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小组合作学习是新课程倡导的三大学习方式之一,小组合作学习在形式上成为有别于传统教学的最明显的特征,与探究性学习一样,合作学习是新课程实现学生学习方式转变的着力点。本文从实际的物理教学需要出发,提出提高教师自身小组合作学习教学技能的几点做法,让小组合作学习在学生知识的获取、能力的培养等方面充分发挥功效。  相似文献   
This paper aims to figure out the potential impact of Big Data (BD) on Critical Success Factors (CSFs) of Customer Relationship Management (CRM). In fact, while some authors have posited a relationship between BD and CRM, literature lacks works that go into the heart of the matter.Through an extensive up-to-date in-depth literature review about CRM, twenty (20) CSFs were singled out from 104 selected papers, and organized within an ad-hoc classification framework. The consistency of the classification was checked by means of a content analysis. Evidences were discussed and linked to the BD literature, and five propositions about how BD could affect CRM CSFs were formalized.Our results suggest that BD-enabled CRM initiatives could require several changes in the pertinent CSFs. In order to get rid of the hype effect surrounding BD, we suggest to adopt an explorative approach towards them by defining a mandatory business direction through sound business cases and pilot tests. From a general standpoint, BD could be framed as an enabling factor of well-known projects, like CRM initiatives, in order to reap the benefits from the new technologies by addressing the efforts through already acknowledged management paths.  相似文献   
This qualitative study examined the growth of Jelani, a failing novice teacher who successfully received tenure following his third year of teaching. His progress seemed related to the quality of his relationships with different mentors. An unanticipated factor in Jelani's success was his participation in a university-based program for children, where he served, under supervision, as a mentor for two preservice teachers. In what became a mutually beneficial relationship, Jelani reinforced his new-found knowledge and skills and learned to better describe and assess his own teaching. Among those who worked with Jelani, additional reciprocal mentoring relationships developed.  相似文献   
为弘扬黄冈历代名医以医济世、精勤不倦、广施仁术的崇高精神,以黄冈五大名医为代表,分析其名医辈出的原因,探求其成才与成功的规律。他们胸怀弘志,面对生民疾苦,敢于承担,以救死扶伤为已任,博览群书,精研医技,历尽坎坷而不气馁,救人于水火,不计恩怨,德高技精,堪为楷模。其大医之精诚,对当代职业者的素质培养,具有极其重要的历史意义和现实意义。  相似文献   
成功之路计划于2005年初推出,作为一项长期的初中和高中协助项目,它试图在学生的学校经历与成年后的职业意愿之间建立连结。作为学校内部的一个指导计划,这一项目通过制定6年连贯的课程以及利用各种教学策略来激发学生的学习动力,帮助学生通过教育获得劳动技能并通过职业生涯与教育规划来提高贫困学校学生进入大学和获得理想职业的机会。  相似文献   
试评土地革命的成与败   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
封建土地关系极不合理,严重影响农民生存。20世纪30年代前后,中国共产党在农村革命根据地内广泛开展土地革命,彻底变革土地所有制关系。经过革命,广大农民获得了土地,经济上翻了身,政治上有了地位,推动了中国革命的发展。这场革命是在战争环境下进行的,偏重于为战争服务,加之三次“左”倾错误的影响,致使革命成果未能巩固,随着工农红军的撤离转移,而相继丢失。  相似文献   
在实施成功教育中加强价值观教育,是加强价值观教育和职业教育的创新之举;是加强价值观教育和职业教育的可行之策;是加强价值观教育和职业教育的助推之器。  相似文献   
合作学习——激发共同创造体育教学模式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用实验、逻辑分析等方法,对合作学习体育教学模式进行论证、设计、探析,通过共同学习来提高社会技能。主要结论:合作是生活的一部分,是与他人和谐相处,融于社会的关键,学生在合作练习中得到学习,更应在体育学习中得到教育,体验到了成功的乐趣。  相似文献   
本文通过对中国游泳队在五届奥运会上成绩的纵向发展及横向比较 ,试图描绘出中国竞技游泳近二十年发展轨迹。同时分析和总结了我国竞技游泳发展过程中出现的一些成功经验及不足方面 ,并试图提出自己的一些建议。  相似文献   
《中国人的成功学》一书独具特色,犹如一个人的鲜明个性,给人一见难忘的印象。该书既是调侃又严肃的,既是时序的又有穿越的,既是文学的又是理论的,既有成功的正面范例又有失败的反面案例。将抽象的理论鲜活起来,让人赏心悦目。  相似文献   
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