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The current study examined the role of affection deprivation, the need for greater affection than an individual is currently receiving, in the context of romantic relationships. Using affection exchange theory, the authors hypothesized several testable relationships between affection deprivation and relational outcomes (relational satisfaction, closeness, and commitment). The study also examined the possible moderating roles of relational maximization and relational uncertainty. Overall, the results supported the predictions, with affection deprivation significantly related to satisfaction and closeness. Relational maximization moderated the significant relationships between deprivation and relational satisfaction and commitment. Relational uncertainty moderated the significant relationships between deprivation and closeness and commitment. Implications and possible directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   
文章从曲式结构、创作技法、音乐内涵、审美原则四个方面探讨了《悲怆》的浪漫主义创作风格。  相似文献   
徐訏是后期浪漫派最有代表性的作家,他40年代的浪漫小说承继了早期浪漫派的风格传统,又在此基础上实现了创造性突围。  相似文献   
中国共产党早期革命领袖瞿秋白既有献身革命的高尚情操,又有钟情爱妻的缠绵柔怀。他在给夫人杨之华的信中,每每喜用“亲爱爱”“、好爱爱”“、乖爱爱”的昵称与“吻你万遍”等醉人心怀的温馨词语,感人至深。在信里,集中体现了他对爱妻杨之华刻骨铭心相思切、体贴入微关爱深、心心相印抚慰诚的纯正挚情,彰显了人性的至美境界,给人以坦诚而真实的温情脉脉与可亲可爱的形象,这与毛泽东、马克思等伟大人物的深厚的爱妻情结是一脉相通的,对当代社会的爱情、婚姻、家庭皆具有深刻的启迪意义。  相似文献   
司各特的历史小说具有:历史为题材的内容,长于想象、重视虚构,个性化的私人生活场景的描写等特征.这些特征在司各特的时代引起共鸣,是因为此时正在兴起的浪漫主义运动孕育了人们接受这种文学的社会心理,因而司各特具有浪漫主义特征的历史小说在那一时代显得特别引人注目,最终被人们广泛接受,西文的历史小说也因此而定型.  相似文献   
"才子佳人"小说--林译小说--"鸳鸯蝴蝶派"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自明清之际盛极一时的“才子佳人”小说开创了我国言情小说“大团圆”模式的创作传统,一直到清末民初“鸳鸯蝴蝶派”崛起,这种“大团圆”喜剧模式才被打破。“鸳鸯蝴蝶”模式之所以能将“才子佳人”模式取而代之.在很大程度上受到当时翻译的外国言情小说尤其是林译小说的影响。  相似文献   
In some romantic relationships, one partner has more power over joint decisions than the other. This study examines relative commitment as a key predictor of which partner has more power and developed a model based on classic interdependence theory. A survey was conducted (= 324) using new measures of the key variables to test the model. When desire for control was high, relative commitment predicted self-perceived power, which predicted major and minor decision making as well as dominant conflict strategies. These results are consistent with the proposed modification of interdependence theory concerning desire for control.  相似文献   
文章分析了“罗密欧与朱丽叶”的爱情新观念。他们任青春的情感主宰一切,无拘无束地追求理想中无法抗拒的爱情,这是典型的年轻恋人。  相似文献   
章对古典主义和浪漫主义时期的音乐风格进行了分析总结,指出音乐的风格的变化好似在假向理性思考和倾向个性表现这两种流派之间所作的钟摆式的运动,当然,随着历史的不断发展,每一新的流派的风格无论如何接近某种倾向的极端,都不是简单的重复。  相似文献   
谢林是德国古典哲学与美学的一大代表。从总体上说谢林是个理性主义者,可是在他的美学体系中,却透露出非理性主义思想的萌芽。谢林非理性思想的形成,有其现实基础。谢林原本就颇具诗人气质,与浪漫派的接近促使他更靠近非理性主义;而与卡洛琳娜的相爱相离,又让他不自觉地远离理性走向神秘主义。  相似文献   
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