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中学生中存在的写作心理障碍严重阻碍着中学写作水平的提高和写作教学的顺利进行。文章在调查的基础上分析了中学生写作心理障碍存在的类型、分布特点、后果厦产生的原因,对解决中学生写作心理障碍的措施进行了研究。  相似文献   
The present study was designed to investigate the nature, timing, and correlates of motivational change among a large sample (N = 1051) of third- through eighth-grade students. Analyses of within-year changes in students’ motivational orientations revealed that both intrinsic and extrinsic motivations decreased from fall to spring, with declines in intrinsic motivation especially pronounced for the adolescents and declines in extrinsic motivation especially pronounced for the elementary students. These changes in motivation were explained, in part, by shifts in students’ perceptions of the school goal context. Findings suggested that typical age-related declines in intrinsic motivation may be minimized by a school-wide focus on mastery goals. Finally, the potential academic consequences of students’ motivational orientations were examined with a series of hierarchical multiple regressions. Intrinsic motivation and classroom achievement appeared to influence one another in a positive and reciprocal fashion. Poor classroom performance minimally predicted higher levels of extrinsic motivation, but extrinsic motivation was not a source of low classroom grades.  相似文献   
对明成化、弘治年间著名教育家、茶陵诗派的重要作家谢铎的生平事迹进行了逐年考订,如实记录了其三次出仕、三次辞官回乡的始末,并比对了与其生平有关的时代背景,可为研究谢铎及“茶陵诗派”提供基础研究依据。  相似文献   
This article presents a comparative analysis of the determinants of early school leaving (ESL) at the country level. We decompose ESL rates into two components: a ‘primary’ rate reflecting unqualified school leaving from initial education, and a second component accounting for early school leavers who participate in training programmes. Both may be influenced by structural and policy determinants. We examine how the ESL rate is affected by macro-economic and social context variables such as GDP/capita, growth, poverty, and youth unemployment, as well as system characteristics of the education system (such as legal school leaving age, grade retention, early tracking, and size of vocational education) and the labour market and social protection systems (minimum wages, unemployment insurance).  相似文献   
中学实施快乐体育教学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
快乐体育的目的是为了培养学生健康的身心和终身体育的意识.中学阶段,是一个人的能力和意识形成的关键时期,因此,在中学体育教学中应该实施快乐体育,即树立以人为本的理念,体现教与学的快乐特点;重视体育教学的趣味性;在快乐的活动过程中培养运动能力和自我评价能力,使学生以快乐参与为起点,积极投身体育锻炼。为终身体育、健康第一、协调发展奠定坚实的基础.  相似文献   
This article traces the roots of narrative research in the social sciences and education, then centers on ‘story constellations,’ a version of narrative inquiry that uncovers teachers’ knowledge of school reform in context. A fluid form of investigation that unfolds in a three-dimensional inquiry space, story constellations consists of a flexible matrix of paired narratives that are broadened, burrowed, and restoried over time. The adaptability of this narrative inquiry approach is then made visible through introducing four story constellations separately, then laying sketches of the individual story constellations side-by-side. When analyzed in a conjoined fashion, these sketches illustrate how the particularities of place and human agency in the living of school reform played out differently in differing school contexts, despite the fact that the four school sites had one story of reform in common. In the end result, the illustrations demonstrate how the use of the malleable approach drew distinctive story constellations to the surface, spotlighting teachers’ knowledge of school reform as it developed in context over time. In this way, ‘story constellations’ as a method and as a form of inquiry is illuminated.  相似文献   
吕大临是北宋理学中极为特殊而又重要的人物,他先是张载弟子,后为二程门人,其为人为学由关学、洛学所共同促成。本文在对吕大临的思想略作介绍的基础上,试图将其思想置诸牟宗三的宋、明儒学之分系理论中作一分析与讨论,以便说明吕大临思想不仅兼具关学和洛学之特点,而且也有自己独特的理论架构和型态。  相似文献   
北宋至清代晚期,《花间集》流行版本或多或少,版本体例的变化或显或隐,经历了一个明显的变动不居的过程,这一过程折射出了各个不同时期对《花间》词的接受态度。  相似文献   
法兰克福学派现代性批判的理论路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法兰克福学派从合理性和合法性两个维度对现代性展开了文化批判。前者批判的是工具理性及同一性思维,指出了出路在于变革哲学范式;后者批判的是资产阶级国家获得合法性的意识形态基础,探寻了在新的历史条件下政治变革的前景问题。其现代性批判思想留下了诸多让我们深思的问题。  相似文献   
考查清初著名古文家魏禧在江西的交游情况,有助于了解魏禧政治态度、学术思想及人格精神的形成,把握清初江西文坛的创作情况及明清易代之际遗民文人群的思想活动与普遍心态。  相似文献   
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