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The regulation of anti-doping practices in Australian sport is overseen by the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (ASADA), which is a statutory authority funded by the Australian Commonwealth Government (ACG). The 2013 ASADA investigation into the Essendon Football Club (EFC) uncovered the alleged use of performance and image enhancing drugs by a number of players and support personnel. However, despite the call for sanctions to be placed on those taking banned substances, ASADA itself became the central focus of enquiry with the EFC questioning the legitimacy of ASADA's authority in their management of the investigation. Using content analysis and Bourdieu's conceptual framework, this paper aims to determine the legitimate regulatory authority of key actors involved in the EFC investigation. The findings suggest actors in the social field, as related to the case of the EFC investigation, possess varying amounts and types of capital, which cumulatively convert to symbolic capital. Dominant actors within the social field retain more symbolic capital than others and are perceived to possess legitimate regulatory authority, which does not translate to actual legal authority. This apparent disconnect between perceived authority on the one hand and actual legal legitimacy on the other has implications for the future management of such cases, both in the Australian Football League and beyond.  相似文献   
本文系统地论证了课堂教学调控的要素、课堂教学调控的原则和课堂教学调控的作用;结合教学实践总结和讨论了课堂教学调控的方法。  相似文献   
The present study addressed two research questions: (a) the extent to which students who were exposed to meta-cognitive instruction are able to implement meta-cognitive processes in a delayed, stressful situation, in our case—being examined on the matriculation exam; and (b) whether students preparing themselves for the matriculation exam in mathematics, attain a higher level of mathematics achievement and meta-cognitive awareness (knowledge about cognition and regulation of cognition) as a result of being exposed to meta-cognitive instruction. Participants were 61 Israeli high school students who studied mathematics for four-point credit on the matriculation exam (middle level). About half of the students (N = 31) were assigned to meta-cognitive instruction, called IMPROVE, and the others (N = 30) studied with no explicit meta-cognitive guidance (control group). Analyses included both quantitative and qualitative methods. The later was based on students’ interviews, conducted about a couple of months after the end of the intervention, immediately after students completed the matriculation exam in mathematics. Results indicated that IMPROVE students outperformed their counterparts on mathematics achievement and regulation of cognition, but not on knowledge about cognition. Furthermore, during the matriculation exam, IMPROVE students executed different kinds of cognitive regulation processes than the control students. The theoretical and practical implications of the study are discussed.  相似文献   
历来老子《道德经》五千言被认为是道家出世思想本源,然而事实是否如此?旨在通过对比老子与孔盂学说原典中对“欲”这一基本哲学命题的立论观点,论证老子与孔盂在“欲”的概念实质上有着“积极入世”的相似性。  相似文献   
Situated within a cohort of Chinese preschool teachers’ emotional experiences, this study shows that preschool teachers’ emotional labor is characterized by its long duration, high intensity, and diversity in emotional interactions. The findings also reveal three rules governing preschool teachers’ emotional labor, including being adept in emotional control, active use of emotions, and keeping smiling service. In response to these rules, preschool teachers regulate their emotions with four major strategies of disguising, restraining, self-persuading, and releasing. The paper concludes with implications on how preschool teachers’ emotion regulation can be better supported.  相似文献   
食品安全状况是衡量一个国家经济发展水平和人民生活质量的重要指标。随着我国进口食品的数量和品种逐年增加,我国进口食品安全问题也日益突出。不断发生的进口食品安全问题凸显了我国食品安全监管法律制度的漏洞。为确保我国进口食品安全和保护我国消费者食品安全消费需求,完善我国进口食品安全监管法律制度,构建科学合理的进口食品安全监管体系是当务之急。  相似文献   
推动社会力量参与公共文化服务是新时代完善公共文化服务体系、全面建成小康社会的重要途径,但这离不开相关政策法规的推动、规范和引导。推动社会力量参与公共文化服务的相关政策法规体系分为国家级、省级、市级三个层次,虽然它们对参与方式、鼓励方式进行了规定,但也存在政策法规建设不平衡,对公益性文化捐赠支撑力度不够强,对文化类社会组织的引导、支持不够明确等问题。  相似文献   
智慧图书馆依托互联网开展服务,用户数据隐私等问题引起了图书馆领域有关学者的关注。文章通过比较《中华人民共和国网络安全法》与欧盟《一般数据保护条例》中有关条款,探索数据主体(用户)、数据控制者(图书馆)与数据处理者(业务)的权利与义务以及三者的关联性,为智慧图书馆用户数据的规范化使用以及相关规则的制定提供参考。  相似文献   
随着我国由“管理型政府”向“服务型政府”的转变,政府执法理念也由命令式执法逐步向服务型执法转变.行政指导作为一种能够灵活适应各种复杂多变的经济、社会管理需要的“柔性执法”方式,越来越广泛地为我国政府所采用.但是,由于立法的滞后性,我国目前还没有任何关于行政指导的立法,行政指导行为的作出和实施只能由行政机关根据行政实际的需要自由裁量决定,而行政相对人由于行政主体的行政指导行为遭受损害时更是救济无门.从依法行政和保障行政相对人合法权益的角度出发,我国必须制定和完善行政指导的相关立法.又由于行政指导具有较强的操作性和执行性,因而对行政指导的法律规制,更重要的应该是程序法规制.  相似文献   
社会主义法治理念确立了法律至上的原则,法律位于权力之上,与此同时在行政法的理论与实践中,行政主体在执法过程中拥有的自由裁量的权力,往往会出现超越行政职权,违反法定程序的问题,甚至会出现严重偏离法律自身的真实意图,出现权力凌驾于法律之上的情形。本文从行政执法主体行使裁量权方面分析其存在的必然性,进而从程序工具价值以及程序本体价值方面入手对构建程序规制的必要性进行分析,最后提出构建切实有效的行政听证程序来监督制约自由裁量权的不适当行使。  相似文献   
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