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以人为本,全面、协调和可持续发展的科学发展观,是对国际经济发展趋势和我国经济发展经验教训的总结,是对社会主义发展观的继承和发展,具有深刻的科学内涵。全面、准确地把握科学发展观,是经济社会全面发展的前提和基础。民族地区特殊的历史、地情和经济社会发展状况,决定了民族地区走跨越式发展的道路.必须坚持科学发展观,并结合民族地区的实际,采取相应的对策和措施。  相似文献   
建构主义教学模式中支架式教学及对外语写作教学的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建构主义是当前流行于全球的一种社会科学理论,其教学理论越来越受到教育界的推崇。在建构主义的教学模式下,目前已开发出的教学方法主要有以下几种:支架式教学、抛锚式教学和随机进入教学。其中支架式教学强调根据“最临近发展区”建立概念框架,鼓励独立探索、协作学习和效果评价。本文结合支架式教学的特点,探索提高外语写作教学效果的新途径。  相似文献   
《远离尘嚣》是英国杰出乡土作家托马斯·哈代最有代表性的一部威塞克斯小说。一直以来,国内外学术界围绕小说的女性观、宗教观、现代意识等进行了广泛讨论。但是,从生态批评的视角来看,哈代在作品中所表达的敬畏自然、回归自然和融入自然的自然生态观更具有前瞻性和现实意义,值得我们深入研究与解读。  相似文献   
本文旨在以重庆中百仓储北碚中山路店为实例,通过调查资料分析导入CIS战略即组织形象对企业发展的重要作用,同时确定了CIS是由企业理念识别系统、企业行为识别系统和企业视觉识别系统三方面组成的有机整体。以此为框架,从重庆中百仓储北碚中山路店组织形象滞后的现状,研究原因并提出提升组织形象的策略,起到引导该企业更好发展的目的。  相似文献   
Strategic Alliance Poker (SAP) provides instructors with an opportunity to integrate the resource based view with their discussion of strategic alliances in undergraduate Strategic Management courses. Specifically, SAP provides Strategic Management instructors with an experiential exercise that can be used to illustrate the value creation potential of complementary resources and the role of trust in fostering resource sharing in strategic alliances. A discussion of the theoretical background, implementation, implications, and results of SAP is provided in this paper.  相似文献   
高校存在着计算机数量众多、位置分散、应用系统配置复杂等问题,传统的计算机部署和管理模式面临着巨大的困境。云计算技术的兴起给高校信息化建设带来了变革,桌面云(DaaS,desktop as a service,桌面即服务)是符合云计算的一种服务模式,可以使用户按需定制桌面环境,集中化管理所有桌面,使用户能使用瘦客户端访问自己的桌面环境。该文基于桌面云的技术优势,提出了采用桌面云解决上述问题的全新思路和方案,桌面云的应用为师生提供了个性化的桌面服务,使机房和实验室的使用更加灵活,促进了虚拟化实验资源的共享,极大地提高了IT资源管理的水平和效率。最后详述了校园网桌面云系统的基础架构设计,应用VMware View虚拟化平台的vSphere、View Manager、View Composer及ThinApp构建了医学院实验教学中心的桌面云环境。  相似文献   
新中国成立后的近30年语法规范化的研究与实践,在语法规范标准的确立、语法规范观及其理论研究、个案剖析等方面取得了很大成绩,但其中也有不尽如人意之处:"匡谬正俗"的模式和方法致使语法规范批评多,引导少;主观规定多于客观引导,规范标准落后于语言实践;忽视语言的约定俗成和习非成是,用逻辑规则解释语法现象;学术领域注重语言本体研究,忽视语言应用研究,影响了语言规范化问题的深入探讨。在新的历史时期,为真正体现其功能,避免少出、不出偏误,语法规范就必须以人为本,以"用"为据。  相似文献   
Is the Simple View of Reading too Simple?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
According to the Simple View of Reading (SVR), reading comprehension is the product of word decoding ability and linguistic comprehension (R = D × C). However, there is also evidence showing that an additive model (R = D + C) explains just as much or even more of the variance in reading comprehension than the product model. To further evaluate these models, 467 Norwegian students in grade 6 were administered measures of reading comprehension, decoding ability, listening comprehension, phonemic awareness, and rapid digit naming. Hierarchical regression analyses were conducted to evaluate the explanatory power of each model, in addition to the influence of phonemic awareness and rapid naming. The preliminary hierarchical regression analyses were replicated among Swedish students. According to the present study, the additive model explained more of the variance in reading comprehension than the product model, and only rapid naming contributed significantly to explain variance in reading comprehension, above and beyond that explained by the SVR.  相似文献   
According to the Simple View of Reading, reading ability can be divided into decoding and language comprehension. In the present study, decoding and comprehension's contribution to reading ability was studied both in children with reading difficulties and in children with typical reading ability. Decoding and comprehension was further divided into sub-components, and the contribution from non-verbal ability and general processing speed was also studied. The results demonstrated that decoding made the largest contribution to reading ability for children with reading difficulties, while language comprehension contributed the most for children with typical reading ability. The contribution of non-verbal ability was not significant, and general processing speed only made a significant contribution to decoding for typical children. The two factors in the Simple View of Reading, decoding and comprehension, together explained less of the variance in reading ability for children with reading difficulties than for children with typical reading ability.  相似文献   
执政资源是能够满足执政党执掌国家政权、实现执政目标、完成执政使命需要的,可以被执政党开发利用的各种积极因素和条件。在新的历史条件下,中国共产党要不断增强执政能力,长期执政下去,整合和拓展执政资源就显得尤其重要。科学发展观是以"建设一个什么样的社会、怎样建设和发展社会"为理论主线的当代马克思主义最新理论成果,毫无疑问,党的执政资源的整合与拓展,必须以科学发展观为指导,才能保证其正确的方向和实际效果。  相似文献   
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