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Multi-feature fusion has achieved gratifying performance in image retrieval. However, some existing fusion mechanisms would unfortunately make the result worse than expected due to the domain and visual diversity of images. As a result, a burning problem for applying feature fusion mechanism is how to figure out and improve the complementarity of multi-level heterogeneous features. To this end, this paper proposes an adaptive multi-feature fusion method via cross-entropy normalization for effective image retrieval. First, various low-level features (e.g., SIFT) and high-level semantic features based on deep learning are extracted. Under each level of feature representation, the initial similarity scores of the query image w.r.t. the target dataset are calculated. Second, we use an independent reference dataset to approximate the tail of the attained initial similarity score ranking curve by cross-entropy normalization. Then the area under the ranking curve is calculated as the indicator of the merit of corresponding feature (i.e., a smaller area indicates a more suitable feature.). Finally, fusion weights of each feature are assigned adaptively by the statistically elaborated areas. Extensive experiments on three public benchmark datasets have demonstrated that the proposed method can achieve superior performance compared with the existing methods, improving the metrics mAP by relatively 1.04% (for Holidays), 1.22% (for Oxf5k) and the N-S by relatively 0.04 (for UKbench), respectively.  相似文献   
苏轼的诗歌中有一百二十多首有序言,其诗序的实质就是直接以“文”的形式作为“诗”的一部分,就是“以文为诗”。苏轼的诗序内容丰富、具有相对独立的审美价值;同时,诗序与诗歌正文在内容、用韵、意蕴、风格方面有着不可分割的联系。只有在诗歌整体中,超越诗序与诗歌正文的内容意义与审美风格才会呈现出来,诗序只有在诗歌整体中才能实现其价值与功用的最大化。“文”成为“诗”中不可分割的有机体,苏轼就这样以诗序的形式对“以文为诗”作出了发展。而苏轼笔下的诗序之所以有如此风貌,既根源于宋代的文化思潮,也是苏轼精神主体之彰显、内在素质自然流露的结果。  相似文献   
欧阳修的诗有一定的生态美学倾向,主要体现在三个方面:首先是自然生态美,其内容有三,即借自然美景抒发闲逸情怀、歌颂太平、自然条件优越,易于生存、感伤人与自然的不合谐;其次是文化生态美,其主要内容是反映楚地巫风、节日风俗与传统的文化品格:最后是社会生态美,反映政治军事活动对人类社会生态的影响,对其他生物生存状况的反映。总的说来,欧诗中的生态美学倾向不同于欧词:它具有欧词所没有的颂圣色彩与忧生的社会意识。这与欧阳修的不同的诗词观有关。  相似文献   
Detecting feature interactions is an important post-hoc method to explain black-box models. The literature on feature interactions mainly focus on detecting their existence and calculating their strength. Little attention has been given to the form how the features interact. In this paper, we propose a novel method to capture the form of feature interactions. First, the feature interaction sets in black-box models are detected by the high dimensional model representation-based method. Second, the pairwise separability of the detected feature interactions is determined by a novel model which is verified theoretically. Third, the set separability of the feature interactions is inferred based on pairwise separability. Fourth, the interaction form of each feature in product separable sets is explored. The proposed method not only provides detailed information about the internal structure of black-box models but also improves the performance of linear models by incorporating the appropriate feature interactions. The experimental results show that the accuracy of recognizing product separability in synthetic models is 100%. Experiments on three regression and three classification tasks demonstrate that the proposed method can capture the product separable form of feature interactions effectively and improve the prediction accuracy greatly.  相似文献   
司空图《二十四诗品》以四言诗的形式描画了中国传统诗学之风格体系,其造境说理之模式显示出一种对诗歌意境追求的自觉。意境说之生成与中唐诗风之转变及禅宗的影响关系甚深,禅宗激发了诗人空灵悠远的诗境追求。《二十四诗品》机锋般的说诗方式也显示禅学理论对司空图诗学的深刻影响,可以说是中国传统儒道释三教融合在诗学理论领域的一大创获。  相似文献   
With the development of modern industry,sheet-metal parts in mass production have been widely applied in mechanical,communication,electronics,and light industries in recent decades; but the advances in sheet-metal part design and manufacturing remain too slow compared with the increasing importance of sheet-metal parts in modern industry. This paper proposes a method for automatically extracting features from an arbitrary solid model of sheet-metal parts; whose characteristics are used for classification and graph-based representation of the sheet-metal features to extract the features embodied in a sheet-metal part. The extracting feature process can be divided for valid checking of the model geometry,feature matching,and feature relationship. Since the extracted features include abundant geometry and engineering information,they will be effective for downstream application such as feature rebuilding and stamping process planning.  相似文献   
李贺《高轩过》有“笔补造化天无功”一语,钱锺书认为其语“可以作为他的自我评赞”。章府为,“笔补造化”的动机是李贺人生难堪的遭际。“笔补”是李贺对自身生生活缺陷的补偿。  相似文献   
在幻神的文体特征构成上,幻文成为神魔小说特色的根源之一,追求奇幻神异变换的叙事与文字,使神魔小说在幻文过程中形成了以幻生幻、以虚养幻和借事造幻模式,而作者在叙事中的权威和叙述的超越,则突出了幻文的用意.  相似文献   
对步态识别的国内外研究现状进行了详细的论述;介绍了基于步态识别的身份识别过程,阐述了在步态识别各阶段用到的一些方法;对步态识别的下一步工作进行了探讨。  相似文献   
杨嗣昌在旅游学创作中,善于借助传统艺术的“诗情”与“画意”,将自己对山水风光的一片痴情倾注到诗之中,从而创造出让人心旷神怡的艺术境界。  相似文献   
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