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This article analyses how education is positioned in the current concerns about security and extremism. This means firstly examining the different meanings of security (national, human and societal) and who provides security for whom. Initially, a central dilemma is acknowledged: that schooling appears to be simultaneously irrelevant to the huge global questions of security and yet central to the learning of alternative ways to conduct human relations. With regard to extremism, two aspects of importance in ideological compliance or challenge are firstly the attempted securitisation of education, and secondly the role of education in young people joining or supporting extremist movements. The UK’s ‘Prevent’ strategy is examined here. The issue of how to safeguard young people without securitising institutions suggests four key features: inclusivity, encounters with difference, networking and active citizenship. Critiquing sacred texts and the use of humour and satire also act to foster resilience. Educational approaches within transitional justice underline the importance of tackling violence in schools and promoting a human rights culture that promotes both human security and ultimately national security.  相似文献   
一方面,每个人因其最基本的贡献完全平等——每个人一生下来便都同样是缔结、创建社会的一个股东——而应该完全平等地享有基本权利、完全平等地享有人权,可以名之为完全平等原则;另一方面,每个人因其具体贡献的不平等而应享有相应不平等的非基本权利,也就是说,人们所享有的非基本权利的不平等与自己所做出的具体贡献的不平等比例应该完全平等,可以名之为比例平等原则。社会所提供的发展才德、做出贡献、竞争职务和地位以及权力和财富等非基本权利的机会,是全社会每个人的基本权利,是全社会每个人的人权,应该人人完全平等。反之,家庭、天赋、运气等非社会所提供的机会,则是幸运者的个人权利,无论如何不平等,他人都无权干涉;但幸运者利用较多机会所创获的较多权利,却因较多地利用了共同资源"社会合作"而应补偿给机会较少者以相应权利。这就是机会平等原则。  相似文献   
旅游消费者作为消费者群体中的特殊人群,有着不同于一般消费者的特性,因此,我国旅游消费者的权益保护问题就成为我国旅游市场健康有序发展必须解决的问题。由分析旅游消费者的法律地位入手,结合旅游消费者的特性分析及我国旅游法律保护的现状,分析我国旅游者特定旅游权益的法律问题,包括:人身和财产安全权、知情权、享受诚信服务权、求偿权等,并结合以上方面,提出解决意见。  相似文献   
本文考察了人格权和财产权的历史关系,通过分析人格权商业利用现象,确立财产权和人格权划分标准,论证标表型人格权具有财产属性的特性,冲破了传统民法理论人格权与财产权截然对立两分的观念。  相似文献   
从高职院校的具体特点出发,本着培养理论精、操作强的优秀高职毕业生的原则,探寻项目教学法在物业管理专业教学中的具体应用问题。  相似文献   
世界主义的价值诉求——国际关系规范理论的视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张旺 《教学与研究》2006,103(12):60-66
世界主义是一种具有悠久传统的哲学理念,它主张世界是一个单一的共同体,所有人皆为其中的平等成员。近年来随着国际关系规范理论的复兴,世界主义再次走向前台。在当前全球化的背景下,面对国际政治、经济秩序的重大变迁,一系列关乎人类命运问题的显现,以个人主义的价值前提和全球共同体的道德理想为基础,世界主义在人权的普遍性、全球范围的分配正义和世界主义民主等不同领域都表达了自己的道德诉求。然而,作为一种普遍性的价值目标,其在具体实施过程中可能产生的负面影响同样不容忽视。  相似文献   

This study takes food as its scape to propose an Indigenist, Gaian pedagogy and asks what food studies might reveal ecopedagogically for approaches to teaching about Indigenous matters in the context of environmental education and its research. Drawing on empirical research about food and Indigenous-settler relations in Australia, and through analysis of data amassed from student assignments on food sources conducted over a six- year period, I find that there is resistance to taking an Indigenist approach to critical, place-based education (PBE) even as Indigenous scholarship argues for its urgent need. Even more muted is the recognition of Gaian understanding of the need to preserve the languages of “Scapes” to help with this work.  相似文献   
国际统一立法和中国合同法都对违约补救作出较多规定,但差异很大,其根本差异在违约补救的法律属性上,即违约补救属于法律权利或法律义务。权利义务产生有一定的依据,违约补救当属于法律权利,我国应从权利本位立法角度,加强违约补救法律权利的立法,以顺应国际统一立法潮流。  相似文献   
This paper presents the findings of a study of the perspectives of Australian, English and New Zealand ‘tweens’ in response to one question, ‘what makes people muck up at school?’ Arguing for the increased prioritisation of children's voices in educational planning and provision, this paper provides, in children's own words, their perspectives on school success and classroom dynamics.  相似文献   
沉默权制度自萌芽到成熟历经几个世纪,它的发展经历了从开始确立到有所限制的两个阶段.对于沉默权制度我国学界是众说纷纭,从一开始的是否引进沉默权的论争到现在已经演变成了如何引进沉默权的问题.虽然近来新修定的刑事诉讼法中仍然没有确立沉默权制度,但其程序正义价值毋庸怀疑.现代刑事诉讼法基本原则之一的无罪推定原则,要求赋予犯罪嫌疑人、被告人以沉默权.沉默权制度的确立有助于保障犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的基本人权,从而加强辩护方的防御力量,实现诉讼中的控辩平衡,它是贯彻正当法律程序原则和实现程序正义的基本保障.  相似文献   
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