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This paper explores the nature of postgraduate research in the broad area of Pacific education completed in New Zealand universities. First, a number of basic trends are identified in terms of institutional affiliation, area of educational research, MA and PhD balance, growth over time, national/ethnic focus and the expected beneficiaries of the research. Secondly, and more significantly, trends in the theorisation of Pacific postgraduate education research are identified using a positivist-interpetivist-emancipationist-deconstructivist paradigm typology as a basis for analysis, in particular the degree to which the latter two research perspectives have been embraced. It is argued that research done within emancipationist and deconstructionist paradigms has the most socially transformative potential. The completion of socially transformative educational research is significant given increasing calls from within Pacific communities to decolonise and re-indigenise both educational research agendas as well as systems of Pacific primary and secondary schooling influenced by educational research. The paper demonstrates, however, that very little emancipationary and deconstructivist education research has been completed. This apparent mismatch is explored in the light of the wider competing educational discourses of Pacific colonisation and indigenisation.  相似文献   
通过对古代诗歌以及相关史料进行研究,可以发现历史上安庆地区交通的以下主要状况:以长江为依托的东西向交通便利;以区域内河流为依托的区域内水路交通有所发展;陆路交通在诗歌中有所提及,但是较之水上交通则相对不够发达。  相似文献   
进入21世纪后,高校发展趋势呈现百花齐放之势,但地方本科高校的发展却在资深高校和新建职业技术院校的双重夹击下显得举步维艰,毕节试验区高等教育发展尤为典型。在内忧外患的情况下,试验区高等教育发展的战略定位有着举足轻重的作用。如何做好试验区高等教育的战略定位关系着其命运。笔者从众多成功的案例分析出毕节试验区高等教育的战略定位走向———接地气。  相似文献   
武陵山经济协作区是应国务院要求,为了协调渝鄂湘黔四省市毗邻地区发展而成立的国家战略区,也是促进我国中西部地区协调发展的战略选择。其作为当前国内跨行政区划单元数与层级建制最繁多的经济协作区,这种特殊的地理环境和行政区划经济对该区协作发展具有极大的影响。因此,文章拟从如何突破行政区经济对该区发展的制约的视角进行研究,以期为促进武陵山经济协作区协调、快速、健康和可持续发展提供策略建议。  相似文献   
春秋至西汉初年六百多年间,在今川西南、滇东北的昭通、曲靖至贵州西部一带,方国、部落林立,互争雄长,西僰、牂柯、夜郎为其代表,曾经名噪一时,称雄一方,既参加中原盟会,又与巴、楚、邛都、滇国交通。汉武帝开西南夷,正是以部族为基础,在僰人区域设置犍为郡,夜郎境域则为牂牁郡、滇为益州郡、邛都为越嶲郡。夜郎西部包括有今天云南昭通,贵州赫章、威宁等境域,此时的昭通境内还有与夜郎并称的"僰侯国",犍为南部的朱提(今昭通)地区则也称为"西僰"。  相似文献   
金、元之际,在严实父子统治下的山东东平地区,是北方儒学复兴的重要阵地。严实幕府官员大力兴办府学,为儒学复兴创造了良好的外部条件。府学儒师多为金末儒士,他们重扬儒家传统精神,重视对经学与道德教育,遂使东平学风为之一振。同时,当地民间学者也在自觉地开展理学活动,为儒学的进一步发展指明了方向。  相似文献   
朱海声 《海外英语》2012,(13):275-276
In face of energy crisis,raw materials exhaustion,environmental pollution and other environmental issues caused by the current social and economic development model,theory and method of regional architecture have been noted and studied by persons in the field of architecture and ecology.In the paper,the author analyzes architectural region,interprets regional architecture of Mario Botta and summarizes organic theory with a view to recognizing the importance of regional architecture method and reflecting on the significance of architectural region theories at the present times under the background of current globalization and information era.  相似文献   
介绍了WPRIM (WHO西太平洋地区医学索引)的主要发展历程以及在期刊遴选、检索服务平台建设和数据采集等方面所取得的进展。用户日志分析表明,WPRIM已经初步具备了一定的国际影响力,但还不是一个相对成熟的区域性国际医学索引,并从宣传和推广、项目发展资金、期刊评审和数据采集方面提出了建议。  相似文献   
毕节试验区作为中国最落后地区的农村综合改革试验区,已成立25年,经济社会发展并没有达到预期目标.新一轮改革发展受到贵州省委、省政府以及国务院的高度关注.根据毕节试验区的区情特点,文章认为思想解放问题、区域经济合作问题、金融支持问题、人才战略问题、区域物流发展问题、土地集约节约使用问题是事关毕节试验区新一轮改革发展成功与否的亟待研究的重大问题.  相似文献   
This essay provides an overview of both the accomplishments and difficulties faced by OCLC as it has expanded in the vast Asia Pacific region. It describes the organizational changes as they evolved as this previously North American collaborative organization expanded westward and details initiatives pursued in each of the Asia Pacific countries where it has operated. Finally, it examines the five major challenges yet facing OCLC in the region: the lack of bibliographic name authority files, competing classification systems, competing MARC cataloging formats, the perceived high costs associated with participating OCLC programs and services, and the need for local vernacular products in addition to those developed largely for the North American and European markets.  相似文献   
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