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大数据时代背景下,中国教育指数(IEC)是实现中国教育现代化发展和教育治理水平监测、追踪和历史比较的重要工具。基于2021年版与2017年版IEC结果的常模参照比较发现:“十三五”期间(2016-2020年),中国教育发展的整体势头向好,尤其是大部分中西部省区在教育软、硬实力建设、教育创新、教育生态及可持续发展等方面与省域头名(北京)的整体差距有所缩小;“十三五”期间中国31个省(不含港、澳、台)在教育法治、教育信息化、创造性教育产出等领域的发展卓有成效,而在教育投入、教育公平、中等职业教育和成人教育创新发展、大学生创业、教育生态等方面差距愈发凸显。分区域来看,东部、中部地区以及京津冀、长江经济带等战略区域的发展势头较好,而东北和西部省区教育发展整体相对滞后。  相似文献   
采用文献资料法、录像观察法和比较分析法对第13、14届世界健美操锦标赛成绩进行对比分析,并结合2013-2016年周期新规则,探究世界竞技健美操竞争格局和发展态势,为中国竞技健美操进一步发展提供可借鉴的理论依据。研究认为:竞赛规则指引着竞技健美操发展方向,对新规则的理解和掌握直接影响着比赛成绩;世界竞技健美操保持欧亚大陆雌雄争夺、美洲势单力薄的"偏"三足鼎立竞争格局;亚洲国家总奖牌数和金银铜牌数追平乃至超越欧洲国家,强烈冲击欧洲国家长久统治的主宰地位;中国竞技健美操在经历低谷后焕发崭新生机,重新进入国际领军集团;世界竞技健美操呈现国际化发展的确定性和洲际、国家强弱流动的不确定性互相交织的态势发展。  相似文献   
[目的/意义]图书馆学、情报学及档案学(简称“图情档学”)是当代培养新型信息知识人才的重要学科,本文揭示“十三五”期间图情档学科中外期刊论文的研究热点及趋势,以期为我国图情档学科的未来研究提供些许思路,有助于推动图情档学科的发展,提升学术话语权.[方法/过程]选取国内的CNKI和国外的Web of Science数据库...  相似文献   
The use of university-industry collaboration in the innovation process is viewed as a major driver of firm competitiveness. The organizational dynamics underlying successful external relationships, however, remain poorly understood. Using longitudinal case studies of 15 innovation projects, we examine how firms with varying degrees of experience in collaborating with universities and public research organizations rely on different social capital dimensions to achieve successful collaborations. We find that experienced firms establish external collaborations on the basis of cognitive social capital, but this basis is reinforced by relational social capital over time. Conversely, less experienced firms initially base their university collaborations on relational social capital, which is reinforced by cognitive social capital over time. Based on these findings, we theorize on the interplay of different dimensions of social capital in university-industry collaborations over time. Our study has important implications for the management of collaborative innovation projects. In particular, it provides guidance to enable less experienced firms to develop successful collaborations with university partners.  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to examine whether the technical universities have been more successful in facilitating the spillover and commercialization of knowledge. We compare the impact of technical and general universities on the performance of knowledge-based firms. Based on a unique data set consisting of publicly held high technology firms, the empirical evidence suggests that, in fact, firm performance is not influenced by the type of university. Technical universities do not have a differential impact on firm performance from more general universities.  相似文献   
This paper examines how scientific and technological (S&T) human capital is transformed into financial capital through the creation of firms by scientists. The analysis is based on a database describing the positions held by 132 founders from 62 French biotech SMEs. It shows that star scientists engage in highly risky but also valuable firms. Less famous scientists must develop their human capital rather than valorising a stock. The paper concludes by pointing to three paradoxes concerning the commitment and compensation scheme of star scientists and the managerial position of less known scientists.  相似文献   
为推进实施国务院颁布的全民健身计划,以拥有深厚群众基础的乒乓球项目为例,从业余高水平乒乓球运动员的基本信息、所用器材与打法类型、训练情况、竞赛情况等方面入手,希望较为全面了解业余高水平乒乓球运动员的发展现状,发现其中可能存在的问题。结果显示:业余高水平乒乓球运动员的学历相对较高、职业类型相对集中。目前仍是以直拍者居多,且正反手胶皮搭配种类多样,打法丰富,但年轻一代中直拍、个性化打法已开始逐渐减少。此外,业余高水平乒乓球运动员有较长的训练年限,且长期能保证有足够量的训练,但训练的系统性不强,缺乏专业的指导。参赛频率较高,且均有获得过一定级别的奖项,但是对于国际乒联的竞赛规则的熟悉程度不高。  相似文献   
Citizen participation in E-governance is, essentially, a social exchange between individuals and their government through which the citizen creates public value as well as acquires private value. The direct effects of participation antecedents on participation outcomes have been fully examined, but few researchers have investigated the internal mechanism of citizen participation at the level of psychological value perception. The roles of perceived public and private value between the participation antecedents and outcomes remain unclear. Private value merits careful research in particular as the E-governance environment is being shaped by increasing privatization and continuous IT innovation. Based on the cognitive integration theory and the civic voluntarism model, this paper proposes a theoretical framework to examine the mediating roles of two values. We built a complete research model encompassing ten hypotheses centered on citizen e-participation in the context of green commuting governance. By analyzing survey data on a green commuting platform, we demonstrate the significant mediating effects of these two values and greater effect of private value acquisition on continuous e-participation intentions than public value creation. Our results have important research implications in regards to the roles of perceived values in participation, especially perceived private value.  相似文献   
Children need a balanced set of cognitive, social and emotional capabilities to adapt to today's demanding, changing and unpredictable world. OECD countries and partner economies recognise the importance on the holistic development of individuals. However, there are big gaps between stakeholders' knowledge, expectations and practices on how to foster such skills. This paper presents evidence on the importance of social and emotional skills; on how policy makers and schools are currently enhancing and monitoring such skills; and, on the existing gaps between knowledge, expectations and practices to mobilise these skills. The paper concludes by pointing ways in which education stakeholders can do more to better develop and mobilise the skills that drive individual's well-being and social progress. The paper draws on findings and frameworks that are being published in a full OECD report entitled ‘Skills for Social Progress: the Power of Social and Emotional Skills’ in the first half of 2015.  相似文献   
邓杰 《大众科技》2014,(7):69-70
含钒的化合物能够有效地催化H2O2,因此可作为多元Fenton-like催化剂中的有效组份之一,Fe2V4O13中存在Fe(Ⅲ)和V(V)同时和协同活化H2O2的可能性。通过液相合成法制备了Fe2V4O13,并对其对AOⅡ的催化活性进行了研究,研究表明,Fe2V4O13是一种新型高效稳定的多相Fenton-like催化剂。  相似文献   
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