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英国19世纪批判现实主义小说家哈代在其一生长达60余年的诗歌创作生涯中,写出了近千首诗,结集成八个诗集。作为其诗歌重要组成部分的抒情诗在主题、写作风格及语言运用上有着独特的艺术特征。就主题而论,这些诗着重歌颂爱情和友情,或借草木山水抒怀;在写作风格上,它们体现出融现代主义于浪漫主义之中,意境清新、优美,形象生动的特点。而在语言运用上,则是浅显易懂的常用词与生僻词甚至自造词混杂使用,局面语与口语混杂使用。  相似文献   
英国教育家埃利奥特的人文主义绅士教育思想受多方面因素的影响而产生,其著作《行政官之书》是英国绅士教育思想发端的标志。埃利奥特人文主义绅士教育的目的是他关于学习阶段的划分、教学内容和方法的确定以及其它教育主张的指南,在英国具有重要的历史影响。  相似文献   
在16世纪英国民族国家迅速发展的背景下,共和主义也得到传播.托马斯·史密斯爵士提出了君民共和的广义共和主义,实现了共和主义与君主制的结合,指出了在君主制民族国家共和主义传播发展的方向.  相似文献   
《简爱》与《德伯家的苔丝》(以下简称《苔丝》)都是刻画女性内心情感的细腻动人的经典英文小说。《简爱》的作者夏洛蒂·勃朗特与《苔丝》的作者托马斯·哈代分别生活在英国维多利亚时代的早期和后期,两部作品的问世时间相隔43年。这43年里,英国从维多利亚女王统治的繁荣期到以宗教和农业为主导的年代再到自由的资本主义的垄断期,这一过程中达尔文的进化论的思想使长期统治人们的宗教信仰遭到了质疑,夏洛蒂·勃朗特"清教徒"式的信仰与托马斯·哈代"威塞克斯"的悲剧情愫正是英国同一时期两个阶段人们思想的代表。  相似文献   
This portraiture study of four exceptional scholars in education – John Goodlad, John Hoyle, Joseph Murphy, and Thomas Sergiovanni – provides insight into their scholarly work and life habits, direction and aspirations, assessment and analysis of major trends in the profession, and advice for aspiring leaders and academics. Telephone interviews with the leading scholars (4) and their referral colleagues (8), in addition to document analysis, validated the following criteria for the selection of exceptional scholarship previously generated via survey respondents (educational leadership professors): The scholar (a) publishes widely, (b) has broad impact, (c) has multiple spheres of influence, and (d) has established mentoring systems. Democratic concepts and agendas for education emerged from the interviews focused on exceptional scholarship, an outcome incorporated within the results.  相似文献   
The article gives a brief introduction of Thomas Hardy and His Tess of the d’Urberville, the image of birds in Tess of the d’Urberville and its importance for illustrating the theme has also been analyzed.  相似文献   
This investigation compared the behavior ratings and psychometric profiles of children with attention deficit disorders (ADD) and children with developmental reading disorders (DRD). ADD children showed no qualitative reading or spelling problems, although they were slightly behind expected levels of academic achievement. DRD children were significantly more impaired in academic attainment and showed evidence of qualitative disturbances in reading and spelling. DRD subjects did not differ from control subjects on ratings of hyperactivity, which was one of the defining variables of the ADD group. This evidence is interpreted as adding to a growing testimony that indicates that ADD and DRD are distinctly separate groups of disorders.  相似文献   
The Minnesota Marking Attitude Scale was administered to 33 regular education and 20 special education teachers. Results showed that regular educators believed that marks have a positive influence on students while special educators believed marks have neither a positive nor a negative influence (p < .005). Special educators believed to a greater extent than did regular educators that marks should be manipulated in order to influence student behavior (p < .05) and that different standards should be used to evaluate different students (p < .001). Teachers also marked students' written short answers to two typical school questions. No significant differences were found between the marks assigned by the two groups of teachers to either set of answers. Assigned marks, attitude scores, and years of teaching experience were not significantly correlated with each other. Results are discussed in terms of implications for mainstreaming.  相似文献   
Because of the political reforms demanded by his political philosophy, Jefferson was always focused on instantiating a system of education to edify all persons according to their needs and to prevent those governing at every level from lusting after power and fame instead of governing in pursuance of the interests of the general citizenry. That notion of a system of education—offering a basic education for all citizens and high-lever education and access to it for the intellectually and morally elite—at the time would have been unique to Virginia and it showed the extent to which Jefferson recognized both the political ills of his day and that those political ills could only be remedied through educational reform. This paper is a critical analysis of that system of education, from ward schools to the University of Virginia.  相似文献   
Utopianism and Education: The Legacy of Thomas More   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
'At the beginning, with Thomas More, utopia sets out an agenda for the modern world. Today, five hundred years later, what are the uses of utopia?' (Kumar, 1991, p. 85). This paper provides an answer to this question by examining More's utopian 'method' which, it is suggested, offers a model way of thinking imaginatively and prospectively about the form and content of social reform in general and educational change in particular.  相似文献   
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