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恒星敏感器是目前航天器用于确定姿态的最先进的空间姿态敏感器之一。综述了恒星敏感器的组成、工作原理及国内外发展近况,并简要介绍了其未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   
郧西天河文化特有的自然风貌、风物遗存、民风民俗、传说故事,使其蕴含了巨大的开发潜力和价值。开发开河文化有利于打造地方特色旅游品牌,也是鄂西生态文化旅游圈的组成部分。当地政府得当、得力的措施为开发创造了前提条件。  相似文献   
The biggest difference between Star and Trados and DéjàVu is that Star has no translation memory.When working with Trados or DéjàVu,the user will always build up the translation memory.During the translation,user can click"Set/Close Next Open/Get"in Trados translation workbench or"Add Pair to Translation Memory"in DéjàVu to send the translated sentence pair to the translation memory.In that case,translation memory is like a big storage,the more translation work the user does,the more translation units the memory has and large memory usually requires large storage space.However,Star develops a distinct function of alignment.With alignment,users can match source text and its corresponding target text as reference language pairs.This is a flexible solution of translation assistance,but it may not be as systematic as translation memory is.  相似文献   
《孙子兵法》是中国最古老、最杰出的兵学经典,内容博大精深。现代企业管理是以人为核心的管理。《孙子兵法》体现了人在战争中的决定作用,其蕴涵的"用人之道"思想对现代企业管理中人才的任用、人才的管理及激励措施等方面具有深刻的启示。  相似文献   
This article aimed to identify the effect of university-industry (U-I) collaborations on the innovative performance of firms operating in the advanced materials field, and by doing so, it proposed an original classification of the research organization partners. The main contribution resides in the estimation of the role played by collaborations with differently experienced scientists. In contrast with previous studies, whose empirical setting was the life science industry, in the advanced materials industry the most effective collaborations are not with “Star scientists”, but with “Pasteur scientists”. The latter concept was empirically tested first by the authors of this article, to deepen the present understanding of industrial heterogeneity in innovation processes and to offer new insights for the formulation of corporate innovation strategies. The results of the estimation of a negative binomial regression model applied to a sample of 455 firms active in the photocatalysis in Japan confirm the idea that engaging in research collaborations, measured as co-invention, with “Pasteur scientists” increases firms’ R&D productivity, measured as number of registered patents. In contrast, we found that firms’ collaborations with “Star scientists” exert little impact on their innovative output.  相似文献   
社会科学类中文电子图书数据库馆藏学术性书目对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以《中国哲社学术图书基本书目(1995-2005)》收录的政法类图书书目为标准书目,以上海地区本科以上高校图书馆馆藏中文图书数据库为测评对象,测定超星数字图书馆和方正Apabi数字图书馆(含教参全文数据库)所收录的电子图书的质量。统计分析两库标准书目图书入藏率,结果表明,总体上超星数字图书馆入选标准书目的图书多于方正Apabi数字图书馆,但2004年以后,方正Apabi数字图书馆入选图书超出了超星数字图书馆,并且两库学术性图书馆藏不完全同质,两库叠加学术性图书入藏种类的增加超过重复。  相似文献   
该文针对大班教学的全校性公共数学课程,利用"超星学习通",在教学过程中引入过程性评价,改革传统教学方式,探索适应新时代特点的新型混合式教学模式,增强学生的学习积极性和主动性,并以"概率论与数理统计"课程为实践案例,运用学习通进行混合式教学,得到了学生的认可,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   
数据仓库维度建模方法的研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
维度建模设计是数据仓库研究及应用中的一个重要问题。本文介绍了维度建模的几种主要方法及其特点,对影响维度建模的有关因素进行了研究和讨论,并将其具体应用到商业银行的数据仓库系统中。  相似文献   
《西行漫记》是二十世纪三四十年代美国著名作家、进步记者埃德加·斯诺(Edgar Snow)的重要代表作。这部报告文学作为一部“完整忠实描写中国苏维埃地区的第一部经典之作”,很快就被翻译成数十种语言文字,连绵不断地得以翻印和重版,时至今日仍具有相当的文学价值,因此再进一步探究《西行漫记》的译本情况仍具有特殊意义。  相似文献   
当前中国星级饭店员工流失率一直居高不下,导致饭店服务质量下降、人力资源成本提高,饭店业务最终受损。造成饭店员工流失的具体原因主要包括员工发展缺少职业规划、员工培养轻素养重技能、薪酬体系不合理、社会传统意识及员工自身原因。针对这一现状,以具有代表性的城市绍兴为案例地,从企业、员工、社会等多角度出发,提出具体解决措施,有利于促进绍兴市乃至中国星级饭店既好又快发展。  相似文献   
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