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Patrick Petitjean 《Minerva》2008,46(2):247-270
The World Federation of Scientific Workers (WFScW) and UNESCO share roots in the Social Relations of Science (SRS) movements and in the Franco-British scientific relations which developed in the 1930s. In this historical context (the Great Depression, the rise of Fascism and the Nazi use of science, the social and intellectual fascination for the USSR), a new model of scientific internationalism emerged, where science and politics mixed. Many progressive scientists were involved in the war efforts against Nazism, and tried to prolong their international commitments into peacetime. They contributed to the establishment of the WFScW and of UNESCO in 1945–1946. Neither the WFScW nor UNESCO succeeded in achieving their initial aims. Another world emerged from the immediate post-war years, but it was not the world fancied by the progressive scientists from the mould of scientific internationalism. The aim of this article is to follow the path from the Franco-British networks towards the establishment of the WFScW and UNESCO; from an ideological scientific internationalism towards practical projects. It is to understand how these two bodies came to embody two different scientific internationalisms during the Cold War.
Patrick PetitjeanEmail:

Patrick Petitjean   is “Chargé de Recherches” at the CNRS, Paris. He is an historian of science and belongs to the laboratory REHSEIS (Recherches Epistémologiques et Historiques sur les Sciences Exactes et les Institutions Scientifiques). He has co-edited Science and EmpiresHistorical Studies about Scientific Development and European Expansion (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992); and Les Sciences colonialsfigures et institutions (Paris: Orstom éditions, 1996). He has recently published some contributions on Unesco’s first years: Petitjean, P., Zharov, V., Glaser, G., Richardson, J., de Padirac, B. and Archibald, G. (eds), Sixty Years of Sciences at UNESCO, 1945–2005 (UNESCO, Paris, 2006). He is currently working on the history of international scientific relations from the 1930s to the 1950s, and on the influence of the science and society movements upon the Science Division of UNESCO.  相似文献   
  通过对比,研究发现了不少转变:例如1994年世界杯时,德国电视台转播一场足球比赛的时间是219分钟,到2014年世界杯时已经提升到550分钟。转播过程中比赛所占的比例从1994年的49%下降到2014年的23%。德国民众对体育尤其是足球的狂热,每年可以带来30亿欧元的商业赞助。《2011国际体育媒介调查》在对世界五大洲23个国家和地区81家平面媒体的18340篇文章展开的大数据分析研究发现,受关注度最高的项目依次是足球、网球、英式橄榄球、曲棍球、冰球、自行车、篮球、澳式橄榄球、高尔夫球和马术比赛,其中足球一项就占据41%的比例,网球和英式橄榄球的比例分别为8%和5%。另一方面,撰写体育新闻的平面媒体记者中90%以上为男性。此外,在足球占据体育报道的比例上,罗马尼亚、葡萄牙、巴西、希腊、德国、波兰、苏格兰、南非、法国和瑞士是最高的,其中罗马尼亚媒体报道的比例高达85%。  相似文献   
In this essay, I trace two aspects of the thought on the “Third World” in early modern China: how to understand the world revolution, and how to create a new China. While focusing on two trendy notions at that time, i.e. “Chinese revolution” (Zhongguo geming), and “nong country” (nongguo), I argue that the thought on the “Third World” in early modern China breaks free of the shackle of fashionable theories and draws upon local circumstances and China’s own repertoire of power when exploring an ideal of a new world. While the difficulty in confronting the “Third World” consciousness in today’s China is still overwhelming, the fact that we now remember “the spirit of Bandong” signals some progress.  相似文献   
To contribute to analyses of the sport-politics nexus, the study examines Jewish-Israeli attitudes toward the German soccer team and Germany. The analysis reveals that more Israelis root against the German soccer team than support it, despite the team’s impressive achievements. The analysis of attitudes toward Germany surprisingly reveals that the 18–20 age group expressed the strongest animosity towards Germany, which may indicate that Israeli government attempts to instill the Holocaust memory in the young generations perpetuates animosity between young Israelis and Germany. The study strengthens the notion that international sport games represent and extend rather than reduce international tensions.  相似文献   
摘要:甲午战争和日俄战争是导致近代中日两国历史剧变的两次重要战争,对中日两国社会和学校体育的发展都产生了巨大影响。20世纪90年代以来,日本学术界曾盛行甲午战争“偶发论”,为驳此论,本文采用文献资料法,依据大量日文史料梳理日本学校体育随两次对外侵略战争而发生重大转变的过程,分析两次战争对日本学校体育的重要影响,以及学校体育为战争胜利而发挥的特殊作用,从体育角度证实了甲午战争是日本长期准备并精心谋划的。认为甲午战争和日俄战争是日本近代学校体育的重大转折点,学校体育从此由培养现代化人才的途径转变为为扩军备战服务的工具,并对20世纪日本乃至中国的学校体育都产生了深远影响。学校体育作为甲午、日俄战前日本精心备战的环节之一,为日本两次获胜有效发挥了军事预备教育的作用,但也影响了自身的正常发展,留下了深刻的历史教训。  相似文献   
一直以来,学术界对于滇缅抗战研究的重视度远低于国内抗日战场,且角度较为单一。从民国时期《云南日报》的相关新闻报道出发,用新闻传播学的视野来观察新闻报道历史文本,探讨该报关于滇缅抗战新闻报道的议程设置策略对当今多元化思潮背景下主流意识形态如何引导舆论、掌握话语主导权的启示。  相似文献   
1912-1922年间,杜亚泉为代表的知识分子群体以《东方杂志》为舞台,集中地表达了他们的民族主义思想。他们倡导的和平、民主、文化的国家主义思想有合理可贵的积极价值,是中国现代民族主义思想史上的重要资源。  相似文献   
论抗战时期张闻天对三民主义的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙中山的三民主义,在抗战时期成为以国共合作为基础的抗日民族统一战线的政治基础。然而,即使在国民党一大孙中山重新解释的新三民主义中,也还包含有旧三民主义的内容,从而形成新旧内容杂陈、进步交保守并存的现象。这就给他身后的解释者们以各择所需、各唱各调的可能性。毛泽东号召共产党员应该如像他们研究共产主义一样,好好研究三民主义。张闻天关于三民主义发展性、真假三民主义等的研究,是抗战时期思想理论战线和抗日救亡的迫切需要,其研究成果,对以毛泽东为代表的中国共产党人在抗战时期形成关于孙中山三民主义的认识体系做出了重要的贡献。  相似文献   
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