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证明了因子von Neumann代数中非平凡套子代数上的每一个双向保反零积及单位的线性满射均是一个反同构.  相似文献   
道家养生文化的人学解读   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
道家养生文化关注人的精神健康,推崇清心无为、见素抱朴、致虚守静、少私寡欲,不为物累的自然人性思想,强调心灵的内在超越;道家把人生命的价值放在首位,提倡内养和外炼结合、静功和动功结合的养生之道;道家特别关注人与自然的关系与发展,将人的命运轨迹与自然的无形而化联系起来,体现了人学的基本精神.  相似文献   
从个性——在继承与创新中的勃发、时代性——社会生活的心影、地域性——文化底蕴的挥发三个方面论述《昭通作家精品集·散文卷》的特色以及对昭通作家群这一文学现象的思考。  相似文献   
设X,y任意的非空全序集合,OT(X,Y)是X到Y的全体保序映射构成的集合,0是Y到X的一个确定的保序映射.Va,B∈OT(X,y)定义:旺B=aθB,这里aθB表示一般映射的合成,则OT(X,Y)关于运算。构成一个半群,称为保序的夹心半群,记为OT(X,Y;O).当X,Y都是有限集合且{X}〉1,{Y}〉1时称保序夹心半群OT(X,Y;O)为有限保序夹心半群.主要讨论有限保序夹心半群正则元、幂等元的一些特殊性质.  相似文献   
Multi-modal hashing can encode the large-scale social geo-media multimedia data from multiple sources into a common discrete hash space, in which the heterogeneous correlations from multiple modalities could be well explored and preserved into the objective semantic-consistent hash codes. The current researches on multi-modal hashing mainly focus on performing common data reconstruction, but they fail to effectively distill the intrinsic and consensus structures of multi-modal data and fully exploit the inherent semantic knowledge to capture semantic-consistent information across multiple modalities, leading to unsatisfactory retrieval performance. To facilitate this problem and develop an efficient multi-modal geographical retrieval method, in this article, we propose a discriminative multi-modal hashing framework named Cognitive Multi-modal Consistent Hashing (CMCH), which can progressively pursue the structure consensus over heterogeneous multi-modal data and simultaneously explore the informative transformed semantics. Specifically, we construct a parameter-free collaborative multi-modal fusion module to incorporate and excavate the underlying common components from multi-source data. Particularly, our formulation seeks for a joint multi-modal compatibility among multiple modalities under a self-adaptive weighting manner, which can take full advantages of their complementary properties. Moreover, a cognitive self-paced learning policy is further leveraged to conduct progressive feature aggregation, which can coalesce multi-modal data onto the established common latent space in a curriculum learning mode. Furthermore, deep semantic transform learning is elaborated to generate flexible semantics for interactively guiding collaborative hash codes learning. An efficient discrete learning algorithm is devised to address the resulting optimization problem, which obtains stable solutions when dealing with large-scale multi-modal retrieval tasks. Sufficient experiments performed on four large-scale multi-modal datasets demonstrate the encouraging performance of the proposed CMCH method in comparison with the state-of-the-arts over multi-modal information retrieval and computational efficiency. The source codes of this work could be available at https://github.com/JunfengAn1998a/CMCH .  相似文献   
利用单纯形法研究了保型C1分段三次样条插值函数算法  相似文献   
本文着重就电子文件的特点,收集归档的紧迫性和前提条件,收集积累过程中应注意的问题、归档的关键问题,归档管理中遇到的问题及对策这五个方面进行了探讨,论述了电子文件的保护与维护。  相似文献   
明代程大位《算法统宗》的盗版问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明代杰出数学家、珠算宗师程大位撰写与刊行的《算法统宗》十七卷,集16、17世纪数学之大成,并传入日本、东南亚及欧洲,对于中国古代数学,特别是中国珠算推向世界作出了重要贡献。近年,中国科学院数学研究所和作者先后发现了明版程氏《算法统宗》十二卷本各一部。为此,作者对程氏《算法统宗》作了认真地考证,发现“十二卷本”是“崇文堂”刻书坊的盗版本。它以“十七卷本”为兰本,内容与十七卷本完全相同,只是改变了分卷和分册的数目而已。鉴于它是四百年来新发现的惟一的明代改编本.在版本学上仍然具有重要的学术价值和珍藏价值.  相似文献   
基于VB在CAI课件开发中的技术探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本介绍了用VB开发CAI课什的一些关键技术,并提供了具体的实例代码。  相似文献   
《全宋文》网罗宏富,是一项规模浩大的基础文献积累工程,它的编辑与出版极大地推动了宋代历史与文化的研究。但由于古代史籍浩繁,要将散布于其中的全部宋文网罗殆尽绝非易事。在查阅《永乐大典》本《湖南方志》时发现《全宋文》所收录宋文存在一定的缺漏,就其中的11篇宋文分别予以整理,包括赵岍、王暨、陈缜、卢仲隽、张声道、黄诰、刘坦、赵师恕各一篇,还有两篇作者失考,卢康时残文补全一篇。  相似文献   
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