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以库尔佩珀的不礼貌策略框架和不礼貌回应策略框架为研究基础,把喜剧小品中的不礼貌言语作为研究对象,通过探讨喜剧小品中所体现的库尔佩珀的两个框架,分析各种不礼貌(回应)策略在不同语境中的语用功能,并挖掘不礼貌言语的幽默功能。  相似文献   

Meta-analytic evidence supports that exercise has benefits for short-term memory (STM) and long-term memory (LTM). However, only three studies with children have tested the differential effects of exercise on STM and LTM. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of an aerobic fitness test on STM and LTM and to consider the moderating effects of grade level. Children (7–13 years of age) were randomly assigned to either perform an aerobic fitness test before (exercise prior) or after (exercise post) performing the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) to assess memory. Memory was tested again after approximately 24 hours. There were significant differences in memory performance as a function of grade with 4th and 6th graders consistently outperforming 2nd graders. For learning, Day 1 Retention, 24-hr recall, and Day 2 Retention, the exercise prior group performed better than the exercise post group. It is concluded that an aerobic fitness test performed prior to a declarative memory test benefits LTM as compared to when the aerobic fitness test is performed after the memory test.  相似文献   
One aspect of lesbian/gay-parented families that merits attention is the coming out of the parents to their children. In the present study, we extended the current literature by exploring both the emotional and verbal responses of children who find out their parents are lesbian/gay. Findings showed that, while participants experienced a combination of negative, neutral, and positive reactions to learning about their parents’ sexual orientation, verbal reactions were limited to supportive messages and information seeking. Practical implications for lesbian/gay parented families and practitioners are included.  相似文献   
二人转是东北的一种地方小戏,近年来其影响却遍及了全国。它之所以能广为流传,原因当然是多元的。其中二人转语言的艺术魅力不容忽视,其特有的东北方言、幽默性、生活化等都是它被观众接受的主要原因。  相似文献   
小说的现实性、幽默性和情感性构成其反映社会的独立意识,它决定小说形象塑造的思想意识倾向和审美倾向;小说作为意识形态中的一种认识形式,应该做出对存在中痛苦的关怀——这份关怀既是痛苦情感的宣泄、创痛的抚平,更是对未尽意、未完成的愿望和在未来实现理想的永久希望。  相似文献   
Ageism can generate conflict and harm well-being. Our paper integrates the Aging Stereotypes in Interaction model with intergroup contact theory to predict how communicative elements mediate the effect of intergenerational contact on warmth and competence stereotypes of older adults as a group. Students (N?=?288) were randomly assigned to imagine having a conversation with an older adult in one of six experimentally manipulated contact conditions: a competent/incompetent older woman, a sociable/unsociable older woman, or a moral/immoral older woman. Participants’ stereotypes of older adults were affected by the characteristics of their communication partner, and this effect was mediated by specific communication behaviors imagined by the participant for two of the three trait dimensions. For perceptions of competence, overaccommodation was the key mediator. For perceptions of sociability, the key mediator was humorous communication. These mediators represent an expansion in how we understand not just the outcomes of intergroup contact, but also the communicative mechanisms through which it occurs.  相似文献   
王力的随笔创作很贴近现实,但他把自己作品,定位于“血泪写成的软性文章”。即他没有秉书直言,而是采取“隐讽”的修辞策略,让看似“满纸荒唐言”的作品,里面却潜伏着“一把辛酸泪”。同时,他重视“书生救世”的作用,作为一介寒儒,却能在作品中体现出“位卑未敢忘忧国”的抗日热情,让人读来怦然心动。其语言熔文言、白话与书面、口语于一炉,涉笔成趣,文采斐然,独具一格。  相似文献   
幽默是一个经久不衰的研究主题,而歧义是言语凼默产生的一个重要原因,从认知语义学的视角来分析言语幽默的生成过程,指出由于歧义引起的幽默,通常存在至少两种解释,而这两种解释可以分别与整个语篇相适应,从而产生了两种不同的意义,形成意义对比,当这种意义对比被认知时,会引起心灵上的愉悦感,这样,便产生了言语幽默。  相似文献   
杨少衡近些年小说创作的幽默调侃风格为其作品增色不少。但在显露独特艺术个性的同时,他的小说也开始形成套路,有时甚至给人以刻意为之的感觉;而且其小说的这种独特性,在一定程度上还冲淡了小说主题的严肃性。究其原因,主要是他的生活经历、小说观念以及幽默的性质所致。  相似文献   
美国教育中的幽默   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在美国,幽默被认定为教师"最强有力的教学策略"之一,并认为它对教育具有多方面的作用,美国许多教师在教学中频繁地使用幽默.本文介绍了美国教育中幽默应用的状况,重点在于展示美国在幽默对教育的作用方面所进行的相关研究,以期对我国的快乐教育提供借鉴.  相似文献   
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