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《College Teaching》2013,61(4):121-128
In fall 2012, an interdisciplinary team of science, English, and library faculty embedded reading, writing, and information literacy strategies in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) curricula as a first step in improving student learning and retention in science courses and aligning them with the Next Generation Science and Common Core State Standards. The authors present their reading, writing, and information literacy contributions, explaining the importance of introducing these concepts and strategies into science courses.  相似文献   
When considering the interdisciplinary nature of education, researchers need to acknowledge students' traditional and multimodal literacies and learning environments. Technological changes have brought about new learning spaces and what students learn through their video gaming experiences seems to have important academic implications and applications. This article presents data from three case studies of academically struggling 11th‐grade male video gamers, revealing the academic affordances of the participants' video game playing; the students developed a schema for academic material from their video game playing, fostering meaningful connections to classroom material. Overall, this paper reveals how the virtual gaming environment enabled three gamers to contextualize academic information, thereby making the material personally relevant.

Ein Glücksspielrahmen für den Verstand: Digitale Kontexte und akademische Auswirkungen

Wenn man die Bereichs überschreitende Natur der Bildung bedenkt, müssen Forscher die traditionellen und multimodalen Fähigkeiten der Studenten und auch ihre Lernumgebungen anerkennen. Technologische Änderungen haben neue Lernräume für die Studenten geschaffen, und was Studenten durch ihre Videospiel Erfahrungen lernen, scheint wichtige Auswirkungen im akademischen Bereich und den Anforderungen zu haben. Dieser Artikel zeigt Daten von drei Fallstudien über wissenschaftlich sich bemühende männliche Oberstufen‐Schüler und ‐ Video‐Gamer, bei der akademischen Anforderung die Videopartie der Teilnehmer zu spielen. Die Studenten entwickelten spielend ein Schema für akademisches Material aus ihrer Videopartie und förderten bedeutsame Verbindungen zu Klassenzimmermaterial. Insgesamt zeigt dieses Papier, wie die virtuelle Spielumgebung drei Spielern ermöglichte, akademische Information in einen Zusammenhang zu setzen und dadurch das Material persönlich für sich relevant zu machen.

Penser en joueur: les contexts numériques et leurs implications scolaires

Lorsqu'ils considèrent le caractère interdisciplinaire de l'éducation, les chercheurs doivent prendre en compte à la fois les savoirs traditionnels, les savoirs multimodaux ainsi que les environnements d'apprentissage. Les changements technologiques ont donné naissance à de nouveaux espaces d'apprentissage et, ce que les élèves apprennent de leur pratique des jeux vidéo, semble avoir des conséquences et des applications importantes sur le plan scolaire. Cet article présente les résultats de trois études de cas portant sur des élèves masculins de fin de secondaire en difficulté, par ailleurs adeptes des jeux vidéo, qui montrent les possibilités scolaires de leur pratique des jeux vidéo; ces élèves ont développé à partir de leurs pratiques des jeux un mode d'approche des documents scolaires qui a fait naître des liens significatifs avec les documents de classe. Plus généralement cet article montre comment l'environnement des jeux virtuels a permis à trois joueurs de contextualiser l'information scolaire donnant ainsi aux documents une pertinence personnelle.

Un estado de animo de. Los contextos digitales y sus implicaciones académicas

Cuando los investigadores estudian el carácter interdisciplinario de la educación, tienen que tomar en cuenta tanto los saberes tradicionales como los saberes multimodales y los entornos de aprendizaje. Los cambios tecnológicos han conllevado nuevos espacios de aprendizaje y lo que los alumnos aprenden a través de sus experiencias con los juegos de video acarrea aparentemente importantes aplicaciones y implicaciones para la escolaridad. Este artículo presenta los datos de tres estudios de casos sobre alumnos varones de fín de la enseñanza secundaria aficionados a los juegos de video con dificultades escolares, revelando el potencial académico de su actuación en esos juegos; los alumnos han adquirido un esquema para el material escolar a partir de su práctica de los juegos de video y desarrollado vínculos significativos con el material de aula. En general este artículo revela como el entorno de los juegos de video ha permitido a tres jugadores de contextualizar la información académica, transformando así el material en algo personal y pertinente.  相似文献   
The role of power in an English-as-a-second-language classroom has yet to be fully explored by an action research practitioner, especially in a Malaysian higher education setting. This study aims to contribute to this gap by working within an academic literacies perspective to teaching academic writing, which propagates the understanding of power-relational, socio-cultural and epistemological conditions for effective teaching and learning. As the teacher in this classroom, I focus on how power-relational conditions play out. To activate the power conditions, I used a teaching principle in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)-negotiated interaction to reduce power-based mismatches between participants in a teaching or learning relationship in my classroom, drawing upon Kumaravadivelu’s work on post-method pedagogy for TESOL; that is, not being bound by any specific method of teaching. In analysing the different types of power that were operational in my classroom, wider implications of power that operate beyond the classroom level and how they impacted teaching and learning decisions were found to be highly illuminating. The action research methodology used for this study enabled me to reflect critically on my detailed diary recordings and student letter and interview collections, which in turn impacted on my teaching decisions as each teaching cycle was completed. My reflections also help shape my evolving identity as a teacher-researcher throughout this ongoing Malaysian action research journey.  相似文献   
琳达·达林一哈蒙德(Linda Darling—Hammond),美国斯坦福大学教育学教授,教育学博士,美国当代教育改革分析家,美国教师专业化改革取向的领军人物,奥巴马政府现行教育政策改革团队领导人.斯坦福教育领导研究所和斯坦福教育机会政策中心联席主任。她和她的团队自20世纪90年代开始聚焦于教育教学改革及实践研究。2008年出版了《高效学习:我们所知道的理解性教学》一书,该书是琳达·达林一哈蒙德(Linda Darling—Hammond)与布里基·巴伦(Brigid Barron)等7位知名学者花了10多年进行学习研究的成果。作者基于人是如何学习的理论观点,聚焦于阅读与素养、数学、科学这三大主要学科领域,从理论和实践层面探索了“理解性教学”的教学形式:基于项目学习、设计的学习问题的学习,阐释了在新技术的强大支持下,革新课堂学习环境,促进高效学习的策略以及影响这些策略有效性的因素与条件。作者还提出了变革学校体系,为理解性教学重构学校的主张。2009年华东师范大学学习科学研究团队翻译了琳达·达林-哈蒙德的这部著作,并就该书中的高效学习与理解性教学的教育思想与作者进行了深度交流。琳达·达林-哈蒙德教授的思考给人们提供了认识21世纪学习的新视角,也会对21世纪学校体系变革带来启示。  相似文献   
《The Educational forum》2012,76(4):418-420

This article argues that both traditional literacy (reading and writing print) and new digital literacies (for example, playing video games) come in two grades or forms, one of which can lead to success in the modern world and one of which is less likely to do so. In both cases, the role of “academic” or “specialist” language is crucial in distinguishing between the two grades  相似文献   
本文对基层教练员个人的主要素质进行归类分析 ,为不断提高基层教练员的个人素质 ,促进我国竞技体育事业的发展提供参考。  相似文献   
江苏建设"体育强省"是新时期南京体育学院发展的重大历史机遇。南京体育学院必须进一步明确自身定位,培养更多适合社会需要的体育人才,充分挖掘和利用自身的历史人文资源,主动、积极地为建设体育强国、体育强省提供理论与科技支撑,并在这一进程中实现我们跻身国内一流、国际知名体育院校的奋斗目标。  相似文献   
In Sweden and many other countries, the academisation of teacher education goes along with increased emphasis on a student thesis, in Sweden formally entitled the final degree project. This study deals with students’ writing trajectories in Early Childhood Education and Care aimed at work in the preschool or the recreation centre. The study indicates that student writing, shaped by a variety of academic literacies, is primarily based on values of the vocational field, parallel to an emerging critical academic approach. The study suggests that academic writing is largely perceived among the students as a means to underpin the vocational field with theory, and see critical thinking and reflective practice as relevant to their future career.  相似文献   
While digital multimodal composing, underpinned by a critical literacies approach, provides opportunities for students to make informed semiotic choices and voice concerns about social issues, there is limited research exploring how digital multimodal composing is employed to interrogate and challenge the entanglements of language, immigration status and power. This article explores how 23 primary-aged English as an Additional Language (EAL) students (Years 3–6) engaged in digital multimodal composing, in the context of an after-school multiliteracies programme in one Australian school. Conceptualising critical literacies as a bridge to access and transform codes of power, the article explores how the participating students selected and used different semiotic resources for their digital texts while challenging and redefining dominant discourses based on their lived experiences and interests. The study found that both students and pre-service teachers found value in students having access to digital technologies and experimenting with a range of multimodal and multilingual resources to create digital texts, which reflected cultural and linguistic identities. The findings illustrate how the creation of digital multimodal and multilingual texts allows for opportunities for students to reposition themselves as knowledgeable and active meaning-makers with strategic support from teachers and peers.  相似文献   
Academic writing is challenging, particularly for new undergraduates who can struggle to know what is expected of them. Research into Academic Literacies often presents academic literacy practices as a barrier to the academy, excluding those not familiar with and those not able to participate in those practices and positioning them permanently on the periphery of the academic community. In seeking to explore how curricula should be designed to counter exclusion, this paper brings three theoretical frameworks together: Academic Literacies; Communities of Practice; and Bernstein's conceptualisation of the classification and framing of knowledge. Together, they provide a multi-layered understanding of how students are positioned by academic literacy practices: Academic Literacies illuminates the ‘problem’; Communities of Practice provides an analytical perspective on the process of exclusion; and Bernstein's work offers pedagogical insights into how academic literacy practices can be reimagined as a bridge, rather than as a barrier, to the academic community.  相似文献   
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