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比较文学危机及出路之我见   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
曾经在欧美和中国盛极一时的比较文学学科,近年已呈危机四伏、日暮途穷之势。其实,自从“美国学派”的“跨学科比较研究”越出了“法国学派”的“跨国别(民族)文学间的影响研究”之后,作为一门学科的比较文学就已经开始失掉自己的根基而误入歧途。“失根”后的比较文学不断“扩张”,最终成为了“无边”的比较文学,而“无边”的比较文学研究真实地昭示出的是比较文学的“无根”状态。要让比较文学学科走出危机与困境,重塑比较文学研究的尊严与形象,出路或许只有一条:回归并超越“法国学派”,在扎扎实实做好“国际文学关系史”研究的基础上寻求成果的提升。  相似文献   
Motoko Akiba  Seunghee Han 《Compare》2007,37(2):201-219
Whilst school violence is a major public concern and a focus of educational reforms both in the USA and South Korea, few studies have comparatively examined the rates of school violence and school factors associated with them. Analysing nationally‐representative data from eighth graders, their mathematics teachers and principals in 150 South Korean schools and in 216 US schools, the authors found that: 1) the rates of school violence are higher in the US than South Korea, 2) student‐reported violence rates are not associated with school‐reported violence rates in both nations and 3) South Korean schools with academic tracking and low‐achieving US schools are more likely to have higher rates of school violence. Policy and practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   
鸳鸯蝴蝶派针对新文学的批判与指认,做出了一系列应对措施与自我认同策略,由此与新文学形成了复杂多变的关系格局。鸳鸯蝴蝶派一方面通过群体意识的建立,以社团、杂志聚集同志,致力于自身经典化、合法化叙述的建构;同时也试图以模糊新/旧、雅/俗来解构新文学的等级划分,这种模仿新文学的策略,对于拓展其生存空间有着不容忽视的积极意义;此外,新文学对鸳鸯蝴蝶派由初期的断然拒绝到后来的部分接纳,鸳鸯蝴蝶派对被新文学肯定的感激涕零,体现了二者之间复杂的权力关系。  相似文献   
曾其海 《台州学院学报》2009,31(2):11-13,32
赵宋时代,天台宗典籍由于唐会昌法难所失而由高丽、日本复得,研习智额、湛然典籍之风兴起,天台内部因而产生不同见解。山家派采用知识论的诠释学方法,企图穿越历史时空,返回智颉、湛然原意;山外派则采用生存本体论诠释方法,把智频、湛然理论融于时代潮流。山家派知礼指责山外派的诠释是主张“一念灵知”、“直显心性”,是受了禅宗的“顿悟”说和“真心”观的影响,并在《十不二门指要钞》中点了禅宗《永嘉集》和圭峰禅师的名。这样,知礼批判的矛头越过了山外派而指向了禅宗,从而引发了一场知礼与子凝禅师的论争。  相似文献   
桐城派除了有文派外还有诗派,其诗学理论和实践在清代独树一帜。姚鼐的著作提出了多个有价值美学论点,并形成了自己的美学体系。他将古文理论直接用来建立诗学理论,将古文法与诗学合而为一,以文论诗也就成了桐城派诗学的重要特点。  相似文献   
养成教育是学生良好行为习惯的教育,是中小学德育中的主体工程,贯穿在德育的全过程,我们已经充分认识到养成教育的重要性。首先,养成教育是学风、校风形成的关键。校园文化是在一个学校内经过长期发展积淀形成的,校园文化一旦形成,对教师、学生的熏陶,良好品质的养成将产生不可估量的影响,而养戍教育在校园文化的行程中有着非常重要的作用,最终使得学风浓,校风正。其次,养成教育有利于学校管理。通过养成教育,培养学生自我管理、自我约束的能力,从而养成良好的行为习惯,有利于学校各项工作的落实和管理。再次,养成教育有利于学校、家长共同管理。播种一种行为,养成一种习惯,播种一种习惯,收获一种人生。让养成教育的影响扩大到家庭、社会,建立学校一家庭一社会多重育人网络,从而达到学校、家庭、社会共同管理的目的。最后,养成教育有利于学生终身发展。行动养成习惯,习惯形成性格,性格决定命运。如果想让学生扬起理想的风帆,乘风破浪,我们必须加强养成教育,从而使学生们受益终身。  相似文献   
The aims of the study were to examine changes in school segregation across different types of municipalities between 1998 and 2011 in Sweden, and to explore the extent to which these changes are the consequences of school choice. Multilevel models were applied to register data using a counterfactual approach. The results showed that school segregation with respect to migration background and educational achievement had increased over time, while social segregation remained rather constant. The degree of school segregation varied largely across different municipality types, and it was concluded that school choice was a determinant of school segregation. The findings have strong policy implications and are discussed in relation to the recent educational reforms in Sweden.  相似文献   
指出现实的教学表现与中教实验课的重要地位不相称之后,提出了符合现代教学理念的原则性教学思考和相应的教学设计,重新定位中教物理实验课的教学目的和目标,对教学过程作了适合研究式教学的原则性安排,提出了质性评价与量化评价相结合的思路.  相似文献   
This research article explores the perspectives of students, administrators, teachers and parents on the UNRWA school dropouts’ dilemma in Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon. Based on qualitative methodology, field data are grounded in two forms of data collection: one-on-one interviews with 11 dropout students; and focus group discussion interviews with students, parents, teachers, and school administrators. These stakeholders were drawn from four carefully selected UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) schools in Lebanon. The qualitative study provides ethnographic accounts of the factors underlying and motivations behind students dropping out of school in these communities. More specifically, attention is paid to important issues, including socio-economic status, school curriculum and services, family involvement, and domestic laws governing the participation of Palestinian refugees in various professions. Beyond simply listing these factors, this study amplifies the voices of students, parents, teachers, and school administrators to highlight the different and detailed ways in which such issues interact with the decision to drop out of school.  相似文献   
孙祯祥 《现代教育技术》2005,15(4):73-75,32
一个学校的教育技术工作开展得如何,与学校教育技术管理者的工作责任和素质密切相关。本文对照《美国国家教育技术标准(学校管理者)》的条款,结合我国现代教育技术发展的具体情况,对学校教育技术管理者的责任及其素质要求进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   
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