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本文从论述罗马法的遗嘱继承制度的演变出发,阐明了古罗马法的遗嘱自由原则和特留分制度,继而借鉴各大陆法系关于遗嘱制度的演变与继承,指出我国遗嘱立法的没有特留分制度所产生的不足之处并提出了改进意见。  相似文献   
马克思的主导思想是利用暴力方式改变现实。近代中国在西学过程中选择了马克思主义,其中马克思的暴力革命思想给了备受欺凌的中国人以很大的希望和鼓舞。中国人选择暴力革命虽不符合"公意原则",却是当时中国大多数人的选择,这是解决当时的民族和阶级矛盾不得不进行的选择。  相似文献   
Crime, which is an intriguing aspect of the human condition, has been the object of great concern amongst many modalities of knowledge. Even when dealing with the so-called "primal crime", dissolution is what always results. If people understand the primal crime of the mythical father as the necessary condition to cross from a horde to a clan state, eventually reaching a fraternal group state, then they should also understand that the social bond, which results from this action, brings in its kernel the scars of irreversible destruction. Freud's tyrannical father was murdered because he kept absolute enjoyment for himself, yet this crime did not set free the authors of the crime from their own enjoyment. The dynamics of the criminal act as a means of lust has been studied with the intent of articulating both perverse subjectivation and the pervert act, as well as considering the convict's standing in social relationships. Symbolization of reality and temporality are significantly altered by imprisonment, due mainly to lack of scopes and systematic conveying references which reflect reality. The study related to the temporal being of detainees is inferred as to better portray questionings on temporal subjection. The analysis of the discourse production lead to conclude: (1) When it is destined to penal institutions, the condemned lose pace with time (time halts); (2) Interns must render time objective (produce time). Rebellion and fights may be endeavors to create rhythm to register time, wherein, the desire to live time is, desperately, externalized; (3) Penal work is a time-reducing factor of imprisonment, therefore, time acquires objective and exchangeable value for the interns; and (4) Three worlds unfold and introduce themselves from the very moment when the imprisoned take place within a penal institution. The internal scope of the penal unit is propagated by the interns as being the inside world, exterior social context and relationships thereof are known as the outside world and the world of crime abides essentially different temporality notions. Within the inside world time halts, in the outside world time escapes and the crime world dimensions time is as time itself.  相似文献   
关于能动原则与客观规律的关系,传统马克思主义哲学的观点往往以革命意志与历史规律的矛盾形式为定向:时而强调这个,时而强调另一个.它表达了两种世界观--庸俗(机械)唯物主义和主观唯心主义唯意志论--立场的张力和斗争.这一关系并不仅仅是由卢卡奇/柯尔施反对梅林/普列汉诺夫来指证的,而更是由第二国际正统马克思主义理论家自身的内部逻辑决定的.在庸俗马克思主义中,对斯宾诺莎主义的钟情,就像对费希特的行动主义一样强烈.而马克思自始就要对此关系从矛盾的关联方面来理解.这种关联表明意志和规律各自在社会有机体中共存而又二分.与为什么和如何遵循历史规律问题相比,意志论的证成首先是针对解决一种社会有机体(机能障碍)理论所提出的问题.一种社会有机体理论既不能忽略对意志唯心论的批判,也不能忽略对机械唯物论的批判.我们对人的意志和客观规律在传统马克思主义哲学中的关系批判,不仅是对庸俗马克思主义的最具穿透力的评论,同时也是对马克思哲学的能动原则在何种意义上巩固地奠定在唯物主义基础上的揭示.  相似文献   
通过对企业家创新的相关文献的梳理,界定新生代民营企业家创新意愿的内涵,基于计划行为理论构建影响新生代民营企业家创新意愿的模型,从行为态度、主观规范和感知行为控制三个方面全方位的分析新生代民营企业家创新意愿的影响因素。最后,在各因素的分析结果基础上提出新生代民营企业家产生积极创新意愿的引导策略。  相似文献   
从心理学的角度将当代大学生的理想、信念缺失的心理路程分为行为上的挫折、情感中的苦感、意志状态的消沉、信念的动摇、理想的破灭与问题丛生五个阶段进行情感变化的逐层分析,再从思想政治教育学的学科角度出发,对当前大学生的理想信念教育提出一些有价值的意见。  相似文献   
论《莉姬娅》中埃德加·爱伦·坡的美学思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《莉姬娅》是埃德加·爱伦·坡恐怖小说之精华,是他美学思想的集中代表。精心选择的故事主人公和叙述者,用心安排的故事发生时间和地点,成功地塑造了一个由敬畏之美、毁灭之爱和不灭之意志交织而成的壮美而恐怖的文学世界。  相似文献   
王阳明早年徘徊于儒释道三教之间,因体弱多病曾醉心于道教养生导引之术,龙场大悟体证生死后始与道教决裂,并极力批判道教肉体长生说,主张"良知"方为彻死彻生的"真己",实现了长生不死说的视域转化。同时,王阳明"致良知"的道德形上学,主张知行合一与事上磨炼工夫,反对顽空虚静的修炼方法,强调"即有体无"的入世担当。但王阳明也着重指出,佛道教虽不如儒学广大简易,然而也是性命之学,善于学则三教皆无弊,不善学则皆有弊。因此,三教各有其优劣而难分高下,抉择的关键在于学者根机是否相应,为学之道能否相宜。  相似文献   
本以唐代名史学家刘知凡为中心,探讨了传统史家权力意识的历史和化根源,着重分析了史权与以皇权为代表的专制主义势力间矛盾冲突的原因和表现,同时也对这种史权意识在刘知几身上的特殊表现了作了一定的探析。  相似文献   
康德道德哲学中的准则概念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"准则"概念是康德道德哲学中极为重要的概念之一。本文从准则的界定,准则与规律的关系,准则与自由及善良意志的关系,以及准则的等级性,准则转化为客观规律的条件等方面对准则概念作了详细的阐述,并指出准则问题研究的现实实践意义。  相似文献   
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