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长篇小说《芙蓉镇》以1963年、1964年、1969年和1979年4个具有特殊意义的年代为背景,以湖南一个3省交界的偏僻小镇——芙蓉镇为舞台,通过胡玉音、秦书田、王秋赦等人物近20年来的颠沛沉浮,揭示了历史的曲折进程,彻底否定了极左路线,表明了十一届三中全会以后拨乱反正、正本清源是大势所趋、人心所向,宣告了“一个可悲可叹的时代”彻底终结。在艺术上,小说以浓缩化和浮雕式的叙述体现社会生活的风俗化,使其文学语言别具韵味,各呈斑斓。也正因此,《芙蓉镇》不仅因一个时代的忠实记录而具有极高的认识价值,也因出色的艺术品格跻入当代长篇小说的经典之列。  相似文献   
以实际的现场参数遥测遥控为例子,叙述了如何应用嵌入式GSM模块-G2D,实现远程遥测遥控的方案,简要介绍了G2D数传模块的一般应用方法。  相似文献   
WEB环境下实验教学系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对网络教学中缺乏实验环节的问题,本文采用ASP、SQLServer和Java集成架构实现了web环境下机电系统的远程实验。利用该平台用户可以通过网络设计控制算法、调整远端机电系统的控制参数,实验运行结果和现场图像也可反馈给用户端。应用效果验证了该网络远程实验教学系统的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   
黑城文书所见元代两份整点站赤文书考释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
元朝政府为了“通达边情,布宣政令”在全国范围内建立了周密的站赤制度。随着阶级矛盾和民族矛盾的日益激化,站户开始消乏或逃亡,迫使站赤制度逐渐趋于废弛,元朝政府陆续采取了很多“拯治站赤”的措施。史料对亦集乃路站赤整治的记载很少,在黑水城发掘的《至正二十四年整点站赤文卷》残存16件公文,内容都是关于亦集乃路的站赤整点的情况,非常珍贵。通过对F116:W578和F116:W570两件文书的释读,可知官员在落卜剋站整点时采取清点核实马匹驼只和铺陈什物数目,以及登记站户姓名等措施,并考证了落卜赳站住置、正马、官给驼马、轮流走递等问题。  相似文献   
年画就是中国新年张贴的画。年画与民俗的密切结合,使社会对年画的需求量极大,单靠手绘人画是无法满足的,木版年画便顺理成章地产生并面世了。浮世,源自佛教用语,意指繁华放任、却又虚无短暂的尘世。因为这些版画的题材所表现的多是歌舞伎与茶社的生活场景,处处流露出“人生苦短,需及时行乐”的思想,故此被称为浮世绘。朱仙镇木版年画与日本浮世绘都是极具民族特色的美术形式,它们的形成与发展与他们自己独特的历史文化背景是分不开的。独特的历史文化造就了人们独特的审美趣味,而独特的审美趣味形成了独特的艺术语言和艺术风格。  相似文献   
对《边城》与《强盗》的比较,可以发现席勒与沈从文的文学创作存在诸多相似,他们都试图通过审美的途径实现人性的完美,从而实现改造国民性的政治理想。他们在反思民族危机的过程中,把弥合人性的分裂作为解决国民性问题的基石,而且在大量的文学创作中对人性美理想做了形象化的表达和演绎,从而把自己的政治理想、文学理想和美学思想有机地统一起来。  相似文献   
Students undertaking remote research degrees need special support from their supervisors, since they lack the rich environment of on-campus students and the face-to-face contact with supervisors and peers. Information Technology provides a wide variety of channels, most of them fast and relatively inexpensive, for developing and sustaining viable supervisory communication. An analysis of these options along the written/spoken and synchronous/asynchronous axes allows us to develop a useful taxonomy of communication for research supervision. Most of these options are usually regarded as second-best in comparison to face-to-face discussions with the supervisor. However, many IT media can be recorded, and so are retrievable. This feature emerges as a central component of effective supervision, and one which is not often accommodated in face-to-face supervision. A combination of media, involving maximum immediacy and personal interaction combined with recording for later review, has been shown in practice to yield the richest and most flexible supervision.  相似文献   
随着计算机软件技术的飞速发展,遥感数据处理软件越来越受到人们的关注,遥感影像数据处理的好坏直接影响到信息提取的效果。以广东省从化市Landset7 ETM 遥感影像为研究对象,借助ENVI软件着重阐述了图像处理的一些理论与具体的操作方法,并对图像分类的流程做了详细的探讨。  相似文献   

This article will highlight the distinctive role of Cavell in renewing a dawn of American philosophy. Following Emerson’s remark, ‘the inmost in due time becomes the outmost’, Cavell develops his distinctive line of antifoundationalist thought. To show how unique and valuable Cavell’s endeavor to resuscitate Emerson’s and Thoreau’s voice in American philosophy is, this paper discusses the political implications of Cavell’s Emersonian moral perfectionism. This involves a reconsideration of what measures justice and what justifies happiness. While Cavell is sometimes said to be too personal and too subjective to be political, I shall argue that his Emersonian perfectionism, with its concomitant idea of the conversation of justice, is in fact thoroughly political and democratic. I shall illustrate this by examining his writing on a Hollywood film, Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (1936). The film shows vividly that happiness is a condition for achieving democracy from within. In conclusion, I shall propose that a readiness for the risk inherent in speech, rather than, say, acquiescing in received ideas or hiding behind the words of others, is at the heart of perfectionist education for globally minded citizens.  相似文献   
在《芙蓉镇》中,古华以喜剧的表现手法塑造了两个悲剧性的人物——秦书田与王秋赦,无论是王秋赦还是秦书田,他们的言行都令人发笑,然而笑过之后,却更令人想哭,那是一种来自心灵深处的悲哀——时代的乃至民族的悲哀!这些扭曲了的灵魂,使读者看清了在那个愚昧时代里极“左”路线给人们造成的伤害,也揭示了荒唐年代里悲剧的实质。  相似文献   
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