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This paper considers the role of the teacher in relation to moral education in Catholic schools in Australia and Ireland. Literature pertaining to faith-based schooling, the moral role of the teacher and moral education across the curriculum in both countries is outlined. The paper draws on a small-scale study involving a survey with 154 respondents and individual interviews with nine teachers. Some interesting country differences emerged that are indicative of cultural settings. These include pedagogical practices, the nature of teacher–student relationships and levels of awareness of schools' founding charisms. Some implications for moral education in faith-based schools are identified.  相似文献   
太平天国的反孔反儒活动从内容到形式表现出复杂性,即前期并不反儒,定都南京后实行焚烧儒学经典的反儒活动,不久则是采取删改颁行儒家经典的反儒方式。同时,太平天国一方面在反对儒学,另一方面又把一些儒家的基本理念奉为信条。太平天国在反孔反儒问题上表现出如此现象,基本原因在于这个政权在如何对待儒学的标准把握上不是以反封建为出发点,而是以如何有利于维护上帝教的权威为取舍。所以,太平天国的反孔反儒不具备进步的思想和政治意义。  相似文献   
行省是罗马帝国不可分割的组成部分,对支撑国家的发展有重要作用,罗马政府十分重视维护行省的和平与安定,为巩固征服成果、维持社会秩序,驻扎在各行省的军团以设立警卫哨所、协助总督政府和组成秘密情报机构等形式承担镇压暴动与骚乱、维护社会治安、保障交通与贸易安全等警察职能,这些工作表明了罗马政府对行省的关注,在一定时期内较为有效地确保了行省社会秩序的稳定,客观上也保障了行省经济的发展,为行省居民营造了和谐安定的生活环境,但随着政府统治的腐败与三世纪危机的加剧,士兵的盘剥与压榨也给行省百姓带来了苦难。  相似文献   
本文是对达尔文的宗教观演化过程的考证。达尔文早年的时候是正统的圣公会信徒,并且在剑桥大学接受神学教育,预备出任神职。但他毕业之后并没有直接成为神职人员,而是随"猎犬号"出海,在南美、澳洲等地进行科学考察。航行归来之后,达尔文渐渐对正统基督教教义产生了怀疑。在心爱的女儿不幸夭折之后,他放弃了对位格上帝的信仰,成为了自然神论者。《物种起源》就是出版于这个时期。到了晚年,达尔文对创造者上帝的信仰也淡化以至于无有,成为了不可知论者。他虽然有的时候仍然倾向于相信超自然上帝的存在,但并未回归正统基督教信仰。  相似文献   
罗曼·雅各布森不拘一格地将作者、文本与语境统一起来,服务于生平与作品关系的研究,揭示出诗人的诗歌神话即诗歌文本潜在的深层结构所在,一定程度上复活了被形式诗学所抛弃的作者和语境要素的决定价值,实现了对当时盛行的庸俗生平主义研究和反生平主义研究的超越。雅各布森的神话诗学既不同于以作者为中心的传统文论,也不同于纯粹以文本为中心的形式文论,而是综合运用历史主义、结构主义和科学实证主义的方法,探究诗歌文本意义生成的条件机制。  相似文献   
This paper discusses the challenge of retaining teachers in hard-to-staff schools by examining how it is addressed in three context specific teacher education programs, which prepare teachers to teach in urban public, urban Catholic, and Jewish Day Schools in U.S.A. The findings of this study suggest that counter to teaching force trends teachers from the three programs that we studied expressed high motivation to serve as teachers or leaders in their particular schools and communities. In particular, we found that teachers' career commitments developed around the religious or civic missions promoted by their respective programs. Finally, teachers' career perceptions seem to correlate, though not entirely match, with those of their program leaders.  相似文献   
教会大学图书馆是近代中国图书馆事业的重要组成部分,其文献收藏丰富而有特色,主要表现在:西文文献收藏多,流通量大;自办出版物及教职人员撰写的著作占一定比例;文理书刊兼收并蓄,馆藏各具特色;珍善本及特色收藏颇负盛名;捐赠及各类交流的文献数量众多。  相似文献   
人口社会构成对于社会的经济发展起着重要的作用,古罗马人口社会构成的变化是促成早期罗马帝国经济繁荣的重要因素之一。古罗马早期的社会经济特色是自给自足的农牧经济,后来由于一系列的对外战争与扩张,促使其生产者的社会构成发生变化,主要生产者由以前的罗马公民农民变为外籍奴隶,这些奴隶多来自文化技术水平较高的地区,他们被广泛使用在各行各业,促进了意大利生产技术和生产效率的提高,为帝国的繁荣作出了积极的贡献。  相似文献   
This article responds to Jonathan Tuttle's article “The Aphasia of Modern Subject Access” in which Roman Jakobson's semiology of “shared codes” consisting of preexisting signs is offered as the explanation for two redundant linguistic tools associated with cataloging: LCSH and LCC. The article criticizes Tuttle's terminology, his semiology, and his argument that selection and combination are both necessary for the operation of language but each are associated with only one of these tools.

“The Aphasia of Modern Subject Access” by Jonathan Tuttle appears in Cataloging &; Classification Quarterly, Vol. 50, Issue 4, 2012, pp. 263—275. doi: 10.1080/01639374.2011.641199. Jonathan Tuttle's “Jakobsonian Library Science? A Response to David Bade” appears in Cataloging &; Classification Quarterly, Vol. 51, Issue 4, 2013, pp. 439—440. doi: 10.1080/01639374.2013.763321.  相似文献   


In a rural area of the US state of Texas, in April 2008, the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) responded to evidence of widespread child abuse in an isolated religious compound by removing 463 individuals into state custody. This mass child protection intervention is the largest such action that has ever occurred in the United States. The objective of this paper is to characterize the burdens placed on the area's community resources, healthcare providers, and legal system, the limitations encountered by the forensic and public health professionals, and how these might be minimized in future large-scale child protection interventions.


Drawing on publicly available information, this article describes the child abuse investigation, legal outcomes, experiences of pediatric healthcare providers directly affected by the mass removal, and the roles of regional child abuse pediatric specialists.


Because the compound's residents refused to cooperate with the investigation and the population of the compound was eight times higher than expected, law enforcement and child protection resources were insufficient to conduct standard child abuse investigations. Local medical and public health resources were also quickly overwhelmed. Consulting child abuse pediatricians were asked to recommend laboratory and radiologic studies that could assist in identifying signs of child abuse, but the lack of cooperation from patients and parents, inadequate medical histories, and limited physical examinations precluded full implementation of the recommendations.


Although most children in danger of abuse were removed from the high-risk environment for several months and some suspected abusers were found guilty in criminal trials, the overall success of the child protection intervention was reduced by the limitations imposed by insufficient resources and lack of cooperation from the compound's residents.

Practice implications

Recommendations for community and child abuse pediatricians who may become involved in future large child-protection interventions are presented.  相似文献   
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