruent with those of their host institutions. This discrepancy has even been evident in Christian institutions which seek to integrate faith into the learning experience. Using the organizational culture perspective, this study sought to determine how religion influenced the culture of one intercollegiate athletics department. The study took place at a highly selective evangelical Christian college with a nationally competitive athletic department. Data were collected through interviews with 19 campus leaders, observation of cultural events and document analysis. Analysis occurred qualitatively through a process of theorizing. The results indicate that evangelical Christianity played a significant role in the athletic department's culture by constraining its membership, influencing its pedagogy and guiding department decisions. As a result, its values and assumptions were consistent with those of the overall campus culture. The reasons underlying this cultural integration offer coaches and administrators of all institutional affiliations the possibility that the organizational culture perspective can be used to create athletic programs that are more consistent with institutional values.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to examine the strategies within a faith-based university for managing competing institutional logics of its NCAA Division II affiliated athletic department. Utilizing a case study methodology, the authors collected data from athletic department members and university administrators and faculty. Within the context of this study, our data indicated that the religious academic culture of the university often conflicted with the athletic expectations of winning and marketing the university. Our findings indicated certain strategies that were effective for resolving the conflicting logics within the athletic department. Particularly, members of the athletic department drew from the strong religious culture of the university to guide their operations. The implications of this research within the field of sport management and broader organizations are discussed.  相似文献   
理性是启蒙思想的核心。在启蒙运动中.它主要被运用于科学领域、政治领域和道德领域,并造成了不同的后果。现代思想家对此进行了激烈的批判,借助于这些批判,启蒙理性不断超越自身。  相似文献   
彝族原始宗教是彝族先民在长期的社会生活中形成的属原生态的本土本民族信仰的宗教,彝族原生态宗教有主持祭仪的祭司(经师)毕摩--他们是民族文化创造者、传承者、保护者;有定期或不定期的祭祀及宗教节日活动的不同场地,人与"神"交流对话的活动场所,彝族原生态宗教是彝族古代社会生活和思想的折射.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Religion und Religiosit?t von Frauen nahmen überall in Europa einen zentralen Stellenwert für den Auf-und Ausbau der M?dchen-und Frauenbildung im 19. Jahrhundert ein. Auch in Deutschland gehen sowohl das M?dchenschulwesen wie die Lehrerinnenausbildung als auch das Ausbildungswesen für sozialp?dagogische und pflegerische Berufe zu einem nicht unerheblichen Teil auf Aktivit?ten von religi?s motivierten Frauen zurück. Die religi?sen Motive erzieherischen Handelns er?ffneten vielen Frauen im 19. Jahrhundert, die ihren Lebensentwurf nicht in Ehe und Familie sahen, eine Perspektive beruflicher T?tigkeit, die die Geschlechterordnung stützte. Gleichzeitig nutzten diese Frauen die Geschlechterordnung für die Schaffung eines weiblichen Bildungsmilieus, das in relativer Unabh?ngigkeit von einzelnen M?nnern ein aktives Berufsleben erm?glichte. Entlang konfessioneller Linien (Katholizismus, Protestantismus, Judentum und Freireligi?se) werden institutionelle und biographische Dimensionen eines bildungsgeschichtlichen Entwicklungsprozesses nachgezeichnet, der treffender mit den Begriffen „Dechristianisierung” und „Rechristianisierung” als mit dem modernisierungstheoretischen Begriff „S?kularisierung” erfasst wird.   相似文献   
黑格尔美学以艺术理想为最高追求,而这种艺术理想只是"绝对理念"的初级内容,也是通向宗教理念的过渡环节。在黑格尔美学体系中,艺术理想的历史发展本身就包含了神学内涵,并在象征艺术、古典艺术、浪漫艺术中有着不同的体现,而具有人神合一品质的希腊古典艺术则被其当作最高的艺术理想来看待。  相似文献   
太平天国的拜上帝教固然自称是基督教的一种形式,其实却又非常不同于西方的基督教。在太平天国镌刻的书籍中几乎都记载着洪秀全的一则创教"奇梦",解读此一"奇梦叙事",可以看到"奇梦"的一大基础乃是中国民间信仰传统和家族伦理,由此,基督教传统中具有时间性的"差遣"的单数形式被移位为空间性的"差遣"的复数形式。而拜上帝教贯通基督教传统和中国民间信仰传统,从而建立其崭新象征符号系统的关键,即在于这样一种对"差遣"的理解和运用。  相似文献   
This article provides an ethnographic account of the tensions arising from the different ways of building authority as teachers and the role of higher education in establishing teachers' legitimacy in Russia through the specific example of religious education. After state atheism was abandoned in 1991, an unprecedented demand for religious knowledge appeared in Russia, in particular in relation to Russian Orthodoxy. Since the Russian context of Orthodox education lacks shared standards, there is considerable latitude in the criteria determining norms and rules. Seeking to increase its influence, the Russian Orthodox Church aspires to have Orthodox catechism taught in a systematic way both in parishes and in secular schools. In practice, the Church is encouraging professional pedagogues to submit their curriculum proposals that would be suffused with Orthodoxy and at the same time be eligible for adoption in all settings and institutions. Thus, in order to educate teachers of religion, the Church has made available multiple, diverse sources of religious knowledge (self-learning, various courses offered by the eparchies, Spiritual Academies, and other institutions of higher education). But the legitimacy of these sources is often questioned, for instance by asking whether the institution that delivers diplomas of religious higher education has been granted formal state recognition. The teachers' quest for being acknowledged as competent technicians of religious education leads to competing claims for the authenticity of the sources of their training.  相似文献   
宗教信仰对少数民族大学生各方面都有重要影响,研究从心理学角度探讨了宗教信仰对少数民族大学生心理健康和主观幸福感的影响。通过SCL-90和主观幸福感量表调查得知,少数民族大学生的心理健康水平总体良好,但在躯体化、强迫、焦虑、恐惧因子方面心理健康水平较低;少数民族大学生主观幸福感总体水平较高,他们在总体生活满意度和积极情感水平较高、消极情感较低;宗教信仰对少数民族大学心理健康和主观幸福感起积极的调节作用。  相似文献   
In December of 2007, Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney traveled to Texas to give an address on religion and politics. The speech was heralded by many as Romney's “JFK moment.” This study explores the campaign religion speeches of Kennedy and Romney by considering various issues concerning context, audience, and content of the two speeches. Guiding this analysis is Roderick Hart's work on the civil-religious contract and Kenneth Burke's work on dramatistic analysis, which are utilized to demonstrate that—despite the media's proclamations—Romney's speech represented a stark shift from Kennedy's rhetorical approach. Implications are drawn concerning the differences between the two speeches and an understanding of the confessional political style guiding the intersection of religion and politics today.  相似文献   
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