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“二战日本沈阳盟军战俘集中营”是辽宁沈阳对外交流具有独特作用的历史文化资源,“是中关共同经历,共同战斗,共同利益的见证。”充分发掘利用这些历史文化资源,对促进中国和世界人民友好往来,化解误会和平发展,提升辽宁沈阳的世界知名度具有重大意义。  相似文献   
从抗战全面爆发一周年的1938年7月起,至共和国成立前夕的1949年7月,中国共产党连续进行了12次抗战周年纪念。尽管12年间纪念的事件只有一个,但面对的却是错综复杂的局面、翻天覆地的变化和迅速发展的历史。中国共产党紧紧把握时代脉搏,紧密结合斗争实际,使每次纪念活动都能促进当时斗争的发展,推动中国革命的不断前进。这也从一个侧面体现了中国共产党在理论上与时俱进的特质。  相似文献   
美国对军事政治关系的系统研究是从第二次世界大战后才开始的。冷战时期是其初步发展阶段,在这一阶段主要的理论分析框架和研究主题基本确定下来。冷战后军事政治关系研究有了新的发展,并逐渐形成一门相对独立的学科。中国对军事政治关系的系统深入的研究则刚刚起步。  相似文献   
抗日战争爆发后,滇西军民为抗击日军侵略,收复怒江以西失地,保障滇缅公路及输油管道畅通,配合盟军反攻缅甸,进行了近三年英勇顽强的斗争,以最先收复国土而载入史册,支援了全国抗战,在抗日战争史上写下了胜利的篇章。  相似文献   
抗战为郭沫若提供了一个弄潮的机遇。时代与个人的双向选择,使他成为抗战文化统一战线上的领军人物,他得以叱咤风云,尽展才华。抗战改变了郭沫若的文化身份,转换了他人生行旅的轨迹。由士而仕,郭沫若走上亦文亦政的道路,并且终其一生。这也是许多他那一代知识分子做出的文化选择,其中的是非曲折,应该包涵在时代的悲剧性因素中。  相似文献   
八年抗战,是中华民族发展史上最为波澜壮阔的一个历史阶段.在这个阶段里,重庆由于独特的政治环境和地理位置,成为了中国的战时首都.重庆也因此留下了大量的抗战文物.这些文物,从一个侧面反映了中国人民为摆脱奴役、压迫,为争取国家、民族独立,不惜流血牺牲,与中外反动派奋力抗争的大无畏精神.陪都文化已经成为重庆的旅游特色,是重庆区别于国内其它历史文化名城所独有的资源.在纪念抗战胜利六十周年的今天,怎样充分发挥抗战文物在重庆的旅游经济中的作用显得尤为重要.  相似文献   
战争与强暴相伴而生,战争本身就包含着强暴的隐喻。男性性行为的攻击性与主动性,与征战和侵犯密切相关。如果处于强势的入侵或攻击位置的民族以"男性"自居的话,那么,被侵犯的民族就必被视为弱势的"女性"。民族主义把女性传统的孕育生命的意义纳入民族的生死存亡这个统摄性的视域中去。在文学作品中,我们可以找寻到大量战争与强暴同时出现的历史记忆。  相似文献   

The social justice leadership research recognizes the pivotal role that educational leaders play in mobilizing the discourse and achieving social justice in schools. However, current social justice leadership studies may be seen as limited in that the variety of important themes and issues identified in the discussions of social justice within educational leadership are generally addressed in an isolated manner, focusing on specific aspects. There seems to be a lack of an overarching framework which may be used to examine social justice leadership in a holistic and multidimensional manner by taking into account leadership, organizational conditions and environment. This article aims to examine social justice leadership through the lens of the ‘Five Fundamentals’ outlined in The Art of War by the Chinese General, Sun Tzu. In doing so, the article extends the theoretical boundary in social justice leadership by considering its moral purpose, human and environmental conditions, leadership practices, and technical constraints.  相似文献   

Exertional heat stroke (EHS) is a medical emergency whose likelihood in sport settings is often contingent on environmental factors, team policies, coaching strategies, and broader cultural expectations. Moreover, when it occurs, it requires immediate recognition, proper management, and care to optimize chances of survival or recovery without long-term sequelae. Max Gilpin, a secondary school American football player from Louisville, Kentucky, suffered an EHS during a football practice in August 2008, an event that resulted in his death. The purpose of this article is to use interdisciplinary methods to identify key factors that contributed to this tragedy so that similar situations do not happen again. It concludes that within a culture of inclusive gender norms and care, efforts should be made to have appropriate onsite medical expertise available to develop and implement best practices for the prevention, management, and treatment of EHS, along with coaching education specific to medical emergencies in sport and physical activity (such as EHS). This will create an environment that promotes health and safety for all student athletes participating in sport at the secondary school level.  相似文献   
In this article, we compare the Secondary English Post Graduate Certificate of Education (PGCE) programme for initial teacher education at the University of Bristol, UK, with that at the University of Malta, with particular attention to the content of the respective programmes and the role of the school‐based mentor. We explore issues raised by the fact that, while Bristol relies on a mentor figure to support all student teachers, the Maltese programme does not yet use this model. Consideration is given to the benefits and challenges of working with mentors and the implications for student teachers and their mentors with the development of the newly‐introduced School Direct programme in England.  相似文献   
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