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中华基督教会全国总会边疆服务是在国民政府支持下,以教会立场在川康边地从事边疆建设和服务的社会活动,在实地服务与边疆研究方面都有显著成绩,但与其目标相较也存在活动地域狭小、业务范围狭窄等明显缺陷。本文在考量边疆服务成效的基础上,分析了边疆服务的成绩和局限的成因,揭示边疆服务的精神与方法及宗教团体从事边疆建设事业的内外困境。  相似文献   

This article presents historical and scientific analysis, as well as the conservation treatment of a newly rediscovered Roman wall painting fragment, now in the collection of the Harvard Art Museums. Although the piece has not previously been published, it was among a group of fragments removed from a Roman villa near Boscotrecase in southern Italy, an area that has been key to the study of Roman wall painting and other decoration. Technical imaging confirms the use of painting techniques consistent with other high-quality paintings in the area. Materials analysis revealed a palette consistent with published findings of Roman wall paintings, including abundant use of Egyptian blue and green earth. Of interest was the use of Egyptian blue as an optical brightener in select white passages. Despite the high quality of the painting, no cinnabar was present, and all red passages were achieved using hematite. Multiple different white minerals were identified including calcite, aragonite, and gypsum. The widespread presence of gypsum is unusual and may point to alteration.  相似文献   
研究教会法离不开对罗马法的理解,中世纪罗马法的法律渊源融合构筑于教会法律渊源之中,这种协调合作的双法学法律理论体系被认为是正确理解了教会法.西方法律传统的形成在很大程度上得益于教会法学家的贡献,这个结论我们可以通过塞维利亚的艾西多尔对基督天主教复兴初期教会领袖著作的传统分析和格拉济亚系统化、体系化地传承了<狄奥多西法典>和优士丁尼<民法大全>的模式汇编出的影响后世的教令集得以证实.纵观西方法制史,教会法曾经长期是世俗法的仿效模式,是西方法律传统的核心内容之一.欧洲的法律文化是一个由罗马法和教会法双法学影响下的法律传统文化.  相似文献   
由于长期处理涉外事务,使李鸿章有机会接触到基督教。他对待基督教的态度并非一味排斥,不同时期,态度不相一致。前期基本否定,后来态度转向温和,持接纳态度。对基督教的不同派别,李鸿章也因派而异。比较而言,李鸿章对基督教新教的宽容远多于对天主教的怀疑。这一局面的形成,主要与天主教和新教在布道方式及手法上的不同有关。  相似文献   
近代以来,天主教势力开始侵入后套地区,为扩大传教规模,天主教会通过种种手段侵占了大量土地,并以入教为条件,把土地租给迫于生计的汉族移民进行剥削。与此同时,天主教会还组织教民开发了一系列水利工程,通过控制和扩张水利系统来继续扩大其势力范围。天主教会组织下的水利开发改善了后套地区的灌溉条件,客观上有利于后套地区农业的发展。  相似文献   
At around the same time in 2010, the German government and the Roman Catholic Church in Germany each set up a critical incident reporting system (CIRS) to gather information on child sexual abuse that had taken place within the Church. The objective in both cases was to solicit stories from victims and former victims and allow them to have input into a review process. The existence of these two similar systems, one initiated by the institution involved in the abuse and the other by an independent entity, provided an opportunity to compare the background and motivation of victims who chose to communicate through one channel or the other. Data were obtained on a total of 927 individuals, 571 through the church CIRS and 356 through the government CIRS, who had reported that they had experienced childhood sexual abuse within the Roman Catholic Church. Some differences were found between the two groups in terms of gender, the reported frequency of abuse, and the desire for compensation. These differences highlight the need for an effective complaint management system to offer not just one but complementary channels of communication. In addition, the findings confirm the feasibility and value of a CIRS approach and the use of so-called ‘citizen science’ in politically driven review processes.  相似文献   
查士丁尼立法活动的经济原因探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“拜占廷皇帝查士丁尼主持编纂的《罗马民法大全》对后世法律特别是对当今西方两大法系——大陆法系和英美法系产生了持久而深远的影响。本文主要从6世纪拜占廷农业中封建生产关系的进一步发展、手工业的繁荣、商业的发达等经济层面剖析了查士丁尼立法的原因。  相似文献   
Modelling itself on the organizational structure and the physical fitness culture of Catholic scouting, the xaveri movement in Rwanda developed within a climate which was highly susceptible to the development of deep racial and political divisions. Between 1954 and 1964, this Catholic youth organization was influential in the gestation of a Christian democratic culture which was one of the essential elements of the ideology behind the ‘Hutu revolution’. Covering the colonial to the postcolonial period and from the angle of the rise of the xaveri movement, this paper shows how the ‘Hutu revolution’ was a consequence of a liberation struggle from an imagined oppressor. This is in reference to colonial privileges attributed (until the end of the 1940s) to the Tutsi minority. However, and still from the perspective of the organization explored here, it seems that the model of the ‘civilised Tutsi’ targeted by the revolutionary Hutu movement was the essential referent of the more subconscious invention by republican leaders.  相似文献   
耶稣会士罗明坚撰写的《新编西竺国天主实录》新近影印出版,使学能够有机会与后期刻本《天主圣教实录》进行比较研究。早期来华耶稣会传教士传教策略的重大改变、以及早期耶稣会士从“西僧”到“西儒”身份转变的适错过程,均在不同版本比较中反映出来。  相似文献   
罗马法是西方最为重要的法律传统,无论是德国、法国,甚至是普通法系的英国也深深的打上了罗马法的烙印.研究罗法是对西方法律传统的延续,也是我们每一个法律人的力量源泉.  相似文献   
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