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The goal of this study was to investigate the effects of teachingtext comprehension strategies to children with decoding andreading comprehension problems and with a poor or normallistening ability. Two experiments are reported. Four textcomprehension strategies, viz., question generation, summarizing,clarification, and predicting were taught through directinstruction and reciprocal teaching. In both experiments, effectswere measured according to a pretest – posttest – retentiontest – control group design. Dependent variables wereexperimenter-developed strategic reading and listening tests, andstandardized reading and listening comprehension tests. In thefirst experiment the subjects were 9 to 11-year-old poor readersfrom special schools for children with learning disabilities. Inthis experiment, the intervention program's texts and strategyinstructions were presented in listening settings only. Thesubjects in the second experiment were 10-year-old children fromregular elementary schools and 9 to 11-year-old children fromspecial schools. They were also poor readers but their decodingperformance was not as poor as in the subjects in experiment 1.In experiment 2, the intervention program involved textpresentations in alternating reading and listening lessons.Although in general, normal listeners performed better on allcomprehension tests than poor listeners, there were nodifferential program effects for the two listening levels. Cleareffects of both programs were found on strategic reading andlistening tests administered directly after the interventions. Inthe first experiment, maintenance test performance showedprolonged program benefits, whereas in the second experimentthese maintenance effects were blurred by unexpected gains of thecontrol groups of students, especially from regular schools.Finally, apart from some local successes, neither of the twoexperiments offered stable evidence of transfer of comprehensionstrategy training to standardized general listening and readingcomprehension tests.  相似文献   
通过对怀化学院非体育专业全日制在校学生2008年10月体质健康测试数据分析,发现在身体形态方面,有待改善身体形态的学生比例高达55.11%.分析认为:这是由于饮食结构不合理、缺乏锻炼、体育教学中营养科学知识教育缺乏所致.身体素质方面,50米跑女生不及格率是22.27%,掷实心球不及格率高达69.81%.这与我校实行体育课程改革以来,教师大多只重视对学生运动技能和耐力素质的培养,而忽视了力量素质和身体协调能力的训练有关.同时提出建议,为高校学生体质健康教育提供参考依据.  相似文献   
本文根据一系列教学实践,对特色教学进行了分析研究,提出了“树立特色教育的理念,坚持走特色教学之路”的专业发展思路,明确了特色教学的主要内容是“培养方案模块化、专业教学现场化”.指出了本科大学生培养教学的两个方面:一是较为扎实的理论知识,二是较强的动手能力。同时强调.“职业技能”的培养是该专业本科教学的主要目的之一。  相似文献   
中国武术与书法,是我国的传统文化,一武一文,交相辉映,光彩夺目。长拳与楷书是其中的代表之一。那么长拳与楷书之间又存在着哪些联系,文章运用文献综述、访谈、逻辑分析等研究方法,研究得出,在练习长拳与书写楷书时,二者在力道和势道上存在着共通性联系,并进行了一些分析。  相似文献   
The creation of inclusive schools is no simple process as it implies huge changes that might generate resistance and fears, which can undermine the process of change. Quite often the changes in the legislation do not correspond to changes in the conceptions and/or practices of the actors involved in the process. As such, it is important to study what is happening in schools and to understand how they are managing to implement the political changes and overcome the tensions and difficulties they face. This is a comparative case study, aimed at describing five mainstream school teachers, their beliefs and practices, and how these are related to other schooling conditions. This study raises some questions, namely about the importance of an adequate regular school teacher support and an adequate education.  相似文献   
如今,高校基层党建工作的重点已经逐渐转移到大学生的党建工作上来,并且受到了越来越高的关注热情。团体心理辅导的教育理念与方法以其新颖性和有效性,逐渐被大学生基层组织活动所采用,并不断发挥自己巨大的创新潜力,使得高校学生党支部的组织生活更加充满活力,使得高校党支部工作人员以一种与众不同的视角和全新的思维方式更好地开展党建工作。  相似文献   
本研究以实验为基础,探讨大学生在接受12周有规律的体育锻炼以后,其身体素质,心理健康状况的变化特点.实验结果表明:有规律地从事适宜的体育锻炼既能提高被试者的身体素质,又能增进他们的心理健康.身体素质与心理健康之间存在一定的相关.体育锻炼的规律性、适宜性、愉快性是获得良好身心效益的关键。  相似文献   
本文主要讨论了当曲线L为某一类两端无限延伸时正则型Hilbert边值问题,推广了[1]中的有关结果。  相似文献   
以重庆、四川部分特殊教育学校和普通学校教师为研究对象,采用问卷调查法考察特殊教育学校教师与普通学校教师职业幸福感的差异状况及人口学变量上的特点。结果发现:教师职业幸福感总体上处于较高水平,普校教师的职业幸福感总分及各因子得分比特殊教育学校教师高;但仅在工作效能感、社会支持感、收益满意感因子上差异显著;教龄11-20年是普通、特校教师职业幸福感水平相差最大的阶段;二级职称时普通、特校教师职业幸福感水平相差最小;教师性别、所承担的教学科目、学校级别和最高学历是影响普、特校教师职业幸福感差异的重要因素;月收入对普、特校教师职业幸福感没有显著性影响。  相似文献   
本文根据一系列教学实践,对特色教学进行了分析研究,提出了“树立特色教育的理念,坚持走特色教学之路”的专业发展思路,明确了特色教学的主要内容是“培养方案模块化、专业教学现场化”.指出了本科大学生培养教学的两个方面:一是较为扎实的理论知识,二是较强的动手能力。同时强调.“职业技能”的培养是该专业本科教学的主要目的之一。  相似文献   
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