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乡村教师作为乡村教育与乡村振兴的主力军,其身份认同直接影响乡村师资队伍建设水平和乡村教育质量提升。近年来,乡村教师身份认同的研究热度持续上升,成果数量逐年增加。已有研究成果以"在乡村从教"为导向,探寻了乡村教师身份认同的研究缘起,剖析了乡村教师身份认同的内涵意蕴,明确了乡村教师身份认同的影响因素,梳理了乡村教师身份认同的危机表征,构建了乡村教师身份认同的实践策略。新时代乡村振兴战略和新型城镇化建设要求乡村教师身份认同研究树立"为乡村而教"的价值导向,澄清乡村教师身份认同的教育内涵,把握影响乡村教师身份认同的核心要素,"以中国为方法"统整乡村教师身份认同的多元研究视角,构建乡村教师身份认同的体系化策略。  相似文献   
对于学业表现变化过程的考察指向本科教育质量这个目前被广泛关注的议题。以大学生投入理论为指导,使用教育部直属X大学的学生学业记录和跟踪调研数据,考察学生学业表现进步和退步的过程。对学生大一、大二、大三学业表现进行了聚类分析,从而将学生分为五类——持续优秀、中上等进步、中上等退步、中下等进步、持续差等。学业进步的学生大二到大三持续投入,并没有避免挑战性课程;学业退步的学生从大二开始松懈,相对回避挑战性课程,深度学习相对不足。学生大学期间对作业的态度是影响学生学业表现变化的核心因素。农村学生虽然更可能持续差等,却也更可能取得学业进步;这些学生虽然面临家庭背景劣势和学习方法不当的压力,却依然实现了学业进步。研究结果不仅对重点大学进行过程性学业支持提供了实证依据,也对基于学业表现变化进行过程性评价,并以此激励弱势学生发展有着重要启示。  相似文献   
在社会转型时期,多种因素共同作用造成了英国农村过剩的劳动力,产生了一系列的社会问题。英国在解决农村剩余劳动力问题上从原来的以惩罚为主过渡到以救济为主,继而发展到解决剩余劳动力的就业问题,把农村剩余劳动力和工业发展联系起来,为英国的社会转型准备了条件,使英国成为世界上最早实现社会转型的国家,也为我国解决农村剩余劳动力提供了一些有益的启示。  相似文献   
本文从语言生态的角度分析《受活》中所表现出来的政治叙事与乡村叙事之间的矛盾与斗争,以及作者在叙述中所体现出的民间文化立场。  相似文献   
GIS(地理信息系统)作为新兴的区域资源与经济,社会发展管理技术,具有细致,系统,条理清楚,反应迅速的优点,贵州农村社会经济发展落后,其中一个十分重要的原因是经济资源的时空组合失衡,导致一些资源紧缺,一些资源利用不充分,因此有必要探索一种更科学有效的资源管理方法,对社会经济系统进行统筹规划,合理布局,本文拟以贵州省长顺县板床村的村域经济系统的GIS管理为例探索GIS应用于农村社会经济管理的途径。  相似文献   
Sixty-four 8-year-old boys and girls from urban and rural settings and representing different races and socioeconomic status backgrounds responded to questions about the nature, causes, justification, and alleviation of poverty. Much of what the children said indicated that they had not yet internalized prevailing adult norms and values about the poor in our society. A substantial proportion spoke in ways suggesting forces apart from the individual as causing poverty. Nearly all believed that poverty was not fair. Justifications offered by the children included disavowing economic inequality, or speaking in terms of basic needs or what should or ought to be. A majority mentioned philanthropy or societal change as a way to end poverty. Findings also lend support to the claim of social representations theory that concepts vary as a function of social factors. Future research should employ a design that acknowledges interacting variables to investigate systems of meaning in children's understandings about poverty.  相似文献   
Independent reading—unassigned reading for personal pleasure—has been shown to be an important driver of reading skills and academic success. Children that commonly read for pleasure exhibit higher academic performance. However, little research has been done on independent reading in rural China, where the education system is charged with schooling tens of millions of students. Many rural students fall behind their urban counterparts in school, with potentially troubling implications for China’s ongoing development. This article explores the prevalence of independent reading and its associations with reading ability and academic performance among rural students. Using a mixed methods approach, we analyze quantitative data from a survey of 13,232 students from 134 rural schools and interviews with students, teachers, principals, and caregivers. We find that independent reading is positively and significantly correlated with reading ability as well as standardized math and Chinese tests scores. Despite such correlations, only 17 percent of students report reading for pleasure for an hour a day. Interview findings suggest that inaccessible bookstores, curriculum constraints, unsupportive home environments, low availability of appealing and level-appropriate books, and insufficient school investment in reading resources may explain the low prevalence of independent reading.  相似文献   
农民工是中国现代化进程中出现的一个特殊群体。他们为中国的现代化建设作出了重大贡献,但却无法真正从政治经济生活心理上真正融入城市。其主要原因有制度层面上的,也有非制度层面上的。和谐社会迫切要求我们破除制度壁垒,改善农民工的居住条件,保障他们子女受教育的公平性和改变他们自身的观念以促进他们的城市融入。  相似文献   
采用问卷调查法,利用spss13.0对河南省农远工程教学应用现状进行两个方面的分析,包括频数分析和相关分析,对河南省农远工程教学应用现状及关键制约因素进行了较准确的考量,并给出了加快农远工程教学应用的有效策略。  相似文献   
This study investigates the factors determining children's educational attainment, focusing on gender-differential intergenerational patterns, by employing a case study from rural Mindanao. The result mainly shows, unlike general trends in developing countries, educational attainment is more favorable for girls; maternal education level is equally associated with daughters’ and sons’ education levels, and paternal education level is preferentially favorable to their sons. To reduce the disparity, suggestions include providing boy-specific interventions to enhance the magnitude of the father–son educational virtuous circle and comparing the magnitude of gender-equal maternal and boy-preferential paternal education influences to specify which effect is larger.  相似文献   
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