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通过文献资料法,专家访谈法,以俄罗斯恢复“劳卫制”为研究视角,结合当前我国学校体育发展现状,提出我国学校体育课出现“心有余而力不足”的现象,改变现状唯有“有所为有所不为”,大胆提出恢复我国学校体育《劳卫制》的设想,通过对项目设置的调整,等级的划分等方面实施新版“劳卫制”。  相似文献   
An attempt was made at recording structured sport in non-White schools in Cape Town, South Africa, prior to 1956. The study was introduced with a historical presentation of sport at mission schools. It was shown how these schools inherited a legacy of deprivation and neglect that impacted upon sport participation. Yet, champion sportspersons at these schools gained some recognition in a racist and hostile society. This was possible due to the efforts of a few Teachers' League of South Africa (TLSA) campaigners who saw sport development as part of their mission of uplifting children in their charge. The TLSA attempted organising athletic meetings from 1916 onwards. Teachers belonging to this organisation were instrumental in establishing the first mass-based school sport organisation in Cape Town in 1928, the Central School Sports Union (CSU). This organisation was the only avenue of meaningful sport participation for most of Cape Town's marginalised children. A study of the CSU enables historians to open a window not only on social and political complexities of school sport but also on the broader early twentieth-century Cape society.  相似文献   
This study employs a socio-ecological perspective to explore the impact of the community, school environment and personal circumstances of young people living in the squatter district of Sultanbeyli in Istanbul, Turkey, who have been excluded from school and who are working in very difficult conditions. The views explored in this paper are derived from semi-structured interviews that covered the reasons for their exclusion. The findings show that the elimination of poverty and the provision of universal education are linked and that one cannot be achieved without the other. The impact of poverty on the processes of school exclusion requires greater recognition, because it helps to perpetuate an intergenerational cycle of social and educational disadvantage. In the case of these young people from Sultanbeyli, the school system has failed to contribute to their inclusion; instead, it has further increased their marginal, disadvantaged position by unintentionally pushing them into the worst forms of child labour and criminality.  相似文献   
This systematic review includes 34 studies examining the effects of school-based physical activity interventions on students' health-related fitness knowledge. The study design, methodological quality, and effectiveness of interventions on students' health-related fitness knowledge were analysed. The majority of the studies (79.4%) revealed significant positive intervention effects on students' health-related fitness knowledge. Studies examining adolescents were more frequently in a position to influence students' health-related fitness knowledge (87.5%) than studies examining children (75%), and studies with low methodological quality (88.8%) had more frequent positive effects than studies with moderate quality (75%). The effects on students' health-related fitness knowledge were independent of moderator variables such as the intervention content, duration and frequency. Only few studies were able to simultaneously positively influence students' health-related fitness knowledge and students' physical activity and/or fitness levels. These programmes can positively influence students' health-related fitness knowledge, but it remains unclear what the practical significance of these changes is. Further research is needed to clarify the influence of students' health-related fitness knowledge on reflection, understanding, physical activity behaviour, and overall physical literacy levels.  相似文献   
As part of a two-year long professional development program for in-service teachers leading to endorsement in English as a Second Language (ESL), this investigation examined teachers' perceptions of the role of professional learning communities on their professional development experience, particularly on their sharing and transfer of learning into their instructional practice. Results from this mixed-methods research indicated that teachers perceived their professional learning communities, especially the reflective dialogue enacted during their weekly Try It Out discussion based on peers’ strategy implementations, as the most relevant component of their professional development program to their transferring of learning into their instructional practice.  相似文献   
传统学历型的成人法学教育因严重的生源萎缩、办学资源不规范、定位不科学、教学模式滞后等现实问题,成为制约成人法学教育发展的瓶颈。面对成人生源的日趋萎缩以及成人法学教育机构之间竞争的白热化,成人法学教育应当重新考虑自己的定位,一方面发展成对专业的法律人才再培训基地,另一方面成为普通公民接受法学再教育的主要平台。  相似文献   
Racially disparate school disciplinary practices create inequitable circumstances for minority and immigrant youth around the world. In the U.S., Black youth are more likely than their White peers to be suspended for minor, non-violent infractions. This study explores (a) whether school cultural socialization practices reported by Black students (N = 544; Mage (SD) = 12.45 (1.57); 49% boys) and teachers (N = 38; 84% female) were linked to a reduced likelihood of receiving suspensions for minor infractions and (b) the extent to which Black students' perceptions of school climate mediated this relation. Results indicated that school cultural socialization was linked to a decreased likelihood of being suspended for a minor infraction and improved school climate perceptions for Black students. Black students’ perception of school climate mediated the link between school cultural socialization and suspensions for minor infractions. These results highlight school cultural socialization as a promising approach for increasing cultural responsivity and equity within schools, reducing racial bias, and expunging unjust disciplinary responses.  相似文献   
在全面依法治国背景下落实国家对体教融合作出的最新部署,需要进行相关的法治考量与保障。通过对受教育权在现代教育法中的中心地位及其发展演进与发展权契合关系的分析,依据我国宪法的规定,表明接受全面发展的教育应是我国青少年的重要权利,进而提出青少年全面发展权的命题,并以此出发进行体教融合法治保障的相关探讨。在深入阐释基于青少年全面发展权利诉求和内在需要而必须深化体教融合的基础上,指出了因体制机制障碍、相关执法欠缺、职业身份与受教育权冲突等对青少年全面发展权的不利影响和现实困境,进一步从营造相应法治氛围、从顶层制度上理顺关系、加大实施监督力度、系统完善法律法规等方面,提出了加强以实现全面发展权为旨归的体教融合法治保障的有关对策。  相似文献   
中小学校园阅读活动的内容与质量,关乎全民阅读的整体质量和基础教育改革的成效。受当前我国文化与教育两类政策的影响,在围绕校园阅读活动的供给与需求的变动调整中,中小学图书馆遇到了新的价值彰显契机和发展空间。中小学图书馆在校园阅读活动体系中处于何种定位、发挥何种功能、承担何种责任、与其他参与主体的关系如何,对这些问题的研究和解答能够为中小学图书馆适应外在教育环境变化、实现内在职业使命提供参考和帮助。根据中小学图书馆所发挥的职业价值和基础教育价值,可将中小学校园阅读活动的类型划分为以培养德智体美人才而开展的活动、以实现课程教学目标而开展的活动、以提升教师专业技能和学生综合素养为目标的活动、以帮助师生提升信息素养而开展的活动等四种。中小学图书馆在校园阅读活动中的主要功能定位是全校性阅读活动的支撑者和推动者、课程学习中阅读活动的嵌入者、面向师生综合能力提升的阅读行为的引导者、师生信息素养和数字素养教育的主导者和实施者、校园内外阅读活动的协调者和沟通者。中小学图书馆在参与和推动校园阅读活动的过程中,需要根据校园阅读活动的具体类型和目标,适配相对应的角色功能。图1。表1。参考文献41。  相似文献   
学衡派的史学思想有着自己的独到特点。他们认为 ,历史发展“受多方面之影响” ,应“综合各方之长” ;既强调历史学的相对性 ,也肯定历史学的科学性 ;既重视史料和考证 ,更讲求史学正人心、讲史德的致用功能。对学衡派史学思想中的合理部分应予肯定  相似文献   
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