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A dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) reactor consisting of water-filled dielectric tube electrodes was used for the treatment ofwastewater. The inner dielectric tube, which acted as the discharging electrode, was filled with an aqueous electrolyte solution. The outer dielectric tube, which served as the other electrode, was in contact with the wastewater, which was grounded. The present reactor system was energy-efficient for the production of ozone, not only because the perfect contact between the aqueous electrode and the dielectric surface minimized the loss of the electrical energy, but also because the DBD reactor was cooled by the wastewater. In addition, the ultraviolet (UV) light produced in the DBD reactor was able to assist in the wastewater treatment since the quartz tube used as the dielectric material was UV-transparent. The performance of the present DBD system was evaluated using a synthetic wastewater formed from distilled water and an azo dye, amaranth. The experimental parameters were the concentration of the electrolyte in the aqueous electrode, the discharge power, the initial pH of the wastewater and the concentration of hydrogen peroxide added to the wastewater. The wastewater treatment system was found to be effective for achieving decomposition of the dye.  相似文献   
本文概废水中蕴含着大量能量,如何高效地回收利用这些能量对于满足世界能源需求,降低废水处理成本,提高污水处理的可持续性具有重要意义。微生物燃料电池(MFC)是近年来发展起来的一种从废水的有机污染物中提取能量的新型生物技术,有望实现废水处理的可持续性发展。然而,目前MFC技术离实际应用还有很长的距离。MFC系统的扩大化问题是阻碍该技术实际应用的关键。本文详细讨论了MFC扩大化过程中的主要问题和挑战,并提出了未来的发展方向。MFC与其他技术结合可以实现较高的出水水质或获得高商业价值的化学品,然而该方面的研究才刚刚起步,要实现其实际应用还需要解决许多问题,包括如何提高生产效率,提高经济可行性,提升系统的稳定性和可靠性等。  相似文献   
A novel fluidized electrochemical reactor that integrated advanced electrochemical oxidation with activated carbon (AC) fluidization in a single cell was developed to model pollutant p-nitrophenol (PNP) abatement. AC fluidization could enhance COD removal by 22%–30%. In such a combined process, synergetic effects on PNP and COD removal was found, with their removal rate being enhanced by 137.8% and 97.8%, respectively. AC could be electrochemically regenerated and reused, indicating the combined process would be promising for treatment of biorefractory organic pollutants. Project (No. 20306027) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China  相似文献   
The technique of micro-electrolysis-contact oxidization was exploited to treat chitin-producing wastewater. Results showed that Fe-C micro-electrolysis can remove about 30% CODcr, raise pH from 0.7 to 5.5. The CODcr removal efficiency by biochemical process can be more than 80%. During a half year's operation, the whole system worked very stably and had good results, as proved by the fact that every quality indicator of effluent met the expected discharge standards; which means that chitin wastewater can be treated by the technique of micro-electrolysis, contact oxidization.  相似文献   
农业污水灌溉对石家庄市近郊灌区地下水环境的影响   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
如何在水资源匮乏的干旱,半干旱地区合理有效地利用城市污水不仅是一个资源再生的问题,同时也是一个保护环境,使区域经济保持可持续发展的问题。本文作者通过对石家庄市近郊具有几十年污水灌溉历史的典型灌区的地下水进行了采样分析,评价了华北平原区农业污水灌溉对区域地下水环境的影响。首先,简要回顾了各国污水利用的历史和现状,比较了有关使用城市污水灌溉的利弊。然后,在对比确认污水灌溉对地下水的补给效果的基础上,基于电导率、硝酸根以及溶解氧浓度的测试结果,分析了污灌区地下水的水质变化特性。在污水灌溉区的硝态氮浓度很高,分布在35mg/l~130mg/l范围内,井深小于40m的井水的硝酸根离子浓度超标率为100%。而在用地下水进行灌溉的地区,硝酸根离子浓度都在35mg/l以下。此外,经过长期污灌的地区,地下水水化学类型已从原有的重碳酸硫酸钙(钙镁)型水演变成了重碳酸氯化钙(钙镁)型水,矿化度也比较高。在一般情况下,由于城市污水来源是连续的,而农作物需水是有季节性的。在作物非生长期,污水很容易进入地下水。这可能是造成长期利用污水灌溉的地区水化学性质改变的主要原因。  相似文献   
《污水处理新技术》是环境科学专业的主要选修课之一。本文介绍了该课程的性质、目的及教学内容,提出了目前教学中存在的主要问题,并结合实际授课情况提出了应对的解决措施。  相似文献   
活性炭优良的吸附性能使其在废水处理中得以广泛应用.详细阐述了活性炭吸附在含铬废水、含氰废水,含酚废水等多种废水中的应用研究,并介绍了改性活性炭,活性炭纤维和活性炭与其他水处理技术的联用.  相似文献   
针对已投入运营的污水处理PPP项目,构建基于对未来现金流分析的特许期长度调整模型。为确定项目未来现金流中关键因素污水处理量的取值,采用灰色预测模型进行预测,并使用经过修改的马尔科夫模型对预测结果进行修正,进而与净现值特许期决策模型结合,计算得出建议调整的特许期长度。基于对某污水处理厂的实证研究表明,当污水处理PPP项目的实际污水处理量出现明显偏差时,本文建立的特许期调整模型能够克服概率统计依据历史经验而产生的不足,根据实际污水处理量变化提出合理的特许期变更建议。  相似文献   
This study investigated selected properties of soils affected by wastewater and its relationship with some heavy metals A free survey technique involving target sampling was used in siting soil profile pits. Soil samples were collected based on horizon differentiation and analyzed using routine and special analytical techniques. Soil data were subjected to correlation analysis using SAS program. Results show that all heavy metals studied had values above critical limits in the polluted soils using known standards and that these biotoxic metals decreased with soil depths. Highly significant (P=0.01 and 0.05) relationships were established between investigated heavy metals and some soil properties, especially soil pH and organic matter. Further studies involving more edaphic properties, biotoxic metals and their bioaccessibility in crops growing on wastewater soils will surely enhance knowledge and management of these highly anthropogenically influenced soils of the study site.  相似文献   
考察了处理时间、pH值、捕集剂加入量对含Zn^2+废水的处理效果。研究表明:在pH值为6.5-7、捕集剂为1.7倍化学计算量,处理时间为40min的条件下,对锌的去除率可达97.0%。捕集剂去除Zn^2+的反应机理为羟肟酸基团与Zn^2+形成了稳定的螯合物。捕集剂与Zn^2+反应形成的沉降物的浸出量仅为中和法沉淀的1/51,具有较高的稳定性和环境安全性。  相似文献   
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