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Student plagiarism continues to threaten academic integrity. This investigation assessed whether an inoculation message strategy could combat university plagiarism by protecting student attitudes against pro-plagiarism justification arguments. Additionally, we sought theoretical confirmation of previous findings on involvement and accessibility in inoculation, examined the effects on vested interest, and evaluated matching and mismatching strategies in terms of affect- and rationality-based inoculation treatment messages and subsequent attack messages. A total of 225 students participated in three sessions spanning six weeks. Results indicated that none of the inoculation treatments conferred resistance as measured in attitude toward plagiarism, but all treatments enhanced involvement and attitude accessibility, and the fear- and rationality-based treatments enhanced vested interest. Additionally, fear-based treatments derogated the source of the message. Results also suggest that a matching strategy is superior with both affect- and rationality-based attack messages, such that inoculation treatments are most effective when using the same argument bases (e.g., affective or rational) as the attack message. These results offer guidance for crafting communication campaign strategies to reduce the occurrence of student plagiarism offenses.  相似文献   
This paper reports the development of the Perceived Supervisor Machiavellian Measure (PSMM) for use in the organizational communication context. Data were drawn from full-time employees who were part-time graduate students in a corporate and organizational communication program. Employees' perceptions of supervisor Machiavellianism were negatively related to employees' perceptions of supervisor credibility (competence, caring, and trustworthiness), employees' attitudes toward the supervisor, employee motivation, and employee job satisfaction. Supervisors' perceived communication behaviors (nonverbal immediacy, responsiveness, and assertiveness) accounted for a significant amount of variance in perceived supervisor Machiavellianism. The results support a general model of supervisor behavior and provide a foundation for future research in organizational communication.  相似文献   
Utilizing 2068 individuals in 60 organizations in the U.S. and Italy, this study (a) examines the overall relationship between trust in top management and immediate supervisor and overall estimates of satisfaction and perceived organizational effectiveness, (b) compares the amount of variance in satisfaction and effectiveness that can be explained by trust in top management to the amount of variance explained by trust in immediate supervisor, and (c) clarifies the role of information receiving as a predictor of trust in top management and immediate supervisor. Results of a canonical correlation analysis indicated that the canonical equation explained 49% of the variance in the linear composites (Canonical R = .69, p < .001). Trust in top management was more strongly associated with satisfaction and effectiveness than was trust in immediate supervisor. Tzvo separate multiple regression analyses indicated that after controlling for geographic location of company and type of industry, information received about job and organizational issues uniquely explained 26% of the variance in trust in top management and 13% of the variance in trust in immediate supervisor.  相似文献   
论情绪情感在教育中的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
情绪情感的教育是一种深入心灵的教育,是培养人身心健康的重要渠道,也是现代教育的终极目标,我们的教师应该是一个有人格魅力的教师,我们的教育方法应“晓之以情,动之以理”,“润物细无声”,这样才能培养出有理想,有道德,有创造力,有着丰富多彩个性的,身心健康的未来劳动。  相似文献   
大学办学特色问题已成为国家政府、社会及高校自身备受关注的问题,也成为大学校长论坛,有关大学发展的国际会议,乃至高等教育界研究的热点问题之一。从大学办学特色概念界定入手,分析办学特色、存在问题、特征、影响因素,并指出当前研究中存在的不足之处。  相似文献   
韩国的科举制度萌芽于新罗时期,确立于高丽958年,在朝鲜时期得到进一步的发展和完善,于1894年甲午更张时期被废除,在韩国共存在了936年。科举制度成为韩国封建制度必不可少的一部分,对韩国文化产生了积极影响,它丰富了韩国的政治文化,推动了儒学在韩国的发展,并促进了韩国教育的发展。  相似文献   
江苏省农用地质量空间格局及其影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从农用地资源的质量出发,应用地统计学分析、景观生态学等方法,对江苏省农用地资源质量的空间分布规律进行研究:从江苏省农用地资源自然质量、利用质量、经济质量空间分布,以及不同农业区农用地资源质量的多样性、均匀度、集中度、优势度等分布特点来看,不同农业区的农用地资源质量的区域分异明显,表现出由南向北、由东向西两个方向上的递变规律。文章最后探讨了农用地资源质量空间格局的影响因素,分析结果表明,农用地资源质量空间格局主要受到地带性因素以及大尺度的非地带性因素如大地貌单元等要素的控制,同时还受到人类活动如区位条件、管理水平等因素的干扰,人类活动干扰的区域分异显著。农用地资源质量的空间分布与组合格局是不同层次、多因素综合作用和相互嵌套、相互影响的结果,这对进一步研究农用地资源质量空间分布格局的成因机制具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   
本文分析了影响网络信息资源优化配置的主要因素,探讨了网络信息资源优化配置的发展策略。  相似文献   
宋词中有很多写到落花的词。落花意象以其“伤春”与“伤逝”的凄美之情触动人心,它们寄寓了词人不同的人生际遇、人生态度和追求。男性词人从男性角度看落花、男性词人以女性角度看落花、女性词人从女性角度看落花,使得宋词中落花意象具有不同的情感内涵。此外,宋词中落花意象还影响到当代流行歌词的创作。  相似文献   
国内外学者对科研投入与企业绩效之间的关系进行了大量研究和实证工作,现有研究多以定性研究为主,分析研发投入与企业绩效之间的关系以及影响这两者关系的直接和间接变量,有少量学者用定量分析的方法表达某个或者某几个变量与这两者关系之间的数学关系,但由于企业绩效及科研成果结果显现的影响变量太多,这种定量分析方法的局限性大。为探索一种对大量因素同时进行定量分析的方法,尝试采用对高纬稀疏数据进行分析,对沪深两市327家制造企业2011~2016年的数据进行分析,以“研发投入增长率>0 & 营业收入增长率>0 & 人均营业收入增长率>0”为分析目标,对影响目标实现的十类74个变量进行定量分析,并得到达到这一分析目标的定量优化规则:当期和上期单位研发人员研发投入、研发人员投入增长率、盈利能力、产品市场竞争度这五个变量处于一定范围内时,分析目标达成概率有较大幅度提升。这一分析结果既可以用于衡量企业研发水平是否达到规模边界,又可作为对企业研发投入行为对企业绩效结果的预判。  相似文献   
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