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In this article, Myra Taylor, research fellow, and Professor Stephen Houghton of the Centre for Child and Adolescent Related Disorders at the University of Western Australia, report theory generated from interviews with teachers, students and mothers residing in Perth, Western Australia, on how children with attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD) initiate and sustain peer relationships. An initial review of the three sample groups’ respective perspectives reveals that children with AD/HD exhibit three distinct socialisation patterns: a socially integrated pattern (that is, having three or more ongoing friendship pairings with peers); a marginal integrated pattern (that is, having two or less ongoing friendship pairings with peers); and a socially isolated pattern (that is, having no, or infrequent, friendship pairings with peers). Both teacher and maternal perspectives are similar in so far as both perceive children with attention deficit disorders to have marginal to non‐existent friendships. Students with AD/HD perceive themselves, however, as having strongly to marginally formed friendships with their peers. Myra Taylor and Stephen Houghton explore suggestions that differences between adult and child perspectives relate to diagnostic status, age and developmental maturity. They identify opportunities for further research arising out of their work and indicate that a wider evidence base will be needed before robust recommendations for practice can be made.  相似文献   
英国早期在印度的殖民统治和经济掠夺遇到了困难;同时在与中国发生的贸易关系中处于不利地位,承受着巨额贸易逆差。随后在英国东印度公司的活动下促使英属印度对华贸易的加大,利用原棉和鸦片吸收了中国大量的资金,形成了英、印、中三角贸易,彻底解决了英国在印度和中国进行经济入侵的主要难题。  相似文献   
Eight children between 7 and 11 years of age were interviewed about their understanding of their own diagnoses. The diagnoses in question were attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism and nonverbal learning disorder. They were from different special schools that are segregated from state schools. In addition to the interviews, a role play setting with dolls representing a school teacher, parents, peers, a school psychologist and a doctor was used as a basis for speaking about the children's understanding of the special school in relation to their diagnoses. The study revealed that the children use a simplified medical model for understanding their diagnoses and behaviour. Furthermore, they partly perceive the special school as a medical institution, as well as an educational institution. Finally, the study showed that the children consider themselves different from normal children and incapable of participating in shared learning communities such as state schools. This is of particular interest in relation to these children's future transition from special schools to public learning institutions, especially with regard to their inclusion in the latter.  相似文献   
The presence of university students in the United States with disabilities is not a new phenomenon. However, little is known about the attitudes of university faculty concerning less visible disabilities such as attention‐deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Using a sample of faculty at a university in the United States (n = 136), the impact of age on faculty’s acceptance of ADHD was examined. Results indicated a higher percentage of older faculty members, compared with middle‐aged and younger faculty, selected ADHD as a condition worthy of special instructional accommodations. Irrespective of age of the respondents, ADHD had the lowest acceptance as a condition deserving special accommodations. Finally, fewer middle‐aged and older faculty attributed difficulties experienced by a student with ADHD symptoms to “bad” character, a lack of discipline or a lack of motivation. These findings suggest more emphasis should be placed on disability‐related education and training for faculty members during early stages of their careers.  相似文献   
Schemes for classifying reading disabilities have focused too narrowly on deficiencies in reception, analysis and storage of sensory information. An expanded view of the cognitive deficits that may produce reading disabilities is proposed. A case is made for recognising the possible role of primary deficiencies in attention in the production of reading disabilities, particularly in young children in the initial stages of learning to read. A simple taxonomy of reading disabilities based on the underlying cognitive deficits causing the disorder is proposed. Diagnostic criteria are presented for differentiating reading disabilities due to sensory information processing deficits from disabilities due to attentional deficits, including: standardised tests, qualitative analyses of performance on reading and non-reading tasks, behaviour observations, and response to remediation.  相似文献   
我国影视文化贸易仍处于逆差地位,但近年来,影视文化产业表现出前所未有的活跃景象,势头正劲,不可抵挡。从现状来看,存在的主要问题有:贸易逆差巨大,影视产品类型及进出口国家过分集中,影视产业地位虽有所转变,但占世界份额小等。通过分析以上问题产生的原因,提出一些有效的解决措施,为我国影视产业发展提供一点思路。  相似文献   
语音是语言的物质外壳和第一要素,本文一反长期盛行的重文本而轻语音的院校作风和陈腐的学术偏见,强调了语音训练对二语习得的决定性意义:锐化语音的生理感知,树立优良的语音形象并力主发音的准确和正确性,从而克服"以错误的理解取代正确的语音感受"的严重弊端。在对比分析假说和言语学习模型的框架下,结合多年的英语语音习得研究实践和国内外相关理论著述的研读,并实验性地借助语音分析软件Praat,在元音、辅音、音节等音段层面全面细致地分析了中国学生英语语音习得的若干现象和问题,并借此机会向读者提供一套有效的解决方案。  相似文献   
祁门箬坑方言,位于赣语与徽语的交界地带,语音特点十分突出,到目前为止尚无人涉足,因而具有一定的研究意义。在田野调查的基础上,对箬坑方言的语音系统进行梳理,并简单归纳分析了音韵特点,为徽州方言研究补充一些材料。  相似文献   
根据甘肃省河东地区15个气象站点50年的气象资料,利用FAOPenman-Monteith模型和所提供的作物系数计算出各站点春玉米不同生育阶段的作物需水量,在此基础上计算出作物水分亏缺指数(CWDI),并划分河东地区的干旱等级,分析春玉米干旱发生的时空特征。结果表明:在春玉米生长季内,CWDI呈现先增大后减小的趋势,其中最大值出现在6月中下旬,且每旬的CWDI值均大于10%,即在作物整个生长季,降水都无法满足春玉米需水的要求。不同等级干旱发生的频率:轻旱8%~20%;中旱7%~23%;重旱0~17%;特旱0~47%。生长季内,河东地区春玉米干旱发生程度基本由南向北递增,不同生育阶段干旱的严重程度:抽雄-开花期>拔节期>乳熟前期>出苗-七叶期>乳熟后期-成熟期。近50年来,出苗-七叶期和拔节期的干旱有逐渐缓解的趋势;抽雄-开花期和乳熟前期干旱变化的趋势大致相同:20世纪60年代中后期及70年代初为干旱的严重时期,70年代中后期有所缓解,至今又有加重的趋势;乳熟后期-成熟期,近50年来干旱有加重的趋势。  相似文献   
针对传统生态足迹模型的系统封闭性和空间互斥性等不合理假设,利用从系统论出发并具有基于流量算法优点的能值分析理论,从供给和需求的角度分析了2008年青海省耕地的生态足迹和生产承载力。计算结果显示,青海省耕地的人均生态足迹为0.414公顷,人均生态承载力为0.466公顷,生态盈余为0.052公顷,青海省耕地利用呈现出弱可持续状态。  相似文献   
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