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摘要:以冬奥会进入“北京周期”后为契机,采用文献资料和实地调查等研究方法,对北京冬奥会推动京津冀冰雪旅游发展效应及协同推进策略进行了研究。研究认为:北京冬奥会推动京津冀冰雪旅游发展的效应明显,主要表现在北京市冰雪场馆建设数量明显增加、连续举办的国际冰雪赛事和国内冰雪赛事促进冰雪旅游发展的影响力明显提升、冰雪旅游融合效应显著;天津市冰雪旅游协同发展目标明确深耕细作释放新活力效果显著、冰雪旅游民生工程建设落实有声、“冰雪旅游+文化”深度融合带来红利;河北省在滑雪场和滑冰场数量逐年提升、以张家口为核心的冰雪旅游发展区位优势明显、生态冰雪旅游发展成效显著。据此提出构建京津冀冰雪体育产业链,促进京津冀冰雪旅游产业经济生态圈建设的可持续发展;以全域旅游发展理念为引领,构建多元化的京津冀冰雪旅游公共服务体系;构建完善的京津冀生态冰雪旅游资源开发与环境保障体系的北京冬奥会推动京津冀冰雪旅游发展效应的协同推进策略。  相似文献   
为备战2010年温哥华冬奥会,加拿大联邦政府设计了“登上领奖台”战略,委托OTP组织负责财政援助的划拨和绩效管理。OTP组织采用“决策层—执行层”的双层治理架构,以“奖牌至上”为原则,创建了由“项目文化”“以往成绩”“夺牌潜力”“领先优势的可持续性”4个一级指标的协会分层分类资助制度,邀请国家奥委会和残奥委、国家运动项目协会、体育科研院所等利益相关者组成协同治理网络。通过梳理加拿大治理经验,建议我国当前的备战2022年北京冬奥工作,应重视“一臂之距”理念,明确政府在冬奥备战中的职责;尊重专业自治准则,锻炼社会力量成为竞技体育治理主体;改进绩效管理模式,优化冬奥备战财政资金的申请和使用程序;重视科学创新,促进体育智库组织网络化。  相似文献   
基于jsp-vrml-java技术的网上虚拟情境性学习平台的建构   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
虚拟现实技术在营造虚拟情境方面有着其它技术不可比拟的优点,在建构主义学习理论的指导下,将java语言的普适性,jsp技术的交互性与虚拟现实建模语言(vrml)巧妙结合,构造出情境化的网上学习环境,实现了学习者网上学习的自主化、自适应化和有意义化。  相似文献   
研究其内部知识协同的动机,对于企业更好的管理和激励团队成员积极参与知识协同具有十分重要的意义。本文基于组织学习的视角,从知识贡献者和知识寻求者两方面,探讨了影响研发团队成员主动参与知识协同的动机因素,并构建了理论模型。分析结果表明:个人声誉、共享意愿及群体认同对知识贡献者参与组织学习的动机具有不同影响;社会地位、渠道多样化及社会存在感对知识寻求者的主动性具有显著正向影响;应用性学习与探索性学习均对协同创新绩效有显著影响,且前者的影响大于后者;团队激励对组织学习和知识协同创新绩效间的关系具有干预调节作用。  相似文献   
摘要:目的:北京携手张家口申办2022年冬奥会成功,冰雪运动热潮正在掀起。但冰雪项目总体发展受到地域性限制。为了实现“北冰南展西扩”的战略目标,加强速滑项目人才的梯队建设,国家体育总局冬季运动管理中心速滑部借鉴国外优秀运动员的训练和比赛经验,提出了“轮转冰”项目。本文结合理论依据与实践成绩探讨“轮转冰”项目的可行性。方法:通过文献检索CNKI、pubmed等数据库,登录国际滑联官方网站以及国内速滑官方网站,收集整理在册速滑运动员过往经历和成绩。并通过专家访谈收集国内外知名的速滑教练及运动员的经验与建议。结果:1)研究速度轮滑与速度滑冰项目共性的文献一共7篇。速度轮滑与速度滑冰在起跑姿势、滑跑姿势、直道滑跑技术和弯道滑跑技术以及能量代谢方面都具有相通之处;2)既往国际上“冰陆双栖”的运动员,男子运动员有21名,其中有16名获得过世锦赛或奥运会奖牌;女子运动员有14名,其中有10名获得过世锦赛或奥运会奖牌;3)国内“轮转冰”运动员以郭丹为带头人物,她是目前中国仅有的1名轮滑世界冠军,2015年4月正式转项速度滑冰。在2016年1月的全国第13届冬运会速滑赛场上位列女子5000米比赛前8名,因此获得入选速度滑冰国家队的资格。结论:1)速度轮滑和速度滑冰项目具有极大的共性,轮滑运动员身体素质和技战术的储备具有转项速滑的能力,保证了该项目的可行性;2)国际上轮滑冰运动员的训练经历和出成绩的时间规律,为中国“轮转冰”项目的实施提供了借鉴依据。  相似文献   
运用文献资料法、问卷调查法和数理统计法等研究方法,从分析制约上海市智障人参与城市社区特奥运动的因素与智障人参与特奥运动程度之间的关系入手,寻求能够切实提高上海市智障人参与城市社区特奥运动的程度的途径和对策,研究结果表明:场馆充足的社区智障人参与特奥活动的程度较高;提高智障人家属对体育指导员的满意度,将有利于加大智障人参与特奥活动的程度;社区领导的重视程度和特奥志愿者参与程度高的社区智障人参与特奥运动的程度较高。  相似文献   
Dynamical analysis of winter terrain park jumps   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Jump features in winter terrain parks frequently pose a hazard to patrons and may represent a significant liability risk to winter resorts. By performing a simple dynamic analysis of terrain park jumps, the relative risk to impact injuries for any proposed jump design can be quantified thereby allowing terrain park designers to minimize the risk from this class of injury.  相似文献   
We write as critical theorists who share an interest in how conceptions of physical education are taken forward in policy and practice. In this respect, we are particularly intrigued by Peter Arnold's conceptual account of meaning in movement, sport and physical education, and the subsequent ways in which his ideas have informed national curriculum ambitions. Despite the prominence of Arnold's influence, we are concerned that there has been an insufficiently rigorous and robust review of his theorising to date, particularly in relation to where his ideas originated from. Accordingly, we critically discuss the merits of adopting a genealogical approach in order to support a detailed analysis of Arnold's conceptual account of meaning in movement, sport and physical education; one which especially focuses on learning ‘about’, ‘through’ and ‘in’ movement. We conclude by questioning a number of the complex strands of Arnold's work in the expectation that greater lucidity and purpose can emerge. This it is argued will be beneficial in terms of providing clarity on aim or aims statements in physical education, which in turn can secure greater policy coherence and practice gains.  相似文献   
Background: Due to migration processes, cultural diversity and strangeness are becoming characteristics of modern society. The competence to handle this heterogeneity – the so-called intercultural competence – is a key competence for all children and youths. Sports and physical education (PE) are often considered as a particular field for enhancing intercultural competence. However, until now there is no theory-based empirical study that proves this assumption. Purpose: This study was designed to examine the effects of a standardised, theoretically driven programme in PE on the development of underlying cognitive concepts of intercultural competence: acculturation attitudes and attitudes towards cultural diversity. Research design: The research design consists of a quasi-experimental design with four measurement points. The intervention group (N?=?69; mean age?=?11.6 years (SD?=?0.60)) followed standardised and theory-driven intervention lessons following the didactical guidelines of the concept of ‘Intercultural Movement Education’ (IME). The developed games tend to trigger ‘crises’ with the aim to insecure students. These experienced insecurities were afterwards reflected upon with the students. The internal control group (N?=?63; mean age?=?11.8 years (SD?=?0.62)) and external control group (N?=?93; mean age?=?10.8 years (SD?=?0.69)) were taught in a unspecific manner. The impact of the intervention study programme was tested with a reliable and valid questionnaire. Results: A significant time by group interaction effect for the subscale ‘assimilation/segregation’ of acculturation attitudes was found in boys and in girls. The attitudes increased significantly after the intervention. For the girls, the intervention group showed also a significant decrease of the attitude ‘integration’. No significant impact of the intervention study on the attitudes towards cultural diversity could be identified either with boys or girls. Discussion: The effects of the study are ambivalent. The significantly increased assimilative attitudes can be interpreted as a need for a sense of security. This is also underlined by the decrease of the integration attitude that values the maintenance of cultural integrity. It must be critically discussed whether the ‘crises’ were too intense and not adapted to the children’s skills to overcome them. Second, we have to critically analyse whether the discussions with the students about their experiences were sufficiently focused to debrief the students. Summary for practitioners: The competence to handle heterogeneity – the so-called intercultural competence – is a key competence for children and youths. Sports and PE are often considered as a particular field for enhancing intercultural competence. However, until now there has been no theory-based empirical study that proves this assumption. This paper describes the development, implementation and evaluation of an intervention programme on intercultural learning in PE along the didactic guidelines of IME. This programme tries to trigger ‘crises’ that stimulate the students to react and think about their self- and world relations. The statistical analyses show that the ‘crises’ were probably too intense as the students’ scores in assimilation attitudes increased. This lead to the didactical reflection of the implementation of intercultural learning processes in PE.  相似文献   
Little research has been conducted that explores connections between the fields of intercultural communication and English-language instruction. To address this gap, we report on an intercultural communication course delivered as an integral part of a short-term professional development immersion program for English-language teachers from South Korea. Study results indicate that intercultural communication training served to enhance participants’ pragmatics awareness along with sensitivity regarding sociocultural influences on communication that they experienced in situ. After the four-week course, most of the participants expressed desire and readiness to integrate intercultural communication into their teaching in South Korea. Intercultural communication training promises to complement pragmatics instruction aiming at improving English-language learning and teaching.  相似文献   
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