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清代有关捐纳的社会舆论在甲午战争前后空前活跃,且逐渐形成"三论"并存、"停"论为主流的宏观态势.然而,因主张停捐的力量与主张行捐的力量相比劣势明显,致使停捐论在戊戌变法后遭受重挫.但是,经此时段,停捐论已深入人心,朝野有识之士对清王朝腐败根源的认识亦愈加深刻,并最终将捐纳与清王朝一同抛弃.  相似文献   
在中国抗日战争和世界反法西斯战争胜利的前夕,湖南发生了两件大事:湘西会战和芷江受降。这两件大事对中国乃至世界都有重要的历史意义,足以彪炳史册。  相似文献   
抗战期间,日本侵略军在中国的土地上犯下了无数血腥暴行,除疯狂屠杀外,还建立慰安妇制度,进行细菌战、毒气战、鸦片毒品战以及虐待战俘、劳工等。其如此之残暴,究其原因,有日本文化背景的沉淀、国民性、宗教信仰的基因,有战争心理的作用,还有历史演进的成分,本文试从以上诸角度分析研究,从而加深对日本帝国主义侵华历史的进一步认识。  相似文献   
抗日战争中,晋察冀的戏剧活动,在中国共产党的领导下,以民族解放为内容,以抗战为戏剧创作的题材,宣传党的抗战政策,把艺术的“组织和激励”功能寓于戏剧艺术这种“审美的形式”中,在创造、表演等方面都体现了鲜明的特色,成为中国戏剧史上一朵引人注目的奇葩.  相似文献   
“Engolo”是非洲武技的经典代表,它以“武、巫、舞”为核心理论。“Engolo”基于非洲“Kunene”族对“Kalunga”的理解。据非洲班图宇宙进化论的观点,“Kalunga”引用了一个倒置的灵界,在那里祖先是倒立地行走,并可以传“Engolo”的精神给下一代。拥有了“Engolo”精神之后,“Kunene”战士可运用超自然的力量来保护他的部族。自从奴隶时代开始,“Engolo”便通过黑奴传播到美洲并落地生根、因地而变。其在巴西被称为“Jogo de Capoeira(卡波耶拉游戏)”,今被誉为"巴西战舞"。但在非洲仍存在着卡波耶拉的鼻祖“Engolo”。“Engolo”是非洲特有的非物质文化遗产,至今并未得到深层次的挖掘与整理。文章论述人类学视野下非洲“人文化成”的武技文化,从非洲的安哥拉到南美洲的巴西,试图探索“Engolo”的变迁。  相似文献   
Doping testing is a key component enforced by anti-doping authorities to detect and deter doping in sport. Policy is developed to protect athletes’ right to participate in doping-free sport; and testing is a key tool to secure this right. Accordingly, athletes’ responses to anti-doping efforts are important. This article explores how the International Standards for Testing, which face different interpretations and challenges when policy is implemented, are perceived by elite athletes. Particularly, this article aims to investigate how elite athletes perceive the functioning of the testing system (i.e., the efforts of stakeholders involved in testing) in their own sport both nationally and worldwide. Moreover, it seeks to identify whether specific factors such as previous experience of testing and perceived proximity of doping have an impact on athletes’ perceptions of the testing system. The study comprises a web-based questionnaire (N = 645; response rate 43%) and uses qualitative findings to elaborate on and explain quantitative results. Results showed that two-thirds of the athletes reported the national testing programme in their sport to be appropriate. A majority of the athletes who had an opinion on the subject regarded testing programmes in some countries as not extensive enough or believed that in certain countries doping control was downgraded to win medals. Past experience of testing seemed to have a positive influence on trust in the concrete measures; however, if athletes experienced flaws during the control procedures, this could increase distrust and cause worry. The proximity of doping in an athlete's sport influenced the athlete's perception of the testing system. Particularly, athletes who need the testing system to be effective and to function well across the world show greater distrust of or dissatisfaction with the current testing system. The athletes’ diverging views indicate that contemporary anti-doping policy is simultaneously met with support, (dis)trust and frustration. By integrating the views and experiences of Danish elite athletes, this study confirms that the current testing system is confronted with obstacles, and it contributes knowledge about some of the challenges WADA faces when policy is implemented. Implications of results and recommendations for anti-doping authorities are outlined in the paper.  相似文献   
采用热图分析方法对2004年、2008年和2012年五人制足球世界杯60支球队的射门得分点进行描述。结果表明五人制足球得分点分布呈层级递减的扇形分布,大部分的进球分布在夹角60°内,热图分析能够非常直观呈现出球队进攻点的分布情况,可以作为五人制足球的统计分析方法。  相似文献   
本文针对电大开放教育英语本科教材《变化中的英语》,指出该书中所存在的五大缺点,希望能引起编者、教师和学员的关注。这五大缺点是:全书思路不清,观点自相矛盾,夸大宣扬英语文化的优越性,详略失宜、表达不明,信息落伍、内容有误。  相似文献   
人类语言发展的趋势是从象形文字发展到音文字。汉字至今仍然是世界语言大家庭中的小语种。科学技术和社会科学文献大多数至今仍然是以英语为主。英语也是世界的主要交际语言。语言是存在的家园,也许英语是人类共同存在的可爱家园。也许离开英语,我们的生存不可思议。同英语相比,我们自己的语言文字也许有一些缺点,这并没有使人有不快之处。一个国家有统一的语言文字,同样,全人类世界也会有自己共同的语言文字。目前世界上大多数场合,英语承担着国际通用语言的角色。它起着“让世界冲满爱”的作用。有些外国人学习汉语,这件事在某些人眼中成了弘扬汉语优越论的理由。但其实,他们的目的具有来华商业性质,不能说明在文化和国际外交场合汉语会占统治地位。自然科学和社会科学文献中,英语占主导地位。美国军人人手一册孙子兵法,已被证明是假消息。美国军人学汉语,被说成是汉语风行天下。但是最近的报道是,其目的具有战略性。他们正学习各种东亚语言。中国老一代学者不赞成汉语征服世界。以开阔的胸襟学习英语,表明的是博大胸怀。  相似文献   
抗日战争期间,在祖国的西南边疆,开辟了一条新的国际陆上交通干线--滇缅公路.这条由边疆人民用血肉筑成的国际陆路通道,曾在中国的抗日战争和世界反法西斯战争中发挥过重要作用,对取得抗日战争的胜利具有不可磨灭的历史功绩.  相似文献   
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