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以《丑石》和《一只贝》两个文学文本为中心,全面考察了贾平凹的自卑心理及其超越行为。作为两个具有延续性的文本,《丑石》和《一只贝》展示了贾平凹克服源于身体和身份的两种自卑情结,最终走向成功与成熟的艰难历程;"丑石"情结"作为一种潜在的文化心理,贯穿于贾平凹文学创作生命成长的全过程。"  相似文献   
研究了量子群胚上与弱模余代数和余模余代数相关的弱广义smash余积的对偶定理.设H是弱Hopf代数,C是弱左H余模余代数,D是弱左H模余代数.首先,给出量子群胚上的弱广义smash余积C×lHD的定义,并构造其模和余模结构.类似考虑右广义smash余积C×LrD.然后得到它们之间的同构.其次,通过引入弱卷积逆,弱余内作用和强相关余内作用的概念,得到C×HrD和CvD同构的充分条件,其中v∈WC(C,H),H在D上的余作用是右强相关余内作用.最后,证明了量子群胚上广义smash余积的对偶定理:(C×HlH)×lH*H*≌Cv(H×lH*H*).  相似文献   
千山明清时期的摩崖石刻主体分布在千山的庙宇道观问,较为丰富地体现了千山地区独特的宗教文化,同时,千山明清时期的摩崖石刻的面貌和风格又深受千山岩石构成性质、刻工技艺和自然残泐的影响。  相似文献   
汉石经又称熹平石经,刊成后曾被董卓之乱及永嘉之乱战火殃及,冯熙、常伯夫任职洛州期间又将其毁弃分用,此后曾被委于榛莽;复经由洛阳迁至邺,又由邺迁回洛阳,再由洛阳移至长安三次搬动。黄初补其缺坏,北魏崔光曾修复之议,北齐时又被施列学馆,然至唐魏征收集时,石经已十不存一。唐宋时期曾有少量残石出土,民国时期数百方残石出土后散于公私之手,而建国后发掘和征集的残石近千块。  相似文献   
元末肇建于晋江华表山麓的草庵,原系华化摩尼教——明教的庙宇,迄今仍完整保存当年该教信徒所崇奉的摩尼佛石雕像,为当今世界独一无二。该庙宇与雕像早在20世纪50年代已为中国学者所发现并确认,国际学术界也早已认同。1991年2月联合国科教文组织海上丝绸之路考察团曾到草庵考察,尔后,草庵便被宣传成该考察团之大发现。本文还原晋江摩尼教草庵发现的历史真相,认为这一宝贵历史遗迹的发现认定,应归功于中国诸前辈学者,尤其是泉州学者吴文良先生。  相似文献   
赵孟頫书写的《头陀寺碑》,行书,书于元大德四年。今见其拓本有传,墨浓如漆,为典型的乌金拓。从碑文后董其昌、张凤翼、陈继儒、王穉登、李日华、杨文骢等人的题跋来看,此拓本约为明末清初所制。由于刻工及拓印技术高,该拓本字口清晰,基本保留了原作的神采,可与大德五年明远所书《前赤壁赋》等行书墨迹作品相映证,可视为赵孟頫风格成熟期的代表作。此作用笔圆润遒劲、宛转流美,分行布白疏朗从容、如行云流水、气息古雅,整体作品神采飘逸,尽得魏晋二王遗韵。  相似文献   
汉画像是中国汉代先民留给后人巨大的物质财富与精神财富。前辈们通过对汉画像的研究,概括出汉画像的题材谱系:天文图像、升仙图像、历史故事图像、祥瑞图、战争图、狩猎图、庖厨图、乐舞百戏图。在这些纷繁复杂的汉画像中,表面的太阳、酒杯、酿酒、对酌体现着尼采的日神精神与酒神精神,深层次地对生命的肯定与对生命的迷狂更加体现着理性的日神精神与非理性的酒神精神。  相似文献   
永兴岩画是目前楚雄州境内唯一一处岩画发现点,由于受到风雨和岁月的侵蚀,岩画脱落比较严重,只能看出10个手掌印,4个勾画简单的人物图案,1个保存不完整的牛的图像及一小部分不连续的带状线条。此外,还在岩画下的平台上采集到几件新石器时代的石器。尽管永兴岩画图案简单,但它是楚雄州的第一个岩画点,对楚雄州史前文化的研究具有重要的时代意义。  相似文献   
The presence of a diffuse biodeterioration phenomena can be observed across large areas of the outer surface of the limestone walls of the Church of the Virgin in Martvili. A differential erosion phenomenon was detected, suggesting a possible association with biological colonization. The erosion phenomenon is characterized by a circular discoloration leading progressively to the detachment of flakes of limestone at its center. Since the aforementioned process has not been described in the literature until now, the present study was focused on the interpretation of its origin and evolution. Three sides of the Church are affected by a variety of occurrences of circular differential erosion which display different stages of the process, whereas the western side is affected by epilithic growths across its entire surface. Surveys of the petrographic, mineralogical and physical features of the stone were made, and parameters such as density and porosity were recorded. Samples were analyzed by optical microscopy and SEM analysis in order to detected the presence of microorganisms whose species were then identified by means of morphological and molecular examinations. The study of cross-sections stained using the PAS method has confirmed the causal connection between microorganisms and the deterioration phenomena, providing information about their spread of penetration into the substrate and their substantial potential for causing damage. Dryness appears to be the main ecological condition favoring endolithic rather than epilithic growth. The most common isolated microorganisms were cyanobacteria (Chroococcales) and, to a lesser extent, meristematic fungi. The characteristics of the stone, and especially some endogenous discontinuities related to the accumulation of sedimentary layers and to the action of stone carving tools, might explain why the same differential erosion phenomenon occurs in specific areas of the block stones. The development of the differential erosion phenomenon shows a variety of stages of biological colonization. The progressive evolution of the deterioration process has been observed in detail: (a) firstly, white circular discolorations appear on the stone, which darken over time eventually becoming almost black; (b) circular perforations appear around the perimeter; (c) and finally a flake detaches from the center, leaving a deep depression in the stone.  相似文献   
通过网络对"迪奥莎朗·斯通"相关文章的内容分析,获得品牌危机信息在网上的分布状态、传播态势等信息的描述,研究发现,关于迪奥品牌的危机信息在网上经历了形成、爆发、持续,然后逐渐消弭的这样一个过程,社区类网站是品牌危机信息发布较多的网站,但传统媒体网站上的新闻报道却是众多社区类网站进行品牌危机信息传播的主要来源;迪奥对危机事件的反应和行动与网络舆论的要求和期待不相一致.  相似文献   
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