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太极拳的战略战术与《孙子兵法》   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
太极拳的拳理与<孙子兵法>的法术血脉相依.通过对<孙子兵法>中某些战术思想的借鉴,对太极拳的战略战术的理论体系做出初步的建构.  相似文献   
对抗日战争期间苏联对华政策的评析 ,应以 194 0年为界分为两个阶段。 194 0年以前 ,苏联对华政策的积极作用是主要的 ;194 0年以后 ,苏联对华政策的实质就是大国沙文主义和民族利己主义 ,应予否定  相似文献   
冷战后,印度外交策略发生了明显的转变,也收到了明显的效果。作为我国身边一个正在崛起的国家,印度外交上的变化和成效值得我们关注和研究。本文尝试着从大国外交、全球外交和睦邻外交的角度来理清冷战后印度外交策略转变的脉络,从主观客观两个方面来分析冷战后印度外交策略转变的原因,从有利与不利因素来展望印度外交策略发展变化的趋势。  相似文献   
This paper addresses several misunderstandings about the nature of the FBI's Central Records System. Although depicted in popular culture and much of FBI historiography as a tool for the Cold War suppression of American radicals, the FBI's records system grew out of Department of Justice systems already in place before J. Edgar Hoover became Director in 1924. The system grew in size and complexity according to the demands placed on it by the changing priorities of the FBI's criminal and intelligence missions, guided by a “progressive” drive for efficiency through centralization.  相似文献   
Worn Grooves     
Drawing from visual, material and written archival sources, this article critically explores some of the functions, uses and perceived values of recorded sound during the First World War and in its aftermath. An instrument of communication as well as commemoration, the gramophone helped bridge geographical (and, in some cases, cultural) distances between the home front and the rear, providing civilians with the fleeting illusion of presence, proximity, or even sentimental communion with the front. The article analyses (a) the affective and connective, but also propagandist, values of commercial wartime recordings as they circulated between the home and the front, (b) the popular notion of gramophones as regulatory instruments of civilisation, (c) the commemorative exploitations of recorded sound in the interwar period. The article focuses on the British experience, contrasting it with examples drawn from French and German experiences.  相似文献   
1894年恰逢慈禧太后六旬寿诞,慈禧太后下令遵照乾隆朝旧例兴办万寿庆典.甲午战争爆发后,随着战事愈发吃紧,加之清廷内部"帝后党争""和战之争",一度搅乱了慈禧太后的办寿计划,万寿庆典仍由颐和园挪至紫禁城如期举行.通过庆典,慈禧太后达到了加强其政治影响的目的,但也因故产生了许多负面效应.时人将战争失败与太后奢侈办寿的历史...  相似文献   
萧乾的人生经历具有传奇色彩,他出身贫寒,但通过努力最终成为二战风云中唯一的中国战地记者;他的新闻特写融入文学笔法,引人入胜,可读性很强;他在长期的新闻工作中,总结出许多宝贵的采写经验和新闻理念,对于今天的新闻工作者依然有着指导和借鉴作用。  相似文献   
蒋介石的"持久消耗战略"和毛泽东的《论持久战》是国共两党在抗日战争中各自贯彻的对日战略方针.从而导致了共产党领导的抗日武装力量旗开得胜,发展壮大,而国民党的军队则丧师失地,节节败退.  相似文献   
明朝郑汝璧登进士后,任官近四十年,最后升至兵部右侍郎,为国为民鞠躬尽瘁.全文从名起京师、仙山日月、威震塞外、巡抚山东及总督宣大五部分略述了郑汝璧一生的主要事迹.  相似文献   
第二次世界大战爆发前后,罗斯福总统对美国情报机构进行改组,成立了战略情报局,负责对外情报工作。战略情报局为美国赢得战争的胜利起了重要作用。战争结束后,杜鲁门总统下令解散了战略情报局,代之以中央情报局。  相似文献   
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