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浅析思想政治教育创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
思想政治教育是实现党的领导的重要途径和保证.在市场经济激烈竞争,科学技术日新月异,人们的思想受到多种价值观冲击的新时期,思想政治教育必须有所创新.思想政治教育不仅要革新教育观念,而且要不断丰富教育内容和方法,完善教育机制,从而加强思想政治教育的现实性和时效性.  相似文献   
I use the one-hundred-year, transatlantic circulation of Le Corbusier's grain elevator photographs to tell the story of the short but vibrant life of a mechanized rhetoric. From 1913 to 1969, these photographs were understood in the context of a mechanized rhetoric, and they starred in the iconography of modernity. From 1971 to 2010, the same photographs were contextualized by a symbolic vision of rhetoric. So contextualized, the photographs lost their prestige and became conduits through which postmodernism was introduced into architectural theory—and from there into the American academy. As a case study of rhetoric's becoming-symbolic, then, this essay foregrounds the opportunity costs of symbolic definitions of rhetoric. It suggests that the twinned introduction of symbolism and postmodernism involved a misreading of rhetorical history.  相似文献   
通过分析三峡工程蓄水运行前后洞庭湖水体中浮游植物种类和数量以及重要理化指标的变化,可以发现三峡工程对洞庭湖浮游植物群落及水质的影响。研究结果表明:三峡工程运行后洞庭湖水体理化性质发生了一系列变化,具体表现为:水体含沙量下降,透明度增加,水体环境容量减小,水体流速减缓。近年湖体氮、磷等营养盐污染负荷有所加重,洞庭湖的浮游植物种类和数量均有所增加,洞庭湖局部区域已出现了轻度富营养化状况。  相似文献   
邓小平不仅继承和坚持了马克思主义关于发展生产力的理论,而且强调发展生产力是社会主义的最根本任务,将以"是否有利于发展社会主义社会的生产力"为首要内容的"三个有利于"作为判断一切工作是非得失的最根本标准,提出科学技术是第一生产力,从而丰富和发展了马克思主义的生产力理论。  相似文献   
在文化视角下对我国三大球的发展困境及其出路进行了回眸与反思。提出文化视野下我国三大球的发展困境主要体现在,精神文化层面:“金牌战略”的核心价值理念错误引导、我国传统文化思想的束缚、三大球文化创新意识和能力缺乏;制度文化层面:举国体制的时效性下降、人才培养模式单一、行政管理体制存在弊端;物质文化层面:三大球联赛职业化水平低、专业队伍建设及后备人才匮乏、教练员数量和质量限制。三大球的发展出路体现在精神文化层面培养政府和民众的三大球精神文化自觉意识;制度文化层面通过制度创新激活三大球自主创新的活力;物质文化层面推进三大球的市场化、职业化与产业化进程,凝聚复兴的物质力量。  相似文献   
In this essay, I trace two aspects of the thought on the “Third World” in early modern China: how to understand the world revolution, and how to create a new China. While focusing on two trendy notions at that time, i.e. “Chinese revolution” (Zhongguo geming), and “nong country” (nongguo), I argue that the thought on the “Third World” in early modern China breaks free of the shackle of fashionable theories and draws upon local circumstances and China’s own repertoire of power when exploring an ideal of a new world. While the difficulty in confronting the “Third World” consciousness in today’s China is still overwhelming, the fact that we now remember “the spirit of Bandong” signals some progress.  相似文献   
论抗战时期张闻天对三民主义的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙中山的三民主义,在抗战时期成为以国共合作为基础的抗日民族统一战线的政治基础。然而,即使在国民党一大孙中山重新解释的新三民主义中,也还包含有旧三民主义的内容,从而形成新旧内容杂陈、进步交保守并存的现象。这就给他身后的解释者们以各择所需、各唱各调的可能性。毛泽东号召共产党员应该如像他们研究共产主义一样,好好研究三民主义。张闻天关于三民主义发展性、真假三民主义等的研究,是抗战时期思想理论战线和抗日救亡的迫切需要,其研究成果,对以毛泽东为代表的中国共产党人在抗战时期形成关于孙中山三民主义的认识体系做出了重要的贡献。  相似文献   
Across the Western world, membership in the established organized churches is on the decline with a concomitant reduction in the need for churches and church halls. As redundant and unused churches are the focus of vandalism and decay, owners and heritage managers are looking for options to adaptively re-use such buildings. This article reviews the literature on the re-use of churches in the Netherlands, which has long history of innovatively addressing the problems. The options available range from re-use for religious purposes by other denominations or faiths, to community use (multi-purpose, sport, music etc.), and private use, which can be either commercial or residential. The attitudes of the community and the original property owners play a major part in successful adaptive re-use. Because of its long history, the Dutch experience in adaptive re-use of religious buildings has much to offer heritage managers in other countries faced with this emergent management issue.  相似文献   
鉴于三峡船闸的通过能力已成为制约长江航运发展的瓶颈,从可持续发展的角度出发,以减少集装箱运输的环境负荷为目标,综合考虑运输方式、运输费用和运输时间等因素,寻求解决三峡船闸通过能力不足的方案.构建由长江水路与区域公路组成的运输网络模型,确定各路段的运输属性特征,给出水路和公路运输环境负荷的计算方法.分析集装箱在水陆联运网络上的路径选择行为.在多种集装箱运输需求下,分析各解决方案的优劣,确定优化方案.相比翻坝运输方案,扩闸(即扩大船闸通过能力)方案更高效环保,符合节能减排的可持续发展要求,对长江经济带的可持续发展具有重要的战略意义.  相似文献   
理论和实践表明,要克服农村金融领域的市场失灵,离不开政府的支持。近年来,我国各级政府在建立和完善农村金融风险补偿机制、健全政策性农业保险制度以及实现农业信贷与保险有机对接等方面进行了卓有成效的改革探索。今后,不但要注重农业已存在的不同金融需求,更应大力打造不同类型的金融生态,规范发展地方性农村金融机构,扩大农村金融供给,激活、满足农村金融需求;同时,要发挥财政、信贷资金相互协调的配套作用,并建立完善农村征信体系。  相似文献   
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