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This paper presents an efficient way to preserve the volume of implicit surfaces generated by skeletons. Recursive subdivision is used to efficiently calculate the volume. The criterion for subdivision is obtained by using the property of density functions and treating different types of skeletons respectively to get accurate minimum and maximum distances from a cube to a skeleton. Compared with the criterion generated by other ways such as using traditional Interval Analysis, Affine Arithmetic, or Lipschitz condition, our approach is much better both in speed and accuracy.  相似文献   
《全清词·顺康卷》拾补   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
《全清词.顺康卷》收词人近2100家,词作50000余首,允称皇皇巨制,嘉惠学林。但因清人著述,传世浩繁,筚路蓝缕,阙漏难免。兹举其遗漏之词作1500余首,以供续编采择。  相似文献   
沿等压路径计算了热电子对物态方程贡献的大小。证明了热电子对压力的贡献与热电子对体积的贡献二者不成严格线性变化关系,结果显示有必要对热电子对金属物态方程贡献的计算方式作进一步的研究。  相似文献   
文章从总集、别集、地方志等各类文献中,辑得《全清词·雍乾卷》未收之作品49首,其中17首为《全清词·雍乾卷》已收作者的佚作,32首为《全清词·雍乾卷》未及收录的作者之词作.凡未及收录的作者,略考其姓氏、字号、里籍、科第、仕历、著述及其他事迹.  相似文献   
以向量代数为工具,将三维欧氏空间上的勾股定理在n维欧氏空间上进行了推广,得到了广义勾股定理.  相似文献   
Book reviews     
Thigh muscle volume is a useful determinant of functional fitness. However, anthropometric prediction of muscle content is influenced by the variability of adipose tissue accumulation. The aims of this study were to predict thigh muscle and adipose tissue volumes from anthropometry and to assess the validity of the method by examining the various components of the measurements and the assumptions involved. The 19 participants (9 men, 10 women; age 23-49 years) varied in adiposity. They all underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the upper leg and the eight men and two women with the lowest adiposity underwent detailed anthropometry involving girths and skinfolds. Using MRI as the reference method, muscle volume was predicted from anthropometry using a circular concentric model, and the assumptions inherent in the method were tested further using the MRI data alone. Muscle volume was best predicted by anthropometry in the 10 leanest participants using a five-slice truncated cone model that overestimated the mean MRI value by 30% ( R 2 = 0.95; standard error of estimate = 288 cm 3 ; P ? 0.001). A single skinfold plus girth measurement at the mid-thigh almost matched its predictive ability, but with an increased bias. Measurements of leg circumference by means of the two techniques agreed well. The assumption of a circular cross-section was valid. In contrast, the agreement between skinfold thickness measured by caliper and superficial adipose tissue thickness by MRI was poor, contributing to the scatter of fat and lean area comparisons. An anterior skinfold thickness measurement underestimated the area of superficial adipose tissue at that level, particularly at the most proximal and distal sites. Although these limitations increase the uncertainties of muscle volume determination by anthropometry, they do not prevent its valid prediction in leaner individuals. The prediction of superficial adipose tissue was poorer.  相似文献   
法国国家图书馆所藏“伯二一四一”号《大乘起信论略述卷上》是敦煌草书写卷的代表作,日本所出《大正新修大藏经》第85卷收录了全。然而,由于草书写卷识读上的特殊困难,以及本卷内容在引、解说、评述等方面的变化多端,因此要正确作出断句和标点,就不是那么容易了。本作在逐字逐句核对原卷真迹、传世经等多种重要资料的基础上,对《大正新修大藏经》存在的点校疏漏作了订补,给读提供了更为准确与方便的录。这里刊登的是其开端部分(全共4万余字)。  相似文献   
宗廷虎、李金苓先生的《中国修辞学通史·近现代卷》是一本不可多得的学术著作,作为修辞学史论,它的价值超越了语言学的范畴。这部著作具有多方面的特色,史料与方法的科学运筹是其中最重要的特色。  相似文献   
《青楼集》是元末一部记述歌妓的著作,其中反映了几个元杂剧史的重要问题,即元中后期杂剧中心是否南移、元杂剧与其他通俗伎艺的关系、元杂剧繁盛与士大夫阶层的关系及演员在杂剧发展中的作用等。  相似文献   
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