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马丁·路德领导的德意志宗教改革,结束了罗马天主教会对人们心灵的至高无上的统治.他所提出的"因信称义"说,指出教徒获救的唯一途径就是对上帝的信仰,客观上促进了西欧中世纪社会的世俗化进程,大大削弱了罗马天主教会的影响.  相似文献   
行省是罗马帝国的重要组成部分,为巩固征服成果、维持社会秩序,驻扎在各行省的军团以设立警卫哨所、协助总督政府和组成秘密情报机构等形式承担镇压暴动与骚乱、维护社会治安、保障交通与贸易安全等警察职能,这些工作表明了罗马政府对行省的关注,在一定时期内较为有效的确保了行省社会秩序的稳定,客观上也保障了行省经济的发展、为行省居民营造了和谐安定的生活环境,但随着政府统治的腐败与3世纪危机的加剧,士兵的盘剥与压榨也给行省百姓带来了苦难。  相似文献   
吴历是明末清初著名画家、爱国遗民,也是中国较早的天主教信徒,其诗歌作为吴历特殊经历的记载,具有重要的历史意义,即诗史价值。吴历作为画家,所特有的艺术敏感性和艺术想象力,为诗歌创作提供了艺术通感——诗中有画、画中有诗。清初是中国诗歌史上甚为辉煌的时期,以钱谦益为魁首的虞山诗派影响巨大,吴历是常熟人,得钱氏真传,又不为所囿,其诗歌创作无论内容,还是形式,在清初诗坛都应占有一席之地。  相似文献   
African American undergraduate students face numerous challenges during college; however, they are less likely to seek help from college counseling services. Often, African Americans seek support from spiritual resources. In the current phenomenological study, participants shared in a focus group interview. Overall, participants seemed to value the Black Church as an integral part of their lives and as an influence on their perceptions of counseling and proclivity to seek counseling services.  相似文献   
This paper examines the role of religious literacy practices such as hymns, prayers and Bible stories in the context of literacy teaching in primary schools in England. Drawing on data collected through a classroom ethnography of a year 1 class (five and six-year-olds) conducted in a Catholic primary school in 2013 and 2014, I suggest that religious literacy practices contribute to children’s literacy learning in various ways. They focus children’s attention on a text’s meaning, not on decoding, as other literacy lessons do. They do not privilege rational thinking but afford more emotional and bodily experiences of meaning-making. These practices also offer opportunities for collaborative engagements with literacy, supporting learning through participation. My findings suggest that educators, researchers and policy-makers should pay greater attention to the range of literacy practices children engage with and how they contribute to their literacy learning.  相似文献   

Relations between sport and religion constitute an intriguing field of research. The aim of this paper is to analyze the historical development of a religious face of Polish sport (mostly football). Religion – meaning here the Catholic Church, since Poland is an almost completely Catholic country – pervades sport in different ways. The teachings of Pope John Paul II, who appreciated the role of sport in developing the all-around integrated personality, are still often recalled in Poland. The paper includes several sections. First, the policy of the Church towards sport in the last decades is discussed; then, the question of sports chaplaincy in Poland is presented. Next, public manifestations of religious beliefs of football players, managers, and fans (for example, crossing oneself or fans’ choreographies with religious overtones) are analyzed. The main focus of interest is, however, very popular religious pilgrimages organized (since 2008) by the fans of most Polish clubs. The main objective is to examine some selected cases, representative of Polish football fandom of the last decades, showing the phenomenon clearly. The study has largely been based on historical and statistical data. The information about this period (2008–2017) was garnered mainly from newspapers and fans’ publications.  相似文献   
This study examines religious disengagement among African-American young adults through a communicative lens. Drawing on in-depth interviews, we unpack the tensions between organizational and institutional disengagement in participants’ accounts and trace the relational factors shaping their use of specific stigma management strategies. Participants’ religious disengagement unfolded through encounters with new information that contradicted institutional teachings, ongoing struggles with institutional ideologies they found problematic, localized conflicts with specific church experiences, and family circumstances. Stigma management strategies were chosen to keep the peace within their social circles, protect loved ones from being hurt, care for themselves to ensure their best and most authentic self, defend themselves from perceived attacks and social censure, and come to a mutual understanding with confidants about disengagement. Theoretical implications pertaining to religious membership, organizational vis-à-vis institutional disengagement, and stigma management were discussed, along with practical recommendations to empower congregants to grow spiritually.  相似文献   
城市化是奥古斯都时期古罗马社会发展的主要特征,也是奥古斯都社会改革的客观结果。当时,城市经济非常活跃,成为罗马帝国经济繁荣的重要支柱。奥古斯都通过给予城市各群体在城市管理中应有的地位,从而有效地巩固了自己的统治。  相似文献   
清朝前期,顺治、康熙、雍正、乾隆四位皇帝对天主教分别采取不同的政策,总的趋势是由宽容逐渐转向禁教。江南作为天主教在华传播较为兴盛的区域之一,统治者政策的变化显然对它造成一定影响。而清政府对天主教政策多变,与当时国内、国际形势密切相关,因为任何一种外来宗教的存在,必须以不危及统治者利益为前提,以适应本土文化为策略。  相似文献   
文法学校是中世纪英国中等学校教育的一个典型。它是中世纪基督教文艺复兴和英国本民族历史发展的混合产物。它孕育于基督教教会学校中,作为拉丁文法知识的教育而存在,又在12世纪文艺复兴的影响下,脱离教会学校的母体,走向独立发展的道路,并在教会办学的基础上出现世俗办学的趋势。此后,在英国的宗教改革和14~16世纪文艺复兴影响之下,人文主义和古典主义复兴,文法学校脱离罗马天主教廷的控制,走向世俗的繁荣,其发展达到高潮。中世纪英国的文法学校,与当时的教会学校和今天英国的文法学校相比,都有其独特之处。同时,它在英国有极高的社会地位,并产生了深远的影响。笔者对中世纪英国文法学校的发展历程、概况和特征及其对当时英国社会的影响进行初步探索,旨在使读者了解中世纪英国文法学校的发展状况及教育特色,认识到中世纪英国学校教育的另一面,即在宗教文化笼罩之下的中世纪英国,也存在着古典人文教育。  相似文献   
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