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与其他任何科学理论体系一样,与时俱进、发展创新不仅是马克思主义的根本理论品质,也是其永葆青春和活力的根本动力。江泽民同志在庆祝中共建党80周年讲话中对此作了深刻的阐释,这充分表达了中共第三代领导集体对待马克思主义的科学态度。  相似文献   
在中古化中,游仙和游园是密切相关的。游仙思想对园林的造景布局和建筑设置产生了深刻的影响,而园林化又反过来进一步激发了人们的仙境想象和游仙热忱。在学领域,游园学和游仙学,无论在表层还是深层,都存在着同构或共生的现象。对园林与游仙关系的研究,有助于我们更好地理解中古化的内在意蕴。  相似文献   
商周时期,社会基层组织由众多的族氏构成,族氏的联合与联盟是当时社会关系的一个重要方面,主要有相互联姻、军事联盟、政治联合三种形式。其中政治联合是构成族氏外部关系的主要方面,表现为商、周王族与各同姓及异姓族氏之间不同类型的联合。重视和研究这些形式和类型不同的族氏联合与联盟,对于深入认识商周时代的社会关系及社会结构具有较为重要的作用。  相似文献   
《莉莉姨妈的细小南方》以莉莉姨妈个人精神史为文本展开基础线索。因莉莉姨妈组建的世界显现了半个世纪之久南方社会从时代到个体的深层交互关系。小说《莉莉姨妈的细小南方》至少从以下三个层面展现了南方世界的独有品格:第一,高亢时代的孤独情结;第二,流变时代的心灵承传;第三,多元时代的精神裂变。作者的高妙之处在于,对时代本身的揭示是以一种走在时代边缘的方式而实现的。  相似文献   
<正>暑假期间,由北京大学图书馆联合社会力量支援建设的"北京大学图书室"在青海省玉树藏族自治州正式建成并开放。图书室建在玉树藏族自治州唯一的一所中专学校——玉树八一职业技术学校内,藏书1.5万册,面积200多平方米,直接为该校18个专业的4000多名师生提供文献服务。  相似文献   
消费主义文化在中国的大行其道,潜移默化地影响到了我国人民的生活方式和思维习惯,尤其是对北上广这些大都市的小资产阶级知识分子的影响最为重大。本文以目前争论如火如荼的《小时代》系列作品为例,来解释这类作品产生的经济文化根源。并通过对《小时代》系列作品的分析,阐释其受消费主义文化影响的几个表现形式。  相似文献   
陇西辛氏作为关右名门,中古以来人物代出,其发展道路颇为独特。在家族发展形态上,辛氏多保留"双家形态",与乡里保有较为紧密的联系,使其发展获得足够的背景支持。在家族文化传承上,辛氏极力维持其优美之门风,一方面使家族得以团结互助,同时因其学有专精、学尚实际而使其家族成员在仕途上获得更大的发展空间。此外,在北朝普遍"重武轻文"背景下,辛氏则选择了"以文为主、以武为辅"的发展策略。  相似文献   
Newspaper preferences for particular formats of speech presentation differ and they change in the course of time. In this contribution we focus on The Times and trace such developments in the formative years of the modern Anglo-American newspapers, from 1833 to 1988. We extracted data from The Times Digital Archive in six samples of roughly 5000 words at intervals of 31 years and analysed the texts manually for instances of reported speech. Our analysis shows that the focus has shifted from the presentation of speech events as coherent wholes in earlier newspapers towards a more selective use of individual statements that summarise an event or characterise it from different angles. And it also shows that the frequency of indirect forms of discourse presentation decreases over the years in favour of direct forms. This gives further support to the claim that in terms of discourse presentation broadsheets slowly develop into the direction spearheaded by tabloids.  相似文献   
Godard has consistently voiced his disapproval of Spielberg's Schindler's List. Critics have noted this antipathy yet there is currently no detailed analysis of Godard Godard, Jean-Luc and Youssef, Ishaghpour. 2005. Cinema: The Archeology of Film and the Memory of a Century. Trans. JOHN HOWE, New York: Oberg.  [Google Scholar]'s specific objections. This article attempts to remedy this omission. In the first half, the author focuses on the motivation and logic that underpin Spielberg's film, paying particular attention to the qualms expressed in Godard's Éloge de l'amour over the moral and philosophical dubiousness of employing witness testimony as a means of recreating the past in the present. Then, in the second half, the author analyses the politics of identification in a selection of Godard's films to argue that Schindler's List is made ethically palatable for mainstream audiences through the use of manipulative erotic imagery. There, two critiques are brought together to suggest that Godard's primary objection to Schindler's List is that it constitutes an uplifting consideration of the Shoah that precludes a more serious rumination on an event that ruptures the histories of both the cinema and the twentieth century.  相似文献   
The importance of newspapers in nineteenth-century British politics has long been recognized by historians. Lord Palmerston understood keenly the power of the press and cultivated good relations with a number of papers. This article will elucidate more thoroughly than heretofore his early forays into the world of press intrigue. Palmerston did not, however, earn the regard of The Times, at least not until much later in his career. The Times, edited by Thomas Barnes from 1817 until his death in 1841, was the most powerful newspaper of the era. This article will examine the origins of its long-running feud with Palmerston, demonstrating the personal and political differences at the heart of its inception.  相似文献   
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