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On 29 September 2016, the Indian army conducted a surgical strike along the India–Pakistan border. The mainstream news media in India followed the event with assertive nationalistic rhetoric. What was supposed to be a covert military operation against terrorism became morphed into political rhetoric aggravated by the unwarranted jingoism of television news channels and social media. The coverage of the strike on television news is typically characterized by a confluence of militant nationalist discourses, and the ideologically imbued labelling of specific communities. Within this context, drawing from the close reading of the coverage, this article analyses how Indian television news sustains the construction of a fictive “we”, conflated with the government policies and military strategies, and speaks for a supposedly homogeneous national consensus that also consciously obscures the dissent through minority voices. The article emphasizes the relationship between communities, formal politics, and the supposedly non-political spaces and practices of news media in India.  相似文献   
延安时期是丁玲创作生涯中的重要阶段,这一时期丁玲的创作态度是主动的,但也受当时时代要求的约束。本文从丁玲到延安前后的经历、丁玲性格的双重性、丁玲知识分子和党员的双重身份体认三方面结合具体作品进行分析,说明丁玲延安时期创作尴尬的原因,以期对丁玲延安时期的创作有更深的认识。  相似文献   
高校思想政治理论课教学改革,应力求以动态的观念,更新、完善教学内容;以科学的态度,探索、改革教学方法,确立面向新时期中国现代化的课程教学改革方向,是思政专业获得新活力的正确选择。以发展的眼光,建设高水平的教师队伍;以实效为目的,引导、把握学生的发展方向。深入分析和研究思想政治理论课的现状及问题,有针对性地提出思想政治理论课教学改革的策略和手段是提高新时期思想政治理论课教学实效性的关键问题。  相似文献   
消费主义文化在中国的大行其道,潜移默化地影响到了我国人民的生活方式和思维习惯,尤其是对北上广这些大都市的小资产阶级知识分子的影响最为重大。本文以目前争论如火如荼的《小时代》系列作品为例,来解释这类作品产生的经济文化根源。并通过对《小时代》系列作品的分析,阐释其受消费主义文化影响的几个表现形式。  相似文献   
魏晋六朝文学尚“清”成因与特色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏晋六朝学审美价值取向明显尚清。魏晋以来的谈玄风气盛行促成了魏晋六朝学尚“清”审美价值取向形成;魏晋以来士人们人的觉醒意识表现为对个体仪表风神“清”趣的崇尚,对“清”的理想人格的追求,影响到学领域形成尚“清”的审美价值取向;佛教传入对士人心态情趣的影响亦带来学创作中的清美好尚。建安迄于正始时期学主要表现为清峻、清简;西晋学崇尚清丽、清华;东晋时期学偏向于清淡、清雅,而南朝学最终走向清绮、清丽。  相似文献   
文章在语法化学说的指导下讨论了中古汉语语气副词的形成,认为其形成方式主要有五种:他类词语法化为语气副词;同义复合形成新词;句法结构固化为语气副词;跨层结构凝定为语气副词;附加后缀形成新词。形成特点主要表现有三种:汉语自然音步规律对双音节语气副词的形成产生影响;语气i,l词的平行虚化现象普遍;重新分析和类推成为语气副词形成的重要机制。  相似文献   
<正>暑假期间,由北京大学图书馆联合社会力量支援建设的"北京大学图书室"在青海省玉树藏族自治州正式建成并开放。图书室建在玉树藏族自治州唯一的一所中专学校——玉树八一职业技术学校内,藏书1.5万册,面积200多平方米,直接为该校18个专业的4000多名师生提供文献服务。  相似文献   
Godard has consistently voiced his disapproval of Spielberg's Schindler's List. Critics have noted this antipathy yet there is currently no detailed analysis of Godard Godard, Jean-Luc and Youssef, Ishaghpour. 2005. Cinema: The Archeology of Film and the Memory of a Century. Trans. JOHN HOWE, New York: Oberg.  [Google Scholar]'s specific objections. This article attempts to remedy this omission. In the first half, the author focuses on the motivation and logic that underpin Spielberg's film, paying particular attention to the qualms expressed in Godard's Éloge de l'amour over the moral and philosophical dubiousness of employing witness testimony as a means of recreating the past in the present. Then, in the second half, the author analyses the politics of identification in a selection of Godard's films to argue that Schindler's List is made ethically palatable for mainstream audiences through the use of manipulative erotic imagery. There, two critiques are brought together to suggest that Godard's primary objection to Schindler's List is that it constitutes an uplifting consideration of the Shoah that precludes a more serious rumination on an event that ruptures the histories of both the cinema and the twentieth century.  相似文献   
运用语言符号学的文本分析方法对《黄金时代》进行阐释,以期解读出另一维的文本意蕴:即在貌似一个有关权利话语下知识分子坚守与抗争的叙说中,实质为我们敞现了在逍遥恣肆的性爱狂欢姿态背后所蕴涵的有关爱情、人性、知识分子个体在具体历史情境下所面临的悲凉境况。并同时对其中的女主人公陈清扬这一知识分子作个案分析,企冀思索在强大的权力势力下,具有几千年传统文化心理图式、惯于附着于权力运转机制之上的一部分中国知识分子,如何在本能的反抗中最终走向被权力机制所消化的生存态势。  相似文献   
沈尹默在重庆生活期间,正值中华民族生死存亡的紧要关头。此时的他虽倾心于书法艺术研究,无惊人的抗日之举,但仍用诗歌表达了其心系天下、忧国忧民的情怀。沈尹默抗战时期在重庆的诗歌创作,体现了中国传统文人精神生存的常规模式,展示了其在这一时期的心路历程与精神策略。  相似文献   
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