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Workplace learning is increasingly central to the international lifelong learning agenda but has made limited contributions to full-time vocational education in England during the last 30 years. A more central role is envisaged within the technical education proposed by the 2016 Sainsbury Review and Post-16 Skills Plan, with access to work placements dominating discussion of policy implementation. A multicase study of workplace learning among post-16 students in England on current ‘study programmes’ was mapped to four of the technical routes designated by the Sainsbury Review and Skills Plan, using documentary, observation and interview data. The study drew on theorisation of the workplace as the site of situated or incidental learning, whilst noting that its opportunities are differentially allocated according to organisational or personal differences, in ways that have particular implications for young people on placements. Whilst access to more advanced learning opportunities was secured through planned, collaborative approaches, reliance on incidental learning offered more routinised experiences to students less prepared for autonomous learning. The study indicates that questions of access, knowledge and pedagogy remain to be addressed if plans for ‘technical education’ in England are to provide meaningful learning opportunities and support transitions to fulfilling work.  相似文献   
Voice is co-constructed, a result of the “text-mediated interaction between the writer and the reader.” The present study, using the context of U.S. college writing, explores the complicated process by which an L2 novice writer—one who has a growing awareness of, yet peripheral access to, discourse practices—constructs a voice. Through interviews and a close analysis of a text, a comparison is made between the voice the L2 writer wished to project in an assigned paper and the voice constructed by two readers in the course of their anonymous readings of the paper. The significant gap between the L2 writer’s aims and the readers’ responses suggests that a writer’s view of her voice stems from the ways in which she conceptualizes discourse conventions, in association with her particular linguistic, social, and cultural background. The pedagogical implications of the L2 writer’s process of negotiating identity, and her struggles to learn discourse expectations, are discussed.  相似文献   
应用QFD和案例推理的思想,利用通过QFD方法形成的质量特性及其权重来评价备选的绿色产品设计方案,然后检索出与决策者期望之间相似性最大的绿色产品设计方案。结果表明基于QFD方法可以有效地构建绿色产品设计方案中的指标体系和指标权重。此外案例推理是一种有效的绿色产品设计方案选择方法。可根据实际情况,进行绿色产品设计方案选择,具有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   
写作活动是一种心理活动,写作中充满着心理机制;大学生在写作中普遍存在畏惧心理、厌倦心理、无为心理、趋同心理、惰性心理、虚荣心理、焦虑心理等心理障碍,分析其原因,在写作教学中重视对其进行有益的调适,是有效进行写作教学,提高大学生写作水平的重要途径。  相似文献   
从写作范式的角度,分析远程教育期刊的文章要求,能够把握所采用文章的写作特点和基本规律。期刊采用文章的标准,一是专业标准,二是质量保证。质量标准的基本条件首先就是观点新颖、内容扎实,具有学术价值。因此,文章选题要注意个性化、创新性,要以能产生新意的角度为论述切入点,避免思辨的空洞和一般化,避免脱离解决实际问题的实证研究。学术规范影响作者写作范式的运用和形成,学术期刊以其严谨性和规范性,保持应有的学术尊严。  相似文献   
唐代谏议制度在中国古代政治制度史上具有特别的意义,它以较完善的体制,将谏议活动规范化,使之成为一种重要的行政手段。这些规范,大多存于《唐六典》、《唐会要》中。由于唐代诗人大多有谏官经历,其诗歌也涉及唐代谏议制度的规范问题,有些能填补史载之空缺,月给谏纸、谏囊献书、避人焚草等即是如此。它们不仅真实地反映了唐代谏官的参政议政活动,而且还为完整认识唐代谏议制度提供了直观的材料。  相似文献   
清人对宫词源流的探索极为关注,或远溯《诗经》,或近指王建,皆未能找出真正源头。宫词是中唐新乐府运动的产物,其源头实在汉魏古乐府。这与清人对宫词的源流认识截然不同。宫词在情感艺术上的最大特色便是怨,这继承了兴观群怨和怨而不怒,温柔敦厚的传统。宫词是融合了乐府、宫体、花间、香奁等文体风格的独特文体,后人称为宫词体。  相似文献   
唐代任侠风气构成了一种重要的文学—文化现象,任侠风气所包含的文人士大夫的文化心理通过其任侠、咏侠活动,已成为他们重要的文化生活方式。任侠精神中表现出的对于勇武豪爽、建功立业、自由享乐等人生理想的追求,参与了文人人格理想、生活理想和审美理想的构建。他们将侠或任侠精神作为一种审美意象,寄托自己的理想,抒发建功立业的抱负和怀才不遇的愤懑,形成颇具时代文化精神的审美情趣,表现出初盛唐任侠风气与诗歌创作的密切关系,并由此带来了唐人咏侠诗潮的高涨和边塞诗创作的繁荣。  相似文献   
从实际的情况看,民俗文化以及与民俗文化相关的表现,构成了鲁迅写作极为丰富并且极有意味的写作内容,但是由于受既有落后民俗理念的影响,加之民俗文化在鲁迅写作中往往以精神或心理等无形形态存在的缘故,鲁迅的写作和民俗文化的关系这一本来很有价值的话题并未引起学界应有的重视。分析已有研究的不足,立足于写作的本位立场,在更为宽阔的思维空间中审视鲁迅在写作中对于民俗文化内容的主体措置及其对后来作家写作的影响,也便成了重新梳理鲁迅和中国现代文学的一个可能也重要的途径。  相似文献   
Theme is art extremely important concept in Systemic Functional Grammar,The theory of theme and theme is widely used in discourse analysis as well.This thesis tries to explore thematic structure In systemic functional linguistics and its apphcation in teaching writing.To start with,we review marked theme and unmarksd theme.Then,we have discussion and inake analysis on simple theme,multiple theme and clausal thme,Eventually,we aho probe into thematic progression and its application in teaching writing.  相似文献   
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