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刑讯逼供在我国屡禁不止,已成为法治社会进程的障碍,它的形成缘由和现状一直是学界讨论的话题。在我国,有无罪推定原则却甚少无罪裁判案件,“命案必破”之下命案侦破率颇高。究其缘由,乃是无罪推定的有名无实,行政与司法失衡所致。由此,以“无罪推定”和“命案必破”之较量为视角,探析刑讯逼供。  相似文献   
刑法上的“非法占有目的”论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以非法占有为目的的侵犯财产犯罪是我国刑法规定的目的犯一种,探讨非法占有目的必须建立在目的犯理论的基础之上。目的犯的构成要件包括客观要件、主观要件和超过的主观要件即目的,因此判断行为人是否构成此类罪必须建立在特定目的之有无上,而实践中正是由于目的认定的困惑造成了办理经济案件的困难。因此有必要探索主观目的的证明方法,而司法推定的方法不失为解决目的犯之目的认定的一种比较有效的手段。  相似文献   
基于相关向量机的大豆生长发育阶段预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
精确地预测大豆的生长发育阶段对于农业生产和研究都具有重要的意义,采用相关向量机方法为大豆的生长发育阶段预测建模,通过优化建模参数,所建相关向量机模型具有较高的拟合能力,且预测误差小,稳健性好。实验结果表明,相关向量机建立的模型优于神经网络。  相似文献   
春节联欢晚会的小品节目以其风趣的语言深受广大观众的喜爱;关联理论对话语交际具有很强的阐释力。本文运用关联理论原理,从最大关联与最佳关联、明示推理模式和认知语境这三个方面对春节联欢晚会的一些小品的片段进行分析,探索小品喜剧效果产生的语言机制。  相似文献   
人们的交际总是以话语相关或话语连贯为取向,而话语是否相关或连贯对听者而言在很大程度上依赖于他的认知推理。本文借助关联理论分析人们口语交际中对话语连贯性的认知推理,指出听者对话语连贯与否的接受决定其能否正确理解话语;连贯的话语一定是相关的,但相关的话语并非总是连贯的。  相似文献   
无罪推定原则作为一项保障人权的基本法律原则,可以说是刑事诉讼中应当遵守的最重要的原则,它包含的内容十分丰富,言论自由限制规则便是其中之一。未经过法定的司法程序,任何人在法律上都被认为是无罪的,这一理念应当在全社会普遍确立。然而,在实践中,以新闻媒体干预审判为代表的"舆论审判"现象层出不穷,严重侵害了犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的无罪推定的权利。对此,必须采取相应的措施加以控制,确保无罪推定原则更好地贯彻执行。  相似文献   
Relevance judgments occur within an information search process, where time, context and situation can impact the judgments. The determination of relevance is dependent on a number of factors and variables which include the criteria used to determine relevance. The relevance judgment process and the criteria used to make those judgments are manifestations of the cognitive changes which occur during the information search process.Understanding why these relevance criteria choices are made, and how they vary over the information search process can provide important information about the dynamic relevance judgment process. This information can be used to guide the development of more adaptive information retrieval systems which respond to the cognitive changes of users during the information search process.The research data analyzed here was collected in two separate studies which examined a subject’s relevance judgment over an information search process. Statistical analysis was used to examine these results and determine if there were relationships between criteria selections, relevance judgments, and the subject’s progression through the information search process. Findings confirm and extend findings of previous studies, providing strong statistical evidence of an association between the information search process and the choices of relevance criteria by users, and identifying specific changes in the user preferences for specific criteria over the course of the information search process.  相似文献   
A new model for aggregating multiple criteria evaluations for relevance assessment is proposed. An Information Retrieval context is considered, where relevance is modeled as a multidimensional property of documents. The usefulness and effectiveness of such a model are demonstrated by means of a case study on personalized Information Retrieval with multi-criteria relevance. The following criteria are considered to estimate document relevance: aboutness, coverage, appropriateness, and reliability.  相似文献   
In this paper we present the relevance ranking algorithm named PolarityRank. This algorithm is inspired in PageRank, the webpage relevance calculus method used by Google, and generalizes it to deal with graphs having not only positive but also negative weighted arcs. Besides the definition of our algorithm, this paper includes the algebraic justification, the convergence demonstration and an empirical study in which PolarityRank is applied to two unrelated tasks where a graph with positive and negative weights can be built: the calculation of word semantic orientation and instance selection from a learning dataset.  相似文献   
The purpose of this mixed methods study was to investigate how relevance instructions influence readers’ personal reading intentions, reading goals, text processing, and memory for text. Undergraduates (n = 52) were randomly assigned to one of three pre-reading relevance instruction conditions that asked them to read from a perspective or to read for understanding. Experimental results showed that information was read slower and remembered better when it was relevant. However, some readers spent more time reading irrelevant information, whereas others spent less time reading this information. Post-reading interviews were analyzed to explain these reading time differences. The interview data indicated that relevance instructions influenced readers’ goals and the strategies they used to meet those goals. The data sets were complementary: the quantitative data indicated differences in reading time and recall, and the qualitative data allowed us to explain why these differences occurred. These data revealed three distinct reader profiles within and across conditions, and demonstrate how relevance instructions affect reader goals, processing, and comprehension.  相似文献   
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